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Pressure dependence of the magnetic order in CrAs: a neutron diffraction investigation

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 نشر من قبل Lukas Keller
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The suppression of magnetic order with pressure concomitant with the appearance of pressure- induced superconductivity was recently discovered in CrAs. Here we present a neutron diffraction study of the pressure evolution of the helimagnetic ground-state towards and in the vicinity of the superconducting phase. Neutron diffraction on polycrystalline CrAs was employed from zero pressure to 0.65 GPa and at various temperatures. The helimagnetic long-range order is sustained under pressure and the magnetic propagation vector does not show any considerable change. The average ordered magnetic moment is reduced from 1.73(2) {mu}B at ambient pressure to 0.4(1) {mu}B close to the critical pressure Pc=0.7 GPa, at which magnetic order is completely suppressed. The width of the magnetic Bragg peaks strongly depends on temperature and pressure, showing a maximum in the region of the onset of superconductivity. We interpret this as associated with competing ground-states in the vicinity of the superconducting phase.

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