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Scaling accretion flow models from BHB to AGN - Why doesnt it work?

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 نشر من قبل Chris Done
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Chris Done

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Black holes depend only on mass and spin, while what we see from the accretion flow in steady state depends also on mass accretion rate and (weakly) inclination. Hence we should be able to scale the accretion flow properties from the stellar to the supermassive black holes. But the data show significant differences between these two types of systems, suggesting that we are missing some crucial physics in AGN. One of these differences is the soft X-ray excess which is seen ubiquitously in bright AGN, but only occasionally in BHB. Another is the much faster variability seen in the high energy tail of high mass accretion rate AGN compared to that seen in the tail of BHB. We show that while this variability is not understood, it can be used via the new spectral-timing techniques to constrain the nature of the soft X-ray excess. The coherence, lag-frequency and lag-energy results strongly support this being an additional low temperature Comptonisation component rather than extreme relativistically smeared reflection in the simple Narrow Line Seyfert 1 PG1244+026.

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While feedback is important in theoretical models, we do not really know if it works in reality. Feedback from jets appears to be sufficient to keep the cooling flows in clusters from cooling too much and it may be sufficient to regulate black hole g rowth in dominant cluster galaxies. Only about 10% of all quasars, however, have powerful radio jets, so jet-related feedback cannot be generic. The outflows could potentially be a more common form of AGN feedback, but measuring mass and energy outflow rates is a challenging task, the main unknown being the location and geometry of the absorbing medium. Using a novel technique, we made first such measurement in NGC 4051 using XMM data and found the mass and energy outflow rates to be 4 to 5 orders of magnitude below those required for efficient feedback. To test whether the outflow velocity in NGC 4051 is unusually low, we compared the ratio of outflow velocity to escape velocity in a sample of AGNs and found it to be generally less than one. It is thus possible that in most Seyferts the feedback is not sufficient and may not be necessary.
The development of neural networks and pretraining techniques has spawned many sentence-level tagging systems that achieved superior performance on typical benchmarks. However, a relatively less discussed topic is what if more context information is introduced into current top-scoring tagging systems. Although several existing works have attempted to shift tagging systems from sentence-level to document-level, there is still no consensus conclusion about when and why it works, which limits the applicability of the larger-context approach in tagging tasks. In this paper, instead of pursuing a state-of-the-art tagging system by architectural exploration, we focus on investigating when and why the larger-context training, as a general strategy, can work. To this end, we conduct a thorough comparative study on four proposed aggregators for context information collecting and present an attribute-aided evaluation method to interpret the improvement brought by larger-context training. Experimentally, we set up a testbed based on four tagging tasks and thirteen datasets. Hopefully, our preliminary observations can deepen the understanding of larger-context training and enlighten more follow-up works on the use of contextual information.
We attempt to address the old problem of plane shear flows: the origin of turbulence and hence transport of angular momentum in accretion flows as well as laboratory flows, such as plane Couette flow. We undertake the problem by introducing an extra force in Orr-Sommerfeld and Squire equations along with the Coriolis force mimicking the local region of the accretion disk. For plane Couette flow, the Coriolis term drops. Subsequently we solve the equations by WKB approximation method. We investigate the dispersion relation for the Keplerian flow and plane Couette flow for all possible combinations of wave vectors. Due to the very presence of extra force, we show that both the flows are unstable for a certain range of wave vectors. However, the nature of instability between the flows is different. We also study the Argand diagrams of the perturbation eigenmodes. It helps us to compare the different time scales corresponding to the perturbations as well as accretion. We ultimately conclude with this formalism that fluid gets enough time to be unstable and hence plausibly turbulent particularly in the local regime of the Keplerian accretion disks. Repetition of the analysis throughout the disk explains the transport of angular momentum and matter along outward and inward direction respectively.
While pretrained models such as BERT have shown large gains across natural language understanding tasks, their performance can be improved by further training the model on a data-rich intermediate task, before fine-tuning it on a target task. However , it is still poorly understood when and why intermediate-task training is beneficial for a given target task. To investigate this, we perform a large-scale study on the pretrained RoBERTa model with 110 intermediate-target task combinations. We further evaluate all trained models with 25 probing tasks meant to reveal the specific skills that drive transfer. We observe that intermediate tasks requiring high-level inference and reasoning abilities tend to work best. We also observe that target task performance is strongly correlated with higher-level abilities such as coreference resolution. However, we fail to observe more granular correlations between probing and target task performance, highlighting the need for further work on broad-coverage probing benchmarks. We also observe evidence that the forgetting of knowledge learned during pretraining may limit our analysis, highlighting the need for further work on transfer learning methods in these settings.
138 - B. F. Liu , R. E.Taam , E. Qiao 2015
It is commonly believed that the optical/UV and X-ray emissions in luminous AGN are produced in an accretion disk and an embedded hot corona respectively. The inverse Compton scattering of disk photons by hot electrons in the corona can effectively c ool the coronal gas if the mass supply is predominantly via a cool disk like flow as in BHXRBs. Thus, the application of such a model to AGNs fails to produce their observed X-ray emission. As a consequence, a fraction of disk accretion energy is usually assumed to be transferred to the corona. To avoid this assumption, we propose that gas in a vertically extended distribution is supplied to a supermassive black hole by the gravitational capture of interstellar medium or stellar wind material. In this picture, the gas partially condenses to an underlying cool disk as it flows toward the black hole, releasing accretion energy as X-ray emission and supplying mass for the disk accretion. Detailed numerical calculations reveal that the X-ray luminosity can reach a few tens of percent of the bolometric luminosity. The value of $alpha_{rm ox}$ varies from 0.9 to 1.2 for the mass supply rate ranging from 0.03 to 0.1 times the Eddington value. The corresponding photon index in the 2-10 keV energy band varies from 1.9 to 2.3. Such a picture provides a natural extension of the model for low luminosity AGN where condensation is absent at low mass accretion rates and no optically thick disk exists in the inner region.
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