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Exploiting Interference for Efficient Distributed Computation in Cluster-based Wireless Sensor Networks

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 نشر من قبل Steffen Limmer
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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This invited paper presents some novel ideas on how to enhance the performance of consensus algorithms in distributed wireless sensor networks, when communication costs are considered. Of particular interest are consensus algorithms that exploit the broadcast property of the wireless channel to boost the performance in terms of convergence speeds. To this end, we propose a novel clustering based consensus algorithm that exploits interference for computation, while reducing the energy consumption in the network. The resulting optimization problem is a semidefinite program, which can be solved offline prior to system startup.

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اقرأ أيضاً

197 - Mei Leng , Wee Peng Tay , 2011
We consider the problem of sensor localization in a wireless network in a multipath environment, where time and angle of arrival information are available at each sensor. We propose a distributed algorithm based on belief propagation, which allows se nsors to cooperatively self-localize with respect to one single anchor in a multihop network. The algorithm has low overhead and is scalable. Simulations show that although the network is loopy, the proposed algorithm converges, and achieves good localization accuracy.
A fundamental problem arising in dense wireless networks is the high co-channel interference. Interference alignment (IA) was recently proposed as an effective way to combat interference in wireless networks. The concept of IA, though, is originated by the capacity study of interference channels and as such, its performance is mainly gauged under ideal assumptions, such as instantaneous and perfect channel state information (CSI) at all nodes, and homogeneous signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) users, i.e., each user has the same average SNR. Consequently, the performance of IA under realistic conditions has not been completely investigated yet. In this paper, we aim at filling this gap by providing a performance assessment of spatial IA in practical systems. Specifically, we derive a closed-form expression for the IA average sum-rate when CSI is acquired through training and users have heterogeneous SNR. A main insight from our analysis is that IA can indeed provide significant spectral efficiency gains over traditional approaches in a wide range of dense network scenarios. To demonstrate this, we consider the examples of linear, grid and random network topologies.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) consist of large number of randomly deployed energy constrained sensor nodes. Sensor nodes have ability to sense and send sensed data to Base Station (BS). Sensing as well as transmitting data towards BS require high e nergy. In WSNs, saving energy and extending network lifetime are great challenges. Clustering is a key technique used to optimize energy consumption in WSNs. In this paper, we propose a novel clustering based routing technique: Enhanced Developed Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering scheme (EDDEEC) for heterogeneous WSNs. Our technique is based on changing dynamically and with more efficiency the Cluster Head (CH) election probability. Simulation results show that our proposed protocol achieves longer lifetime, stability period and more effective messages to BS than Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering (DEEC), Developed DEEC (DDEEC) and Enhanced DEEC (EDEEC) in heterogeneous environments.
Master-worker distributed computing systems use task replication in order to mitigate the effect of slow workers, known as stragglers. Tasks are grouped into batches and assigned to one or more workers for execution. We first consider the case when t he batches do not overlap and, using the results from majorization theory, show that, for a general class of workers service time distributions, a balanced assignment of batches to workers minimizes the average job compute time. We next show that this balanced assignment of non-overlapping batches achieves lower average job compute time compared to the overlapping schemes proposed in the literature. Furthermore, we derive the optimum redundancy level as a function of the service time distribution at workers. We show that the redundancy level that minimizes average job compute time is not necessarily the same as the redundancy level that maximizes the predictability of job compute time, and thus there exists a trade-off between optimizing the two metrics. Finally, by running experiments on Google cluster traces, we observe that redundancy can reduce the compute time of the jobs in Google clusters by an order of magnitude, and that the optimum level of redundancy depends on the distribution of tasks service time.
The paper studies distributed static parameter (vector) estimation in sensor networks with nonlinear observation models and noisy inter-sensor communication. It introduces emph{separably estimable} observation models that generalize the observability condition in linear centralized estimation to nonlinear distributed estimation. It studies two distributed estimation algorithms in separably estimable models, the $mathcal{NU}$ (with its linear counterpart $mathcal{LU}$) and the $mathcal{NLU}$. Their update rule combines a emph{consensus} step (where each sensor updates the state by weight averaging it with its neighbors states) and an emph{innovation} step (where each sensor processes its local current observation.) This makes the three algorithms of the textit{consensus + innovations} type, very different from traditional consensus. The paper proves consistency (all sensors reach consensus almost surely and converge to the true parameter value,) efficiency, and asymptotic unbiasedness. For $mathcal{LU}$ and $mathcal{NU}$, it proves asymptotic normality and provides convergence rate guarantees. The three algorithms are characterized by appropriately chosen decaying weight sequences. Algorithms $mathcal{LU}$ and $mathcal{NU}$ are analyzed in the framework of stochastic approximation theory; algorithm $mathcal{NLU}$ exhibits mixed time-scale behavior and biased perturbations, and its analysis requires a different approach that is developed in the paper.
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