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RX J1548.9+0851, a fossil cluster?

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 نشر من قبل Paul Eigenthaler
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Fossil galaxy groups are spatially extended X-ray sources with X-ray luminosities above L_X,bol > 10^42 h_50^-2 ergs s^-1 and a central elliptical galaxy dominating the optical, the second-brightest galaxy being at least 2 magnitudes fainter in the R band. Whether these systems are a distinct class of objects resulting from exceptional formation and evolution histories is still unclear, mainly due to the small number of objects studied so far, mostly lacking spectroscopy of group members for group membership confirmation and a detailed kinematical analysis. To complement the scarce sample of spectroscopically studied fossils down to their faint galaxy populations, the fossil candidate RX J1548.9+0851 (z=0.072) is studied in this work. Our results are compared with existing data from fossils in the literature. We use ESO VLT VIMOS multi-object spectroscopy to determine redshifts of the faint galaxy population and study the luminosity-weighted dynamics and luminosity function of the system. The full-spectrum fitting package ULySS is used to determine ages and metallicities of group members. VIMOS imaging data are used to study the morphology of the central elliptical. We identify 40 group members spectroscopically within the central ~300 kpc of the system and find 31 additional redshifts from the literature, resulting in a total number of 54 spectroscopically confirmed group members within 1 Mpc. RX J1548.9+0851 is made up of two bright ellipticals in the central region with a magnitude gap of m_1,2 = 1.34 in the SDSS r band leaving the definition of RX J1548.9+0851 being a fossil to the assumption of the virial radius. We find a luminosity-weighted velocity dispersion of 568 km s^-1 and a mass of ~2.5 x 10^14 M_sun for the system confirming previous studies that revealed fossils to be massive. (abridged)

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We report the discovery of seven new fossil systems in the 400d cluster survey. Our search targets nearby, $zle0.2$, and X-ray bright, $L_Xge 10^{43}$ erg sec$^{-1}$, clusters of galaxies. Where available, we measure the optical luminosities from Slo an Digital Sky Survey images, thereby obtaining uniform sets of both X-ray and optical data. Our selection criteria identify 12 fossil systems, out of which five are known from previous studies. While in general agreement with earlier results, our larger sample size allows us to put tighter constraints on the number density of fossil clusters. It has been previously reported that fossil groups are more X-ray bright than other X-ray groups of galaxies for the same optical luminosity. We find, however, that the X-ray brightness of massive fossil systems is consistent with that of the general population of galaxy clusters and follows the same $L_X-L_{rm opt}$ scaling relation.
We study the globular cluster (GC) systems in three representative fossil group galaxies: the nearest (NGC6482), the prototype (NGC1132) and the most massive known to date (ESO306-017). This is the first systematic study of GC systems in fossil group s. Using data obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys in the F475W and F850LP filters, we determine the GC color and magnitude distributions, surface number density profiles, and specific frequencies. In all three systems, the GC color distribution is bimodal, the GCs are spatially more extended than the starlight, and the red population is more concentrated than the blue. The specific frequencies seem to scale with the optical luminosities of the central galaxy and span a range similar to that of the normal bright elliptical galaxies in rich environments. We also analyze the galaxy surface brightness distributions to look for deviations from the best-fit Sersic profiles; we find evidence of recent dynamical interaction in all three fossil group galaxies. Using X-ray data from the literature, we find that luminosity and metallicity appear to correlate with the number of GCs and their mean color, respectively. Interestingly, although NGC6482 has the lowest mass and luminosity in our sample, its GC system has the reddest mean color, and the surrounding X-ray gas has the highest metallicity.
We present Chandra snapshot observations of the first large X-ray sample of optically identified fossil groups. For 9 of 14 candidate groups, we are able to determine the X-ray luminosity and temperature, which span a range typical of large elliptica ls to rich groups of galaxies. We discuss these initial results in the context of group IGM and central galaxy ISM evolution, and we also describe plans for a deep X-ray follow-up program.
The Ophiuchus galaxy cluster exhibits a curious concave gas density discontinuity at the edge of its cool core. It was discovered in the Chandra X-ray image by Werner and collaborators, who considered a possibility of it being a boundary of an AGN-in flated bubble located outside the core, but discounted this possibility because it required much too powerful an AGN outburst. Using low-frequency (72-240 MHz) radio data from MWA GLEAM and GMRT, we found that the X-ray structure is, in fact, a giant cavity in the X-ray gas filled with diffuse radio emission with an extraordinarily steep radio spectrum. It thus appears to be a very aged fossil of the most powerful AGN outburst seen in any galaxy cluster ($pVsim 5times 10^{61}$ erg for this cavity). There is no apparent diametrically opposite counterpart either in X-ray or in the radio. It may have aged out of the observable radio band because of the cluster asymmetry. At present, the central AGN exhibits only a weak radio source, so it should have been much more powerful in the past to have produced such a bubble. The AGN is currently starved of accreting cool gas because the gas density peak is displaced by core sloshing. The sloshing itself could have been set off by this extraordinary explosion if it had occurred in an asymmetric gas core. This dinosaur may be an early example of a new class of sources to be uncovered by low-frequency surveys of galaxy clusters.
We present a multi-wavelength study of RX J0848+4456, a cluster of galaxies discovered through X-ray emission in the ROSAT Deep Cluster Survey. Our observations consist of WFPC2 imaging, optical spectra, and X-ray data collected with the Chandra obse rvatory. We find that RX J0848+4456 consists of an X-ray emitting cluster of galaxies at a redshift of z=0.570 and a group at slightly lower redshift, z=0.543, with little X-ray emission. This lower redshift system, however, is a gravitational lens, with the lensed galaxy an unusual AGN or star-forming system at z=3.356. The cluster has an X-ray temperature of kT = 3.6 +/- 0.4 keV, a bolometric luminosity of 1.0e44 +/- 0.3e44 erg/s and a velocity dispersion of 670 +/- 50 km/s. These values all agree with the low redshift correlations for clusters of galaxies, implying a relaxed system with the ICM in equilibrium with the dark matter potential. The lower redshift group of galaxies at z=0.543 has, at most 1/5, more likely 1/10, of the X-ray luminosity of RX J0848+4456. Despite being a gravitational lens, this is a low mass system, with an X-ray temperature of kT = 2.3 +0.5 -0.4 keV and a velocity dispersion of only 430 +/- 20 km/s. Our observations show the importance of detailed studies of clusters of galaxies when using them as probes of cosmological mass functions.
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