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Amplitude analyses of the decays chi_c1 -> eta pi+ pi- and chi_c1 -> eta pi+ pi-

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 نشر من قبل Matthew Shepherd
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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Using a data sample of 2.59 x 10^7 psi(2S) decays obtained with the CLEO-c detector, we perform amplitude analyses of the complementary decay chains chi_c1 -> eta pi+ pi- and chi_c1 -> eta pi+ pi-. We find evidence for a P-wave eta pi scattering amplitude, which, if interpreted as a resonance, would have exotic J^PC = 1^-+ and parameters consistent with the pi_1(1600) state reported in other production mechanisms. We also make the first observation of the decay a_0(980) -> eta pi and measure the ratio of branching fractions B(a_0(980) -> eta pi)/B(a_0(980) -> eta pi) = 0.064 +- 0.014 +- 0.014. The pi pi spectrum produced with a recoiling eta is compared to that with eta recoil.

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Based on a sample of $1.31 times 10^9$ $J/psi$ events collected with the BESIII detector, an amplitude analysis of the isospin-violating decays $eta^prime rightarrow pi^+pi^-pi^0$ and $eta^prime rightarrow pi^0pi^0pi^0$ is performed. A significant $P $-wave contribution from $eta^prime rightarrow rho^{pm} pi^{mp}$ is observed for the first time in $eta^prime rightarrow pi^+pi^-pi^0$. The branching fraction is determined to be ${mathcal B}(eta^prime rightarrow rho^{pm}pi^{mp})=(7.44pm0.60pm1.26pm1.84)times 10^{-4}$, where the first uncertainty is statistical, the second systematic, and the third model dependent. In addition to the nonresonant $S$-wave component, there is a significant $sigma$ meson component. The branching fractions of the combined $S$-wave components are determined to be ${mathcal B}(eta^prime rightarrow pi^+pi^-pi^0)_S=(37.63pm0.77pm2.22pm4.48)times 10^{-4}$ and ${mathcal B}(eta^prime rightarrow pi^0pi^0pi^0)=(35.22pm0.82pm2.54)times 10^{-4}$, respectively. The latter one is consistent with previous BESIII measurements.
108 - R.Mizuk , R.Chistov , et al. 2008
We report the first observation of two resonance-like structures in the pi+ chi_c1 invariant mass distribution near 4.1 GeV/c^2 in exclusive B0-bar --> K- pi+ chi_c1 decays. From a Dalitz plot analysis in which the pi+ chi_c1 mass structures are repr esented by Breit-Wigner resonance amplitudes, we determine masses and widths of: M_1 = (4051 +-14 +20-41) MeV/c^2, Gamma_1 = (82 +21-17 +47-22) MeV, M_2 = (4248 +44-29 +180-35}) MeV/c^2, and Gamma_2 =(177 +54-39 +316-61) MeV; and product branching fractions of BF(B0-bar --> K- Z+_1,2) x BF(Z+_1,2 --> pi+ chi_c1) = (3.0 +1.5-0.8 +3.7-1.6) x 10^-5 and (4.0 +2.3-0.9 +19.7-0.5) x 10^-5 respectively. Here the first uncertainty is statistical, the second is systematic. The significance of each of the pi+ chi_c1 structures exceeds 5 sigma, including the systematic uncertainty from various fit models. This analysis is based on 657 x 10^6 BB-bar events collected at the Upsilon(4S) resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e+e- collider.
Using a sample of $1.3times 10^9$ $J/psi$ events collected with the BESIII detector, we report the first observation of $eta^{prime}topi^{+}pi^{-}pi^{+}pi^{-}$ and $eta^{prime}topi^{+}pi^{-}pi^{0}pi^{0}$. The measured branching fractions are $mathcal {B}$($eta^{prime}topi^{+}pi^{-}pi^{+}pi^{-}$) = $(8.53pm0.69({rm stat.})pm0.64({rm syst.}))times10^{-5}$ and $mathcal{B}$($eta^{prime}topi^{+}pi^{-}pi^{0}pi^{0}$) = $(1.82pm0.35({rm stat.})pm0.18({rm syst.}))times10^{-4}$, which are consistent with theoretical predictions based on a combination of chiral perturbation theory and vector-meson dominance.
A search for the $C!P$-violating strong decays $eta to pi^+pi^-$ and $eta^prime(958) to pi^+pi^-$ has been performed using approximately $2.5 times 10^{7}$ events of each of the decays $D^+ to pi^+pi^+pi^-$ and $D_s^+ to pi^+pi^+pi^-$, recorded by th e LHCb experiment. The data set corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 3.0 fb$^{-1}$ of $pp$ collision data recorded during LHC Run 1 and 0.3 fb$^{-1}$ recorded in Run 2. No evidence is seen for $D^+_{(s)} to pi^+ eta^{(prime)}$ with $eta^{(prime)} to pi^+pi^-$, and upper limits at 90% confidence level are set on the branching fractions, $mathcal{B}(eta to pi^+pi^-) < 1.6 times 10^{-5}$ and $mathcal{B}(eta^prime to pi^+pi^-) < 1.8 times 10^{-5}$. The limit for the $eta$ decay is comparable with the existing one, while that for the $eta^prime$ is a factor of three smaller than the previous limit.
The ratio R_{eta}=Gamma(eta -> pi^+pi^-gamma)/Gamma(eta -> pi^+pi^-pi^0) has been measured by analyzing 22 million phi to eta gamma decays collected by the KLOE experiment at DAPhiNE, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 558 pb^{-1}. The eta to pi^+pi^-gamma proceeds both via the rho resonant contribution, and possibly a non-resonant direct term, connected to the box anomaly. Our result, R_{eta}= 0.1856pm 0.0005_{stat} pm 0.0028_{syst}, points out a sizable contribution of the direct term to the total width. The di-pion invariant mass for the eta -> pi^+pi^-gamma decay could be described in a model-independent approach in terms of a single free parameter, alpha. The determined value of the parameter alpha is alpha = (1.32 pm 0.08_{stat} +0.10/-0.09_{syst}pm 0.02_{theo}) GeV^{-2}
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