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Preliminary Astrometric Results from Kepler

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 نشر من قبل David G. Monet
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف David G. Monet

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Although not designed as an astrometric instrument, Kepler is expected to produce astrometric results of a quality appropriate to support many of the astrophysical investigations enabled by its photometric results. On the basis of data collected during the first few months of operation, the astrometric precision for a single 30 minute measure appears to be better than 4 milliarcseconds (0.001 pixel). Solutions for stellar parallax and proper motions await more observations, but the analysis of the astrometric residuals from a local solution in the vicinity of a star have already proved to be an important tool in the process of confirming the hypothesis of a planetary transit.

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Due to its unique long-term coverage and high photometric precision, observations from the Kepler asteroseismic investigation will provide us with the possibility to sound stellar cycles in a number of solar-type stars with asteroseismology. By compa ring these measurements with conventional ground-based chromospheric activity measurements we might be able to increase our understanding of the relation between the chromospheric changes and the changes in the eigenmodes. In parallel with the Kepler observations we have therefore started a programme at the Nordic Optical Telescope to observe and monitor chromospheric activity in the stars that are most likely to be selected for observations for the whole satellite mission. The ground-based observations presented here can be used both to guide the selection of the special Kepler targets and as the first step in a monitoring programme for stellar cycles. Also, the chromospheric activity measurements obtained from the ground-based observations can be compared with stellar parameters such as ages and rotation in order to improve stellar evolution models.
We describe two ground based observing campaigns aimed at building a grid of approximately 200 spectrophotometric standard stars (SPSS), with an internal ~1% precision and tied to Vega within ~3%, for the absolute flux calibration of data gathered by Gaia, the ESA astrometric mission. The criteria for the selection and a list of candidates are presented, together with a description of the survey strategy and the adopted data analysis methods. We also discuss a short list of notable rejected SPSS candidates and difficult cases, based on identification problems, literature discordant data, visual companions, and variability. In fact, all candidates are also monitored for constancy (within pm5 mmag, approximately). In particular, we report on a CALSPEC standard, 1740346, that we found to be a delta Scuti variable during our short-term monitoring (1-2 h) campaign.
Astri-Horn is a Small-Sized Telescope (SST) for very-high energy gamma-ray astronomy installed in Italy at the INAF M.C. Fracastoro observing station (Mt. Etna, Sicily). The ASTRI-Horn telescope is characterized by a dual-mirror optical system and a curved focal surface covered by SiPM sensors managed by a innovative fast front-end electronics. Dedicated studies were performed to verify the feasibility of the calibration through muons on the relatively small size of the primary mirror (~4 m diameter), as in the case of larger Cherenkov telescopes. A number of tests were performed using simulations of the atmospheric showers with the CORSIKA package and of the telescope response with a dedicated simulator. In this contribution we present a preliminary analysis of muon events detected by ASTRI-Horn during the regular scientific data taking performed in December 2018 and March 2019. These muon events validate the results obtained with the simulations and definitively confirm the feasibility of calibrating the ASTRI-Horn SST telescope with muons.
54 - G.Vettolani , E.Zucca , A.Cappi 1994
We present the first results of a galaxy redshift survey, ESO Slice Project (ESP), we are accomplishing as an ESO Key-Project over about 30 square degrees in a region near the South Galactic Pole. The limiting magnitude is b_J = 19.4. Observations ha ve been almost completed and about 90% of the data obtained so far has been reduced providing about 3000 galaxy redshifts. We present some preliminary results concerning the large scale galaxy distribution and their luminosity function.
153 - M. Iuzzolino , A. Tozzi , N. Sanna 2014
Present telescopes and future extremely large telescopes make use of fiber-fed spectrographs to observe at optical and infrared wavelengths. The use of fibers largely simplifies the interfacing of the spectrograph to the telescope. At a high spectral resolution (R>50,000) the fibers can be used to achieve very high spectral accuracy. GIANO is an infrared (0.95-2.5mu m) high resolution (R=50,000) spectrometer[1] [2] [3] that was recently commissioned at the TNG telescope (La Palma). This instrument was designed and built for direct feeding from the telescope [4]. However, due to constraints imposed on the telescope interfacing during the pre-commissioning phase, it had to be positioned on the rotating building, far from the telescope focus. Therefore, a new interface to the telescope, based on IR-transmitting ZBLAN fibers with 85 mu m core, was developed. In this article we report the first, preliminary results of the effects of these fibers on the quality of the recorded spectra with GIANO and with a similar spectrograph that we set-up in the laboratory. The effects can be primarily associated to modal-noise (MN) that, in GIANO, is much more evident than in optical spectrometers, because of the much longer wavelengths.
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