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The kinematics of Core and Cusp galaxies: comparing HST imaging and integral-field observations

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 نشر من قبل Jesus Falcon-Barroso
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In this proceeding we look at the relationship between the photometric nuclear properties of early-type galaxies from Hubble Space Telescope imaging and their overall kinematics as observed with the SAURON integral-field spectrograph. We compare the inner slope of their photometric profiles and the Slow/Fast rotator classes, defined by the amplitude of a newly defined LambdaR parameter, to show that slow rotators tend to be more massive systems and display shallower inner profiles and fast rotators steper ones. It is important to remark, however, that there is not a one-to-one relationship between the two photometric and kinematic groups.

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We have completed a new fiber array, SparsePak, optimized for low-surface-brightness studies of extended sources on the WIYN telescope. We are now using this array as a measuring engine of velocity and velocity-dispersion fields of stars and ionized gas in disk galaxies from high to low surface-brightness. Here we present commissioning data on the velocity ellipsoids, surface densities and mass-to-light ratios in two blue, high surface-brightness, yet small disks. If our preliminary results survive further observation and more sophisticated analysis, then NGC 3949 has sigma_z/sigma_R >> 1, implying strong vertical heating, while NGC 3982s disk is substantially sub-maximal. These galaxies are strikingly unlike the Milky Way, and yet would be seen more easily at high redshift.
Observations of galaxy isophotes, longs-slit kinematics and high-resolution photometry suggested a possible dichotomy between two distinct classes of E galaxies. But these methods are expensive for large galaxy samples. Instead, integral-field spectr oscopic can efficiently recognize the shape, dynamics and stellar population of complete samples of early-type galaxies (ETGs). These studies showed that the two main classes, the fast and slow rotators, can be separated using stellar kinematics. We showed there is a dichotomy in the dynamics of the two classes. The slow rotators are weakly triaxial and dominate above $M_{rm crit}approx2times10^{11} M_odot$. Below $M_{rm crit}$, the structure of fast rotators parallels that of spiral galaxies. There is a smooth sequence along which, the metals content, the enhancement in $alpha$-elements, and the weight of the stellar initial mass function, all increase with the CENTRAL mass density slope, or bulge mass fraction, while the molecular gas fraction correspondingly decreases. The properties of ETGs on galaxy scaling relations, and in particular the $(M_{ast}, R_{rm e})$ diagram, and their dependence on environment, indicate two main independent channels for galaxy evolution. Fast rotators ETGs start as star forming disks and evolve trough a channel dominated by gas accretion, bulge growth and quenching. While slow rotators assemble near the center of massive halos via intense star formation at high redshift, and remain as such for the rest of their evolution via a channel dominated by gas poor mergers. This is consistent with independent studies of the galaxies redshift evolution.
The results of Hubble Space Telescope and UKIRT imaging observations are presented for a sample of 11 6C radio galaxies with redshifts 0.85 < z < 1.5. The observations of the 6C sources reveal a variety of different features, similar to those observe d around the higher luminosity of the aligned emission appears less extreme in the case of the 6C radio galaxies. For both samples, the aligned emission clearly cannot be explained by a single emission mechanism; line emission and related nebular continuum emission, however, often provide a significant contribution to the aligned emission.
Context. The cusp-core discrepancy is one of the major problems in astrophysics. It results from comparing the observed mass distribution of galaxies with the predictions of Cold Dark Matter simulations. The latter predict a cuspy density profile in the inner parts of galaxies, whereas observations of dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies show a constant density core. Aims. We want to determine the shape of the dark matter potential in the nuclear regions of a sample of six nearby irregular dwarf galaxies. Methods. In order to quantify the amount of non-circular motions which could potentially affect a mass decomposition, we first perform a harmonic decomposition of the HI Hermite velocity fields of all sample galaxies. We then decompose the HI rotation curves into different mass components by fitting NFW and pseudo-isothermal halo models to the HI rotation curves using a chi^2 minimisation. We model the minimum-disc, the minimum-disc+gas, and the maximum-disc cases. Results. The non-circular motions are in all cases studied here of the order of only a few km/s (generally corresponding to less than 25% of the local rotation velocity), which means that they do not significantly affect the rotation curves. The observed rotation curves can better be described by the cored pseudo-isothermal halo than by the NFW halo. The slopes of the dark matter density profiles confirm this result and are in good agreement with previous studies. The quality of the fits can often be improved when including the baryons, which suggests that they contribute significantly to the inner part of the density profile of dwarf galaxies.
We present the stellar and ionized gas kinematics of 13 bright peculiar Virgo cluster galaxies observed with the DensePak Integral Field Unit at the WIYN 3.5-meter telescope, to seek kinematic evidence that these galaxies have experienced gravitation al interactions or gas stripping. 2-Dimensional maps of the stellar velocity $V$, and stellar velocity dispersion $sigma$ and the ionized gas velocity (H$beta$ and/or [ion{O}{3}]) are presented for galaxies in the sample. The stellar rotation curves and velocity dispersion profiles are determined for 13 galaxies, and the ionized gas rotation curves are determined for 6 galaxies. Misalignments between the optical and kinematical major axis are found in several galaxies. While in some cases this is due to a bar, in other cases it seems associated with a gravitational interaction or ongoing ram pressure stripping. Non-circular gas motions are found in nine galaxies, with various causes including bars, nuclear outflows, or gravitational disturbances. Several galaxies have signatures of kinematically distinct stellar components, which are likely signatures of accretion or mergers. We compute for all galaxies the angular momentum parameter $lambda_{rm R}$. An evaluation of the galaxies in the $lambda_{rm R}$-ellipticity plane shows that all but 2 of the galaxies have significant support from random stellar motions, and have likely experienced gravitational interactions. This includes some galaxies with very small bulges and truncated/compact H$alpha$ morphologies, indicating that such galaxies cannot be fully explained by simple ram pressure stripping, but must have had significant gravitational encounters. Most of the sample galaxies show evidence for ICM-ISM stripping as well as gravitational interactions, indicating that the evolution of a significant fraction of cluster galaxies is likely strongly impacted by both effects.
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