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An alternate model for protective measurements of two-level systems

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 نشر من قبل N. D. Hari Dass
 تاريخ النشر 2004
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In this article we propose an alternate model for the so called {it protective measurements}, more appropriately {it adiabatic measurements} of a spin 1/2 system where the {it apparatus} is also a quantum system with a {em finite dimensional Hilbert space}. This circumvents several technical as well as conceptual issues that arise when dealing with an infinite dimensional Hilbert space as in the analysis of conventional Stern-Gerlach experiment. Here also it is demonstrated that the response of the detector is continuous and it {it directly} measures {em expectation values without altering the state of the system}(when the unknown original state is a {it nondegenerate eigenstate of the system Hamiltonian}, in the limit of {em ideal} adiabatic conditions. We have also computed the corrections arising out of the inevitable departures from ideal adiabaticity i.e the time of measurement being large but finite. To overcome the {em conceptual} difficulties with a {it quantum apparatus}, we have simulated a {it classical apparatus} as a {em large} assembly of spin-1/2 systems. We end this article with a conclusion and a discussion of some future issues.

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111 - Tabish Qureshi 2015
Making measurements on single quantum systems is considered difficult, almost impossible if the state is a-priori unknown. Protective measurements suggest a possibility to measure single quantum systems and gain some new information in the process. P rotective measurement is described, both in the original and generalized form. The degree to which the system and the apparatus remain entangled in a protective measurement, is assessed. A possible experimental test of protective measurements is discussed.
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