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On the classification of certain piecewise linear and differentiable manifolds in dimension eight and automorphisms of $#_{i=1}^b(S^2times S^5)$

193   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل Alexander Schmitt
 تاريخ النشر 2002
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Alexander Schmitt

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In this paper, we will be concerned with the explicit classification of closed, oriented, simply-connected spin manifolds in dimension eight with vanishing cohomology in the odd dimensions. The study of such manifolds was begun by Stefan Muller. In order to understand the structure of these manifolds, we will analyze their minimal handle presentations and describe explicitly to what extent these handle presentations are determined by the cohomology ring and the characteristic classes. It turns out that the cohomology ring and the characteristic classes do not suffice to reconstruct a manifold of the above type completely. In fact, the group ${rm Aut_0}bigl(#_{i=1}^b(S^2times S^5)bigr)/{rm Aut}_0bigl(#_{i=1}^b (S^2times D^6)bigr)$ of automorphisms of $#_{i=1}^b(S^2times S^5)$ which induce the identity on cohomology modulo those which extend to $#_{i=1}^b(S^2times D^6)$ acts on the set of oriented homeomorphy classes of manifolds with fixed cohomology ring and characteristic classes, and we will be also concerned with describing this group and some facts about the above action.

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288 - Tadayuki Watanabe 2015
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202 - Tadayuki Watanabe 2015
We apply Lescops construction of $mathbb{Z}$-equivariant perturbative invariant of knots and 3-manifolds to the explicit equivariant propagator of AL-paths given in arXiv:1403.8030. We obtain an invariant $hat{Z}_n$ of certain equivalence classes of fiberwise Morse functions on a 3-manifold fibered over $S^1$, which can be considered as a higher loop analogue of the Lefschetz zeta function and whose construction will be applied to that of finite type invariants of knots in such a 3-manifold. We also give a combinatorial formula for Lescops equivariant invariant $mathscr{Q}$ for 3-manifolds with $H_1=mathbb{Z}$ fibered over $S^1$. Moreover, surgery formulas of $hat{Z}_n$ and $mathscr{Q}$ for alternating sums of surgeries are given. This gives another proof of Lescops surgery formula of $mathscr{Q}$ for special kind of 3-manifolds and surgeries, which is simple in the sense that the formula is obtained easily by counting certain graphs in a 3-manifold.
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