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Quantization of Black Holes in the Shielded Strong Gravity Scenario (I. Neutral Scalar States)

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 نشر من قبل Donald Coyne
 تاريخ النشر 2006
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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A previously used quantization mechanism is applied to the continuous states of the shielded strong gravity scenario (hep-th/0602183), yielding two types of spectra for uncharged black hole scalars. Each yields the general morphology for states expected in this scenario at LHC and at arbitrarily higher energies, once the parameters are determined by the two lowest-lying scalar states. A particularized example for the preferred type of quantization is numerically evaluated.

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123 - D. G. Coyne , D. C. Cheng 2009
A different reason for the apparent weakness of the gravitational interaction is advanced, and its consequences for Hawking evaporation of a Schwarzschild black hole are investigated. Proceeding from some fundamental thermodynamic observations, a sim ple analytical formulation predicts that evaporating black holes will undergo a type of phase transition resulting in variously long-lived quantized objects of reasonable sizes, with normal thermodynamic properties and inherent duality characteristics. Speculations on the implications for particle physics are explored, and predictions for possible experimental confirmation of the scenario at LHC are made.
In this letter, the open string is quantized in a time dependent black hole background. The geometry is defined through an adiabatic approximation of the Vaydia metric. The worldsheet two-point function is derived and it is shown to have the same typ e of singularity as the flat space one. However, the equal times two-point function depends on the particular Cauchy surface where the worldsheet fields are defined. Finite temperature effects are incorporated through the Liouville-von Neumann approach to non equilibrium thermodynamics.
We present a class of charged black hole solutions in an ($n+2)$-dimensional massive gravity with a negative cosmological constant, and study thermodynamics and phase structure of the black hole solutions both in grand canonical ensemble and canonica l ensemble. The black hole horizon can have a positive, zero or negative constant curvature characterized by constant $k$. By using Hamiltonian approach, we obtain conserved charges of the solutions and find black hole entropy still obeys the area formula and the gravitational field equation at the black hole horizon can be cast into the first law form of black hole thermodynamics. In grand canonical ensemble, we find that thermodynamics and phase structure depends on the combination $k -mu^2/4 +c_2 m^2$ in the four dimensional case, where $mu$ is the chemical potential and $c_2m^2$ is the coefficient of the second term in the potential associated with graviton mass. When it is positive, the Hawking-Page phase transition can happen, while as it is negative, the black hole is always thermodynamically stable with a positive capacity. In canonical ensemble, the combination turns out to be $k+c_2m^2$ in the four dimensional case. When it is positive, a first order phase transition can happen between small and large black holes if the charge is less than its critical one. In higher dimensional ($n+2 ge 5$) case, even when the charge is absent, the small/large black hole phase transition can also appear, the coefficients for the third ($c_3m^2$) and/or the fourth ($c_4m^2$) terms in the potential associated with graviton mass in the massive gravity can play the same role as the charge does in the four dimensional case.
133 - D. G. Coyne 2006
A different reason for the apparent weakness of the gravitational interaction is advanced, and its consequences for Hawking evaporation of a Schwarzschild black hole are investigated. A simple analytical formulation predicts that evaporating black ho les will undergo a type of phase transition resulting in variously long-lived objects of reasonable sizes, with normal thermodynamic properties and inherent duality characteristics. Speculations on the implications for particle physics and for some recently-advanced new paradigms are explored.
In this paper, we formulate two new classes of black hole solutions in higher curvature quartic quasitopological gravity with nonabelian Yang-Mills theory. At first step, we consider the $SO(n)$ and $SO(n-1,1)$ semisimple gauge groups. We obtain the analytic quartic quasitopological Yang-Mills black hole solutions. Real solutions are only accessible for the positive value of the redefined quartic quasitopological gravity coefficient, $mu_{4}$. These solutions have a finite value and an essential singularity at the origin, $r=0$ for space dimension higher than $8$. We also probe the thermodynamic and critical behavior of the quasitopological Yang-Mills black hole. The obtained solutions may be thermally stable only in the canonical ensemble. They may also show a first order phase transition from a small to a large black hole. In the second step, we obtain the pure quasitopological Yang-Mills black hole solutions. For the positive cosmological constant and the space dimensions greater than eight, the pure quasitopological Yang-Mills solutions have the ability to produce both the asymptotically AdS and dS black holes for respectively the negative and positive constant curvatures, $k=-1$ and $k=+1$. This is unlike the quasitopological Yang-Mills theory which can lead to just the asymptotically dS solutions for $Lambda>0$. The pure quasitopological Yang-Mills black hole is not thermally stable.
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