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Searching for R-Parity Violation at Run-II of the Tevatron

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 نشر من قبل Herbi Dreiner
 تاريخ النشر 1999
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We present an outlook for possible discovery of supersymmetry with broken R-parity at Run II of the Tevatron. We first present a review of the literature and an update of the experimental bounds. In turn we then discuss the following processes: 1. Resonant slepton production followed by R-parity violating decay, (a) via $LQD^c$ and (b) via $LLE^c$. 2. How to distinguish resonant slepton production from $Z$ or $W$ production. 3. Resonant slepton production followed by the decay to neutralino LSP, which decays via $LQD^c$. 4. Resonant stop production followed by the decay to a chargino, which cascades to the neutralino LSP. 5. Gluino pair production followed by the cascade decay to charm squarks which decay directly via $L_1Q_2D^c_1$. 6. Squark pair production followed by the cascade decay to the neutralino LSP which decays via $L_1Q_2D^c_1$. 7. MSSM pair production followed by the cascade decay to the LSP which decays (a) via $LLE^c$, (b) via $LQD^c$, and (c) via $U^cD^cD^c$, respectively. 8. Top quark and top squark decays in spontaneous R-parity violation.

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اقرأ أيضاً

276 - M. Chaichian 2000
We study the production of $(t+bar{t}) tilde{g}$ at the hadron colliders in an R-parity ($R_{p}$) violating supersymmetric model. This process provides us with information not only about $R_{p}$ violation, but may also help us in detecting the supers ymmetry itself. It is possible to detect an $R_{p}$ violating signal (with single gluino production) at the future hadron colliders, such as Fermilab Tevatron Run II or CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), if the parameters in the supersymmetric $rlap/ R_{p}$ interactions are not too small, e.g. for $m_{tilde{g}}=1$ TeV, $lambda^{}=0.1$, still hundreds of events are produced at LHC with luminosity $30 fb^{-1}$. Even if we could not detect a signal of $ rlap/R_{p}$ in the experiment, we get stringent constraints on the heavy flavour $rlap/R_{p}$ couplings. In addition to the minimal supersymmetric standard model we have also considered some models with a heavy gluino as the lightest supersymmetric particle.
77 - K. Anikeev , D. Atwood , F. Azfar 2002
This report provides a comprehensive overview of the prospects for B physics at the Tevatron. The work was carried out during a series of workshops starting in September 1999. There were four working groups: 1) CP Violation, 2) Rare and Semileptonic Decays, 3) Mixing and Lifetimes, 4) Production, Fragmentation and Spectroscopy. The report also includes introductory chapters on theoretical and experimental tools emphasizing aspects of B physics specific to hadron colliders, as well as overviews of the CDF, D0, and BTeV detectors, and a Summary.
We present predictions on the total cross sections and on the ratio of the real part to the imaginary part of the elastic amplitude (rho parameter) for present and future pp and pbar p colliders, and on total cross sections for gamma p -> hadrons at cosmic-ray energies and for gamma gamma -> hadrons up to sqrt(s)=1 TeV. These predictions are based on a study of many possible analytic parametrisations and invoke the current hadronic dataset at t=0. The uncertainties on total cross sections, including the systematic theoretical errors, reach 1% at RHIC, 3% at the Tevatron, and 10% at the LHC, whereas those on the rho parameter are respectively 10%, 17%, and 26%.
We consider the supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model with neutrino Yukawa interactions and R-parity violation. We found that R-parity breaking term lambda u H_u H_d leads to an additional F-type contribution to the Higgs scalar potential, and thus to the masses of supersymmetric Higgs bosons. The most interesting consequence is the modification of the tree-level expression for the lightest neutral supersymmetric Higgs boson mass. It appears that due to this contribution the bound on the lightest Higgs mass may be shifted upwards, thus slightly opening the part of the model parameter space excluded by non-observation of the light Higgs boson at LEP in the framework of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model.
188 - S. Lola 2007
We study radiative gravitino decay within the framework of R-violating supersymmetry. For trilinear R-violating couplings that involve the third generation of fermions, or for light gravitinos, we find that the radiative loop-decay $tilde{G} to gamma u$ dominates over the tree-level ones for a wide set of parameters. We calculate the gravitino decay width and study its implications for cosmology and collider physics. Slow-decaying gravitinos are good dark matter candidates, for a range of parameters that would also predict observable R-violating signatures in colliders. In general the branching ratios are very dependent on the relative hierarchies of R-violating operators, and may provide relevant information on the flavour structure of the underlying fundamental theory.
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