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Charm nonleptonic decays and final state interactions

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 تاريخ النشر 1996
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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A global previous analysis of two-body nonleptonic decays of $D$ mesons has been extended to the decays involving light scalar mesons. The allowance for final state interaction also in nonresonant channels provides a fit of much improved quality and with less symmetry breaking in the axial charges. We give predictions for about 50 decay branching ratios yet to be measured. We also discuss long distance contributions to the difference $Delta Gamma$ between the $D_S$ and $D_L$ widths.

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اقرأ أيضاً

138 - Jose A. Oller 2004
We show that the large corrections due to final state interactions (FSI) in the D^+to pi^-pi^+pi^+, D^+_sto pi^-pi^+pi^+, and D^+to K^-pi^+pi^+ decays can be accounted for by invoking scattering amplitudes in agreement with those derived from phase s hifts studies. In this way, broad/overlapping resonances in S-waves are properly treated and the phase motions of the transition amplitudes are driven by the corresponding scattering matrix elements determined in many other experiments. This is an important step forward in resolving the puzzle of the FSI in these decays. We also discuss why the sigma and kappa resonances, hardly visible in scattering experiments, are much more prominent and clearly visible in these decays without destroying the agreement with the experimental pipi and Kpi low energy S-wave phase shifts.
123 - E. Bagan , P. Ball , V.M. Braun 1994
We calculate the radiative corrections to the nonleptonic inclusive B decay mode $brightarrow cbar u d$ taking into account the charm quark mass. Compared to the massless case, corrections resulting from a nonvanishing c quark mass increase the nonle ptonic rate by (4--8)%, depending on the renormalization point. As a by--product of our calculation, we obtain an analytic expression for the radiative correction to the semileptonic decay $brightarrow utaubar u$ taking into account the $tau$ lepton mass, and estimate the c quark mass effects on the nonleptonic decay mode $brightarrow cbar c s$.
We present a model for the decay $D^+to K^-pi^+pi^+$. The weak interaction part of this reaction is described using the effective weak Hamiltonian in the factorisation approach. Hadronic final state interactions are taken into account through the $Kp i$ scalar and vector form factors fulfilling analyticity, unitarity and chiral symmetry constraints. Allowing for a global phase difference between the $S$ and $P$ waves of $-65^circ$, the Dalitz plot of the $D^+to K^-pi^+pi^+$ decay, the $Kpi$ invariant mass spectra and the total branching ratio due to $S$-wave interactions are well reproduced.
185 - D. R. Boito , R. Escribano 2009
We present a model for the decay D+ --> K- pi+ pi+. The weak interaction part of this reaction is described using the effective weak Hamiltonian in the factorisation approach. Hadronic final state interactions are taken into account through the Kpi s calar and vector form factors fulfilling analyticity, unitarity and chiral symmetry constraints. The model has only two free parameters that are fixed from experimental branching ratios. We show that the modulus and phase of the S wave thus obtained agree nicely with experiment up to 1.55 GeV. We perform Monte Carlo simulations to compare the predicted Dalitz plot with experimental analyses. Allowing for a global phase difference between the S and P waves of -65 degrees, the Dalitz plot of the D+ --> K- pi+ pi+ decay, the Kpi invariant mass spectra and the total branching ratio due to S-wave interactions are well reproduced.
We evaluate the non-resonant decay amplitude of the process $B^pmto K^pmpi^+ pi^-$ using an approach based on final state hadronic interactions described in terms of meson exchanges. We conclude that this mechanism generates inhomogeneities in the Dalitz plot of the B decay.
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