We calculate the coupling constants of $D^*D_sK$ and $D_s^*DK$ vertices using the QCD sum rules technique. We compare results obtained in the limit of SU(4) symmetry and found that the symmetry is broken on the order of 40%.
The form factors and coupling constants of the meson vertices J/psi D_s D_s and phi D_s D_s were calculated using three point correlation functions within the QCD Sum Rules formalism. We have considered the cases where phi, D_s and J/psi mesons are o
ff-shell obtaining, for each vertex, two different form factors and its corresponding coupling constants, namely g_{J/psi D_s D_s} = 6.20^{+0.97}_{-1.15} and g_{phi D_s D_s} = 1.85^{+0.22}_{-0.23}.
We determine the masses and decay constants of pseudoscalar mesons $ D $, $ D_s $, and $ K $ in quenched lattice QCD with exact chiral symmetry. For 100 gauge configurations generated with single-plaquette action at $ beta = 6.1 $ on the $ 20^3 times
40 $ lattice, we compute point-to-point quark propagators for 30 quark masses in the range $ 0.03 le m_q a le 0.80 $, and measure the time-correlation functions of pseudoscalar and vector mesons. The inverse lattice spacing $ a^{-1} $ is determined with the experimental input of $ f_pi $, while the strange quark bare mass $ m_s a = 0.08 $, and the charm quark bare mass $ m_c a = 0.80 $ are fixed such that the masses of the corresponding vector mesons are in good agreement with $ phi(1020) $ and $ J/psi(3097) $ respectively. Our results of pseudoscalar-meson decay constants are $ f_K = 152(6)(10) $ MeV, $ f_D = 235(8)(14)$ MeV, and $ f_{D_s} = 266(10)(18) $ MeV.
We calculate the strong form factors and coupling constants of $ D^* D_s K$ and $D_s^* D K$ vertices using the QCD sum rules technique. In each case we have considered two different cases for the off-shell particle in the vertex: the ligthest meson a
nd one of the heavy mesons. The method gives the same coupling constant for each vertex. When the results for different vertices are compared, they show that the SU(4) symmetry is broken by around 40%.
We determine $D$ and $D_s$ decay constants from lattice QCD with 2% errors, 4 times better than experiment and previous theory: $f_{D_s}$ = 241(3) MeV, $f_D$ = 207(4) MeV and $f_{D_s}/f_D$ = 1.164(11). We also obtain $f_K/f_{pi}$ = 1.189(7) and $(f
_{D_s}/f_D)/(f_K/f_{pi})$ = 0.979(11). Combining with experiment gives $V_{us}$=0.2262(14) and $V_{cs}/V_{cd}$ of 4.43(41). We use a highly improved quark discretization on MILC gluon fields that include realistic sea quarks fixing the $u/d, s$ and $c$ masses from the $pi$, $K$, and $eta_c$ meson masses. This allows a stringent test against experiment for $D$ and $D_s$ masses for the first time (to within 7 MeV).
We present a study of the $D$ and $B$ leptonic decay constants on the MILC $N_f=2+1$ asqtad gauge ensembles using asqtad-improved staggered light quarks and clover heavy quarks in the Fermilab interpretation. Our previous analysis cite{Bazavov:2011aa
} computed the decay constants at lattice spacings $a approx 0.14, 0.11$ and $0.083$ fm. We have extended the simulations to finer $a approx 0.058$ and $0.043$ fm lattice spacings, and have also increased statistics; this allows us to address many important sources of uncertainty. Technical advances include a two-step two-point fit procedure, better tuning of the heavy quark masses and a better determination of the axial-vector current matching. The present analysis remains blinded, so here we focus on the improvements and their predicted impact on the error budget compared to the prior analysis.