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We compute decay constants of heavy-light mesons in quenched lattice QCD with a lattice spacing of a ~ 0.04 fm using non-perturbatively O(a) improved Wilson fermions and O(a) improved currents. We obtain f_{D_s} = 220(6)(5)(11) MeV, f_D = 206(6)(3)(22) MeV, f_{B_s} = 205(7)(26)(17) MeV and f_B = 190(8)(23)(25) MeV, using the Sommer parameter r_0 = 0.5 fm to set the scale. The first error is statistical, the second systematic and the third from assuming a +-10% uncertainty in the experimental value of r_0. A detailed discussion is given in the text. We also present results for the meson decay constants f_K and f_pi and the rho meson mass.
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We compute the leptonic decay constants $f_{D^+}$, $f_{D_s}$, and $f_{K^+}$, and the quark-mass ratios $m_c/m_s$ and $m_s/m_l$ in unquenched lattice QCD. We use the MILC highly improved staggered quark (HISQ) ensembles with four dynamical quark flavo
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