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Generalized Uncertainty Principle from Quantum Geometry

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 نشر من قبل Capozziello salvatore
 تاريخ النشر 1999
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The generalized uncertainty principle of string theory is derived in the framework of Quantum Geometry by taking into account the existence of an upper limit on the acceleration of massive particles.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We study Quantum Gravity effects in cosmology, and in particular that of the Generalized Uncertainty Principle on the Friedmann equations. We show that the Generalized Uncertainty Principle induces variations of the energy density and pressure in the radiation-dominated era which provide a viable explanation for the observed baryon asymmetry in the Universe.
The Generalized Uncertainty Principle and the related minimum length are normally considered in non-relativistic Quantum Mechanics. Extending it to relativistic theories is important for having a Lorentz invariant minimum length and for testing the m odified Heisenberg principle at high energies.In this paper, we formulate a relativistic Generalized Uncertainty Principle. We then use this to write the modified Klein-Gordon, Schrodinger and Dirac equations, and compute quantum gravity corrections to the relativistic hydrogen atom, particle in a box, and the linear harmonic oscillator.
We present a formalism which allows for the perturbative derivation of the Extended Uncertainty Principle (EUP) for arbitrary spatial curvature models and observers. Entering the realm of small position uncertainties, we derive a general asymptotic E UP. The leading 2nd order curvature induced correction is proportional to the Ricci scalar, while the 4th order correction features the 0th order Cartan invariant Psi^2 (a scalar quadratic in curvature tensors) and the curved space Laplacian of the Ricci scalar all of which are evaluated at the expectation value of the position operator, i.e. the expected position when performing a measurement. This result is first verified for previously derived homogeneous space models and then applied to other non-trivial curvature related effects such as inhomogeneities, rotation and an anisotropic stress fluid leading to black hole hair. Our main achievement combines the method we introduce with the Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP) by virtue of deformed commutators to formulate a generic form of what we call the Asymptotic Generalized Extended Uncertainty Principle (AGEUP).
Last year, Chung and Hassanabadi proposed a higher order general uncertainty principle (GUP$^ast$) that predicts a minimal length as well as possesses a upper bound momentum limit. In this article, we have discussed an ideal gas system and its therma l properties using that deformed canonical algebra introduced by them. Moreover, we examined blackbody radiation spectrum and the cosmological constant in the presence of the GUP$^ast$. After a comparison with the existing literature, we concluded that the given formalism of Chung and Hassanabadi yields more accurate results.
174 - Pouria Pedram 2015
We exactly solve the Wheeler-DeWitt equation for the closed homogeneous and isotropic quantum cosmology in the presence of a conformally coupled scalar field and in the context of the generalized uncertainty principle. This form of generalized uncert ainty principle is motivated by the black hole physics and it predicts a minimal length uncertainty proportional to the Planck length. We construct wave packets in momentum minisuperspace which closely follow classical trajectories and strongly peak on them upon choosing appropriate initial conditions. Moreover, based on the DeWitt criterion, we obtain wave packets that exhibit singularity-free behavior.
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