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A Survey of Compact Star Clusters in the South-West Field of the M31 Disk. Structural Parameters

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 نشر من قبل Ieva \\v{S}ablevi\\v{c}i\\=ut\\.e
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف I. Sableviciute

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We present structural parameters for 51 compact star clusters from the survey of star clusters conducted in the South-West field of the M31 disk by Kodaira et al. (2004). Structural parameters of the clusters were derived by fitting the 2-D King and EFF (Elson, Fall and Freeman 1987) models to the V-band cluster images. Structural parameters derived for two M31 clusters, which are in common with the study based on the HST data (Barmby et al. 2002), are consistent with earlier determination. The M31 star cluster structural parameters in general are compatible with the corresponding Milky Way galaxy and Magellanic Clouds cluster parameters.

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اقرأ أيضاً

123 - D. Narbutis 2006
We present the results of UBVRI broad-band aperture CCD photometry of 51 compact star clusters located in the South-West part of the M31 disk. The mean rms errors of all measured star cluster colors are less than 0.02 mag. In color vs. color diagrams the star clusters show significantly tighter sequences when compared with the photometric data from the compiled catalog of the M31 star clusters published by Galleti et al. (2004).
238 - I. Sableviciute 2007
The King and the EFF (Elson, Fall & Freeman 1987) analytical models are employed to determine the structural parameters of star clusters using an 1-D surface brightness profile fitting method. The structural parameters are derived and a catalogue is provided for 51 star cluster candidates from the survey of compact star clusters in the South-West field of the M31 disk performed by Kodaira et al. (2004).
108 - D. Narbutis 2009
A new survey of star clusters in the South-West field of the M31 disk based on the high resolution Subaru Suprime-Cam observations is presented. The UBVRI aperture CCD photometry catalog of 285 objects (V < 20.5; 169 of them identified for the first time) is provided. Each object is supplemented with multi-band color maps presented in the electronic edition of the Astrophysical Journal Supplement. Seventy seven star cluster candidates from the catalog are located in the Hubble Space Telescope archive frames.
423 - V. Vansevicius 2009
We have carried out a survey of compact star clusters (apparent size <3 arcsec) in the southwest part of the M31 galaxy, based on the high-resolution Suprime-Cam images (17.5 arcmin x 28.5 arcmin), covering ~15% of the deprojected galaxy disk area. T he UBVRI photometry of 285 cluster candidates (V < 20.5 mag) was performed using frames of the Local Group Galaxies Survey. The final sample, containing 238 high probability star cluster candidates (typical half-light radius r_h ~ 1.5 pc), was selected by specifying a lower limit of r_h > 0.15 arcsec (>0.6 pc). We derived cluster parameters based on the photometric data and multiband images by employing simple stellar population models. The clusters have a wide range of ages from ~5 Myr (young objects associated with 24 um and/or Ha emission) to ~10 Gyr (globular cluster candidates), and possess mass in a range of 3.0 < log(m/M_sol) < 4.3 peaking at m ~ 4000 M_sol. Typical age of these intermediate-mass clusters is in the range of 30 Myr < t < 3 Gyr, with a prominent peak at ~70 Myr. These findings suggest a rich intermediate-mass star cluster population in M31, which appears to be scarce in the Milky Way galaxy.
401 - D. Narbutis 2006
We compare stellar photometry data in the South-West part of the M31 disk published by Magnier et al. (1992), Mochejska et al. (2001) and Massey et al. (2006) as the local photometric standards for the calibration of star cluster aperture photometry. Large magnitude and color differences between these catalogs are found. This makes one to be cautious in using these data as the local photometric standards for new photometry.
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