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Spitzer/IRAC and JHKs Observations of h & chi Persei: Constraints on Protoplanetary Disk and Massive Cluster Evolution at ~ 10^{7} yr

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 نشر من قبل Thayne Currie
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Thayne Currie

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We describe IRAC 3.6-8 mu_m observations and ground-based near-IR JHKs photometry from Mimir and 2MASS of the massive double cluster h & chi Persei complete to J=15.5 (M ~ 1.3 Msun. Within 25 of the cluster centers we detect ~11,000 sources with J < 15.5, ~7,000 sources with [4.5] < 15, and ~ 5000 sources with [8] < 14.5. In both clusters, the surface density profiles derived from the 2MASS data decline with distance from the cluster centers as expected for a bound cluster. Within 15 of the cluster centers, ~ 50% of the stars lie on a reddened ~ 13 Myr isochrone; at 15-25 from the cluster centers, ~ 40% lie on this isochrone. Thus, the optical/2MASS color-magnitude diagrams indicate that h & chi Per are accompanied by a halo population with roughly the same age and distance as the two dense clusters. The double cluster lacks any clear IR excess sources for J < 13.5 (~ 2.7 Msun). Therefore, disks around high-mass stars disperse prior to ~ 10^{7} yr. At least 2-3% of the fainter cluster stars have strong IR excess at both [5.8] and [8]. About 4-8% of sources slightly more massive than the Sun (~ 1.4 Msun) have IR excesses at [8]. Combined with the lack of detectable excesses for brighter stars, this result suggests that disks around lower-mass stars have longer lifetimes. The IR excess population also appears to be larger at longer IRAC bands ([5.8], [8]) than at shorter IRAC/2MASS bands ($K_{s}$, [4.5]), a result consistent with an inside-out clearing of disks.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

447 - Thayne Currie 2007
We analyze 8 sources with strong mid-infrared excesses in the 13 Myr-old double cluster h and chi Persei. New optical spectra and broadband SEDs (0.36-8 mu_m) are consistent with cluster membership. We show that material with T ~ 300-400 K and Ld/Lst ar ~ 10^-4-10^-3 produces the excesses in these sources. Optically-thick blackbody disk models - including those with large inner holes - do not match the observed SEDs. The SEDs of optically-thin debris disks produced from terrestrial planet formation calculations match the observations well. Thus, some h and chi Persei stars may have debris from terrestrial zone planet formation.
In order to study the stellar population and possible substructures in the outskirts of Double Cluster $h$ and $chi$ Persei, we investigate using the GAIA DR2 data a sky area of about 7.5 degrees in radius around the Double Cluster cores. We identify member stars using various criteria, including their kinematics (viz, proper motion), individual parallaxes, as well as photometric properties. A total of 2186 member stars in the parameter space were identified as members. Based on the spatial distribution of the member stars, we find an extended halo structure of $h$ and $chi$ Persei, about 6 - 8 times larger than their core radii. We report the discovery of filamentary substructures extending to about 200 pc away from the Double Cluster. The tangential velocities of these distant substructures suggest that they are more likely to be the remnants of primordial structures, instead of a tidally disrupted stream from the cluster cores. Moreover, the internal kinematic analysis indicates that halo stars seems to be experiencing a dynamic stretching in the RA direction, while the impact of the core components is relatively negligible. This work also suggests that the physical scale and internal motions of young massive star clusters may be more complex than previously thought.
We present a deep Spitzer/IRAC survey of the OB association IC 1795 carried out to investigate the evolution of protoplanetary disks in regions of massive star formation. Combining Spitzer/IRAC data with Chandra/ACIS observations, we find 289 cluster members. An additional 340 sources with an infrared excess, but without X-ray counterpart, are classified as cluster member candidates. Both surveys are complete down to stellar masses of about 1 Msun. We present pre-main sequence isochrones computed for the first time in the Spitzer/IRAC colors. The age of the cluster, determined via the location of the Class III sources in the [3.6]-[4.5]/[3.6] color-magnitude diagram, is in the range of 3 - 5 Myr. As theoretically expected, we do not find any systematic variation in the spatial distribution of disks within 0.6 pc of either O-type star in the association. However, the disk fraction in IC 1795 does depend on the stellar mass: sources with masses >2 Msun have a disk fraction of ~20%, while lower mass objects (2-0.8 Msun) have a disk fraction of ~50%. This implies that disks around massive stars have a shorter dissipation timescale.
We present blue optical spectra of 92 members of h and chi Per obtained with the WIYN telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory. From these spectra, several stellar parameters were measured for the B-type stars, including V sin i, T_eff, log g_pola r, M_star, and R_star. Stromgren photometry was used to measure T_eff and log g_polar for the Be stars. We also analyze photometric data of cluster members and discuss the near-to-mid IR excesses of Be stars.
We present molecular line observations of the star-forming cloud around RNO6 along with a newly discovered nearby molecular cloud that we name RNO6NW. Both clouds display striking similarities in their cometary structures and overall kinematics. By u sing 13CO line observations, we estimate that these clouds have similar sizes (~4.5 pc) and masses (~200 solar masses). Both molecular clouds RNO6 and RNO6NW are active in star formation. From new high resolution near-IR narrowband images, we confirm that RNO6 hosts an embedded IR cluster that includes a Herbig Be star. A conspicuous H2 filament is found to delineate the dense cometary head of the globule. RNO6NW hosts at least two IR sources and a bipolar molecular outflow of ~0.9 pc of length and ~0.5 solar masses. We show that the cometary structure of both clouds has been created by the UV radiation from numerous OB stars lying ~1.5 degree to the north. Such OB stars are associated with the double cluster h and chi Persei, and are probably members of the PerOB1 association. Thus star formation inside these clouds has been very likely triggered by the Radiation Driven Implosion (RDI) mechanism. From comparison to RDI theoretical models, we find that the similar kinematics and morphology of both clouds is well explained if they are at a re-expansion phase. Triggered sequential star formation also explains the observed spatial distribution of the members of the near-IR cluster inside the RNO6 cloud, and the morphology of the H2 filament. We conclude that the RNO6 and RNO6NW clouds are high-mass counterparts to the cometary globules of smaller masses which have been studied up to now. Thus our observations demonstrate that the RDI mechanism can produce, not only low mass stars in small globules, but also intermediate mass stars and clusters in massive clouds.
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