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The open cluster initial-final mass relationship and the high-mass tail of the white dwarf distribution

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 نشر من قبل Kurtis A. Williams
 تاريخ النشر 2005
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف L. Ferrario

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Recent studies of white dwarfs in open clusters have provided new constraints on the initial - final mass relationship (IFMR) for main sequence stars with masses in the range 2.5 - 6.5 Mo. We re-evaluate the ensemble of data that determines the IFMR and argue that the IFMR can be characterised by a mean initial-final mass relationship about which there is an intrinsic scatter. We investigate the consequences of the IFMR for the observed mass distribution of field white dwarfs using population synthesis calculations. We show that while a linear IFMR predicts a mass distribution that is in reasonable agreement with the recent results from the PG survey, the data are better fitted by an IFMR with some curvature. Our calculations indicate that a significant (~28%) percentage of white dwarfs originating from single star evolution have masses in excess of ~0.8 Mo, obviating the necessity for postulating the existence of a dominant population of high-mass white dwarfs that arise from binary star mergers.

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141 - Kate H. R. Rubin 2008
We present the first detailed photometric and spectroscopic study of the white dwarfs (WDs) in the field of the ~225 Myr old (log tau_cl = 8.35) open cluster NGC 1039 (M34) as part of the ongoing Lick-Arizona White Dwarf Survey. Using wide-field UBV imaging, we photometrically select 44 WD candidates in this field. We spectroscopically identify 19 of these objects as WDs; 17 are hydrogen-atmosphere DA WDs, one is a helium-atmosphere DB WD, and one is a cool DC WD that exhibits no detectable absorption lines. We find an effective temperature (T_eff) and surface gravity (log g) for each DA WD by fitting Balmer-line profiles from model atmospheres to the observed spectra. WD evolutionary models are then invoked to derive masses and cooling times for each DA WD. Of the 17 DAs, five are at the approximate distance modulus of the cluster. Another WD with a distance modulus 0.45 mag brighter than that of the cluster could be a double-degenerate binary cluster member, but is more likely to be a field WD. We place the five single cluster member WDs in the empirical initial-final mass relation and find that three of them lie very close to the previously derived linear relation; two have WD masses significantly below the relation. These outliers may have experienced some sort of enhanced mass loss or binary evolution; however, it is quite possible that these WDs are simply interlopers from the field WD population. Eight of the 17 DA WDs show significant CaII K absorption; comparison of the absorption strength with the WD distances suggests that the absorption is interstellar, though this cannot be confirmed with the current data.
79 - P.D. Dobbie 2006
We report the spectroscopic confirmation of four further white dwarf members of Praesepe. This brings the total number of confirmed white dwarf members to eleven making this the second largest collection of these objects in an open cluster identified to date. This number is consistent with the high mass end of the initial mass function of Praesepe being Salpeter in form. Furthermore, it suggests that the bulk of Praesepe white dwarfs did not gain a substantial recoil kick velocity from possible asymmetries in their loss of mass during the asymptotic giant branch phase of evolution. By comparing our estimates of the effective temperatures and the surface gravities of WD0833+194, WD0840+190, WD0840+205 and WD0843+184 to modern theoretical evolutionary tracks we have derived their masses to be in the range 0.72-0.76Msun and their cooling ages ~300Myrs. For an assumed cluster age of 625+/-50Myrs the infered progenitor masses are between 3.3-3.5Msun. Examining these new data in the context of the initial mass-final mass relation we find that it can be adequately represented by a linear function (a0=0.289+/-0.051, a1=0.133+/-0.015) over the initial mass range 2.7Msun to 6Msun. Assuming an extrapolation of this relation to larger initial masses is valid and adopting a maximum white dwarf mass of 1.3Msun, our results support a minimum mass for core-collapse supernovae progenitors in the range ~6.8-8.6Msun.
We present a photometric and spectroscopic study of the white dwarf population of the populous, intermediate-age open cluster M35 (NGC 2168); this study expands upon our previous study of the white dwarfs in this cluster. We spectroscopically confirm 14 white dwarfs in the field of the cluster: 12 DAs, 1 hot DQ, and 1 DB star. For each DA, we determine the white dwarf mass and cooling age, from which we derive the each stars progenitor mass. These data are then added to the empirical initial-final mass relation (IFMR), where the M35 WDs contribute significantly to the high-mass end of the relation. The resulting points are consistent with previously-published linear fits to the IFMR, modulo moderate systematics introduced by the uncertainty in the star cluster age. Based on this cluster alone, the observational lower limit on the maximum mass of white dwarf progenitors is found to be ~5.1-5.2 solar masses at the 95% confidence level; including data from other young open clusters raises this limit as high as 7.1 solar masses, depending on the cluster membership of three massive WDs and the core-composition of the most massive WDs. We find that the apparent distance modulus and extinction derived solely from the cluster white dwarfs [(m-M)v=10.45 +/- 0.08 and E(B-V)=0.185 +/- 0.010, respectively] is fully consistent with that derived from main-sequence fitting techniques. Four M35 WDs may be massive enough to have oxygen-neon cores; the assumed core composition does not significantly affect the empirical IFMR. Finally, the two non-DA WDs in M35 are photometrically consistent with cluster membership; further analysis is required to determine their memberships.
Axion-like particles (ALPs), a class of pseudoscalars common to many extensions of the Standard Model, have the capacity to drain energy from the interiors of stars. Consequently, stellar evolution can be used to derive many constraints on ALPs. We s tudy the influence that keV-MeV scale ALPs which interact exclusively with photons can exert on the helium-burning shells of asymptotic giant branch stars, the late-life evolutionary phase of stars with initial masses less than $8M_{odot}$. We establish the sensitivity of the final stellar mass to such energy-loss for ALPs with masses currently permitted by stellar evolution bounds. A semi-empirical constraint on the white dwarf initial-final mass relation (IFMR) derived from observation of double white dwarf binaries is then used to exclude part of a currently unconstrained region of ALP parameter space, the cosmological triangle. The derived constraint relaxes when the ALP decay length becomes shorter than the width of the helium-burning shell. Other potential sources for stellar constraints on ALPs are also discussed.
We present the preliminary results of a survey of the open clusters NGC3532 and NGC2287 for new white dwarf members which can help improve understanding of the form of the upper end of the stellar initial mass-final mass relation. We identify four ob jects with cooling times, distances and proper motions consistent with membership of these clusters. We find that despite a range in age of ~100Myr the masses of the four heaviest white dwarfs in NGC3532 span the narrow mass interval M~0.9-1.0Msolar suggesting that the initial mass-final mass relation is relatively flatter over 4.5Msolar <~ M_init <~ 6.5Msolar than at immediately lower masses. Additionally, we have unearthed WD J0646-203 which is possibly the most massive cluster white dwarf identified to date. With M~1.1Msolar it seems likely to be composed of ONe and has a cooling time consistent with it having evolved from a single star.
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