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Effect of component separation on the temperature distribution of the CMB

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 نشر من قبل Rita Belen Barreiro
 تاريخ النشر 2005
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a study of the effect of component separation on the recovered cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature distribution, considering Gaussian and non-Gaussian input CMB maps. First, we extract the CMB component from simulated Planck data (in small patches of the sky) using the maximum entropy method (MEM), Wiener filter (WF) and a method based on the subtraction of foreground templates plus a linear combination of frequency channels (LCFC). We then apply a wavelet-based method to study the Gaussianity of the recovered CMB and compare it with the same analysis for the input map. When the original CMB map is Gaussian (and assuming that point sources have been removed), we find that none of the methods introduce non-Gaussianity (NG) in the CMB reconstruction. On the contrary, if the input CMB map is non-Gaussian, all the studied methods produce a reconstructed CMB with lower detections of NG than the original map. This effect is mainly due to the presence of instrumental noise. In this case, MEM tends to produce slightly higher non-Gaussian detections in the reconstructed map than WF whereas the detections are lower for the LCFC. We have also studied the effect of point sources in the MEM reconstruction. If no attempt to remove point sources is performed, they clearly contaminate the CMB reconstruction, introducing spurious NG. When the brightest point sources are removed from the data using the Mexican Hat Wavelet, the Gaussian character of the CMB is preserved. However, when analysing larger regions of the sky, the variance of our estimators will be appreciably reduced and, in this case, we expect the point source residuals to introduce spurious NG in the CMB. Thus, a careful subtraction (or masking) of point source emission is crucial when studying the Gaussianity of the CMB.

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اقرأ أيضاً

113 - J. Aumont 2006
We present in this paper the PolEMICA (Polarized Expectation-Maximization Independent Component Analysis) algorithm which is an extension to polarization of the SMICA (Spectral Matching Independent Component Analysis) temperature multi-detectors mult i-components (MD-MC) component separation method (Delabrouille et al. 2003). This algorithm allows us to estimate blindly in harmonic space multiple physical components from multi-detectors polarized sky maps. Assuming a linear noisy mixture of components we are able to reconstruct jointly the anisotropies electromagnetic spectra of the components for each mode T, E and B, as well as the temperature and polarization spatial power spectra, TT, EE, BB, TE, TB and EB for each of the physical components and for the noise on each of the detectors. PolEMICA is specially developed to estimate the CMB temperature and polarization power spectra from sky observations including both CMB and foreground emissions. This has been tested intensively using as a first approach full sky simulations of the Planck satellite polarized channels for a 14-months nominal mission assuming a simplified linear sky model including CMB, and optionally Galactic synchrotron emission and a Gaussian dust emission. Finally, we have applied our algorithm to more realistic Planck full sky simulations, including synchrotron, realistic dust and free-free emissions.
154 - C. Dickinson 2009
A well-tested and validated Gibbs sampling code, that performs component separation and CMB power spectrum estimation, was applied to the {it WMAP} 5-yr data. Using a simple model consisting of CMB, noise, monopoles and dipoles, a ``per pixel low-fre quency power-law (fitting for both amplitude and spectral index), and a thermal dust template with fixed spectral index, we found that the low-$ell$ ($ell < 50$) CMB power spectrum is in good agreement with the published {it WMAP}5 results. Residual monopoles and dipoles were found to be small ($lesssim 3 mu$K) or negligible in the 5-yr data. We comprehensively tested the assumptions that were made about the foregrounds (e.g. dust spectral index, power-law spectral index prior, templates), and found that the CMB power spectrum was insensitive to these choices. We confirm the asymmetry of power between the north and south ecliptic hemispheres, which appears to be robust against foreground modeling. The map of low frequency spectral indices indicates a steeper spectrum on average ($beta=-2.97pm0.21$) relative to those found at low ($sim$GHz) frequencies.
Optimal analyses of many signals in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) require map-level extraction of individual components in the microwave sky, rather than measurements at the power spectrum level alone. To date, nearly all map-level component separation in CMB analyses has been performed exclusively using satellite data. In this paper, we implement a component separation method based on the internal linear combination (ILC) approach which we have designed to optimally account for the anisotropic noise (in the 2D Fourier domain) often found in ground-based CMB experiments. Using this method, we combine multi-frequency data from the Planck satellite and the Atacama Cosmology Telescope Polarimeter (ACTPol) to construct the first wide-area, arcminute-resolution component-separated maps (covering approximately 2100 sq. deg.) of the CMB temperature anisotropy and the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (tSZ) effect sourced by the inverse-Compton scattering of CMB photons off hot, ionized gas. Our ILC pipeline allows for explicit deprojection of various contaminating signals, including a modified blackbody approximation of the cosmic infrared background (CIB) spectral energy distribution. The cleaned CMB maps will be a useful resource for CMB lensing reconstruction, kinematic SZ cross-correlations, and primordial non-Gaussianity studies. The tSZ maps will be used to study the pressure profiles of galaxies, groups, and clusters through cross-correlations with halo catalogs, with dust contamination controlled via CIB deprojection. The data products described in this paper are available on LAMBDA.
The polarization modes of the cosmological microwave background are an invaluable source of information for cosmology, and a unique window to probe the energy scale of inflation. Extracting such information from microwave surveys requires disentangli ng between foreground emissions and the cosmological signal, which boils down to solving a component separation problem. Component separation techniques have been widely studied for the recovery of CMB temperature anisotropies but quite rarely for the polarization modes. In this case, most component separation techniques make use of second-order statistics to discriminate between the various components. More recent methods, which rather emphasize on the sparsity of the components in the wavelet domain, have been shown to provide low-foreground, full-sky estimate of the CMB temperature anisotropies. Building on sparsity, the present paper introduces a new component separation technique dubbed PolGMCA (Polarized Generalized Morphological Component Analysis), which refines previous work to specifically tackle the estimation of the polarized CMB maps: i) it benefits from a recently introduced sparsity-based mechanism to cope with partially correlated components, ii) it builds upon estimator aggregation techniques to further yield a better noise contamination/non-Gaussian foreground residual trade-off. The PolGMCA algorithm is evaluated on simulations of full-sky polarized microwave sky simulations using the Planck Sky Model (PSM), which show that the proposed method achieve a precise recovery of the CMB map in polarization with low noise/foreground contamination residuals. It provides improvements with respect to standard methods, especially on the galactic center where estimating the CMB is challenging.
We present a novel technique for Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) foreground subtraction based on the framework of blind source separation. Inspired by previous work incorporating local variation to Generalized Morphological Component Analysis (GMCA ), we introduce Hierarchical GMCA (HGMCA), a Bayesian hierarchical graphical model for source separation. We test our method on $N_{rm side}=256$ simulated sky maps that include dust, synchrotron, free-free and anomalous microwave emission, and show that HGMCA reduces foreground contamination by $25%$ over GMCA in both the regions included and excluded by the Planck UT78 mask, decreases the error in the measurement of the CMB temperature power spectrum to the $0.02-0.03%$ level at $ell>200$ (and $<0.26%$ for all $ell$), and reduces correlation to all the foregrounds. We find equivalent or improved performance when compared to state-of-the-art Internal Linear Combination (ILC)-type algorithms on these simulations, suggesting that HGMCA may be a competitive alternative to foreground separation techniques previously applied to observed CMB data. Additionally, we show that our performance does not suffer when we perturb model parameters or alter the CMB realization, which suggests that our algorithm generalizes well beyond our simplified simulations. Our results open a new avenue for constructing CMB maps through Bayesian hierarchical analysis.
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