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A Search for Interstellar Pyrimidine

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 نشر من قبل Yi-Jehng Kuan
 تاريخ النشر 2003
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Yi-Jehng Kuan

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We have searched three hot molecular cores for submillimeter emission from the nucleic acid building-block pyrimidine. We obtain upper limits to the total pyrimidine (beam-averaged) column densities towards Sgr B2(N), Orion KL and W51 e1/e2 of 1.7E+14 cm^{-2}, 2.4E+14 cm^{-2} and 3.4E+14 cm^{-2}, respectively. The associated upper limits to the pyrimidine fractional abundances lie in the range (0.3-3)E-10. Implications of this result for interstellar organic chemistry, and for the prospects of detecting nitrogen heterocycles in general, are briefly discussed.

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We report on a search for Interstellar CH2D+. Four transitions occur in easily accessible portions of the spectrum; we report on emission at the frequencies of these transitions toward high column density star-forming regions. While the observations can be interpreted as being consistent with a detection of the molecule, further observations will be needed to secure that identification. The CH2D+ rotational spectrum has not been measured to high accuracy. Lines are weak, as the dipole moment induced by the inclusion of deuterium in the molecule is small. Astronomical detection is favored by observations toward strongly deuterium-fractionated sources. However, enhanced deuteration is expected to be most significant at low temperatures. The sparseness of the available spectrum and the low excitation in regions of high fractionation make secure identification of CH2D+ difficult. Nonetheless, owing to the importance of CH3+ to interstellar chemistry, and the lack of rotational transitions of that molecule owing to its planar symmetric structure, a measure of its abundance would provide key data to astrochemical models.
The discovery of the second interstellar object 2I/Borisov on 2019 August 30 raises the question of whether it was ejected recently from a nearby stellar system. Here we compute the asymptotic incoming trajectory of 2I/Borisov, based on both recent a nd pre-discovery data extending back to December 2018, using a range of force models that account for cometary outgassing. From Gaia DR2 astrometry and radial velocities, we trace back in time the Galactic orbits of 7.4 million stars to look for close encounters with 2I/Borisov. The closest encounter we find took place 910kyr ago with the M0V star Ross 573, at a separation of 0.068pc (90% confidence interval of 0.053-0.09pc) with a relative velocity of 23km/s. This encounter is nine times closer than the closest past encounter identified for the first interstellar object 1I/Oumuamua. Ejection of 2I/Borisov via a three-body encounter in a binary or planetary system is possible, although such a large ejection velocity is unlikely to be obtained and Ross 573 shows no signs of binarity. We also identify and discuss some other recent close encounters, recognizing that if 2I/Borisov is more than about 10Myr old, our search would be unlikely to find its parent system.
99 - David Neufeld 2017
We report the results of a sensitive search for the 443.952902 GHz $J=1-0$ transition of the LiH molecule toward two interstellar clouds in the Milky Way, W49N and Sgr B2 (Main), that has been carried out using the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX ) telescope. The results obtained toward W49N place an upper limit of $1.9 times 10^{-11}, (3sigma)$ on the LiH abundance, $N({rm LiH})/N({rm H}_2)$, in a foreground, diffuse molecular cloud along the sight-line to W49N, corresponding to 0.5% of the solar system lithium abundance. Those obtained toward Sgr B2 (Main) place an abundance limit $N({rm LiH})/N({rm H}_2) < 3.6 times 10^{-13} ,(3sigma)$ in the dense gas within the Sgr B2 cloud itself. These limits are considerably smaller that those implied by the tentative detection of LiH reported previously for the $z=0.685$ absorber toward B0218+357.
The organic compounds HCN and C2H2, present in protoplanetary disks, may react to form precursor molecules of the nucleobases, such as the pyrimidine molecule, C4H4N2. Depending on the temperature in a given region of the disk, molecules are in the g as phase or condensed onto grain surfaces. The action of X-ray photons and MeV protons, emitted by the young central star, may lead to several physical and chemical processes in such prestellar environments. In this work we have experimentally investigated the ionization, dissociation and desorption processes of pyrimidine in the condensed and the gas phase stimulated by soft X-rays and protons, respectively. Pyrimidine was frozen at temperatures below 130 K and irradiated with X-rays at energies from 394 to 427 eV. In the gas phase experiment, a pyrimidine effusive jet at room temperature was bombarded with protons of 2.5 MeV. In both experiments, the time-of-flight mass-spectrometry technique was employed. Partial photodesorption ion yields as a function of the X-ray photon energy for ions such as C3H2+, HC3NH+ and C4H+ were determined. The experimental results were applied to conditions of the protoplanetary disk of TW Hydra star. Assuming three density profiles of molecular hydrogen, 1 x 10^6, 1 x 10^7 and 1 x 10^8 cm^-3, we determined HC3NH+ ion-production rates of the order of 10^-31 up to 10^-8 ions cm^-3 s^-1. Integrating over 1 x 10^6 yr, HC3NH^+ column density values, ranging from 3.47 x 10^9 to 1.29 x 10^13 cm^-2, were obtained as a function of the distance from central star. The optical depth is the main variable that affects ions production. In addition, computational simulations were used to determine the kinetic energies of ions desorbed from pyrimidine ice distributed between ~ 7 and 15 eV.
273 - C. Joblin , O. Berne , A. Simon 2009
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are considered as a major constituent of interstellar dust. They have been proposed as the carriers of the Aromatic Infrared Bands (AIBs) observed in emission in the mid-IR. They likely have a significant contr ibution to various features of the extinction curve such as the 220 nm bump,the far-UV rise and the diffuse interstellar bands. Emission bands are also expected in the far-IR, which are better fingerprints of molecular identity than the AIBs. They will be searched for with the Herschel Space Observatory. Rotational emission is also expected in the mm range for those molecules which carry significant dipole moments. Despite spectroscopic studies in the laboratory, no individual PAH species could be identified. This emphasises the need for an investigation on where interstellar PAHs come from and how they evolve due to environmental conditions: ionisation and dissociation upon UV irradiation, interactions with electrons, gas and dust. There is also evidence for PAH species to contribute to the depletion of heavy atoms from the gas phase, in particular Si and Fe. This paper illustrates how laboratory work can be inspired from observations. In particular there is a need for understanding the chemical properties of PAHs and PAH-related species, including very small grains, in physical conditions that mimic those found in interstellar space. This motivates a joint effort between astrophysicists, physicists and chemists. Such interdisciplinary studies are currently performed, taking advantage of the PIRENEA set-up, a cold ion trap dedicated to astrochemistry.
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