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We present the results of TNG near-IR low resolution spectroscopy of two (S7F5-254 and S7F5-45) sources belonging to a complete sample of 15 EROs with K<18 and R-K>5 selected from the MUNICS Survey. Both the spectra show a sharp drop in the continuum which can be ascribed only to the Balmer break. This places them at 1.2<z<1.5. Their rest-frame z=1.2 K-band absolute magnitude is M_K ~ -26.6 (L ~ 7L*). The comparison of the spectra and the photometric data with a grid of synthetic template spectra provides a redshift z=1.22 for S7F5-254 and z=1.46 for S7F5-45. The resulting lower limits to their stellar mass are M_{stars}=6x10^{11} M_{sun} and M_{stars}=4x10^{11} M_{sun}. The minimum age of the last burst of star formation in S7F5-254 is 3.5 Gyr while it is 0.5 Gyr in S7F5-45 implying a minimum formation redshift z_f>3.5 and z_f>2 for the two EROs respectively.
We report results from a search for massive and evolved galaxies at z>5 in the GOODS southern field. Combining HST ACS, VLT ISAAC and Spitzer IRAC photometric data, we develop a color selection technique to identify candidates for being evolved galax
We present a rest-frame UV-optical stacked spectrum representative of quiescent galaxies at $1.0 < z < 1.3$ with log$(M_*/rm{M_odot}) > 10.8$. The stack is constructed using VANDELS survey data, combined with new KMOS observations. We apply two indep
We present a Bayesian full-spectral-fitting analysis of 75 massive ($M_* > 10^{10.3} M_odot$) UVJ-selected galaxies at redshifts of $1.0 < z < 1.3$, combining extremely deep rest-frame ultraviolet spectroscopy from VANDELS with multi-wavelength photo
Using the CANDELS photometric catalogs for the HST/ACS and WFC3, we identified massive evolved galaxies at $3 < z < 4.5$, employing three different selection methods. We find the comoving number density of these objects to be $sim 2 times 10^{-5}$ an
We present low-resolution (64 < R < 124) mid-infrared (8--38 micron) Spitzer/IRS spectra of two z~1.3 ultraluminous infrared galaxies (LFIR~10^13) discovered in a Spitzer/MIPS survey of the Bootes field of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey (NDWFS). MIP