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Massive z ~ 1.3 evolved galaxies revealed

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 نشر من قبل Paolo Saracco
 تاريخ النشر 2002
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present the results of TNG near-IR low resolution spectroscopy of two (S7F5-254 and S7F5-45) sources belonging to a complete sample of 15 EROs with K<18 and R-K>5 selected from the MUNICS Survey. Both the spectra show a sharp drop in the continuum which can be ascribed only to the Balmer break. This places them at 1.2<z<1.5. Their rest-frame z=1.2 K-band absolute magnitude is M_K ~ -26.6 (L ~ 7L*). The comparison of the spectra and the photometric data with a grid of synthetic template spectra provides a redshift z=1.22 for S7F5-254 and z=1.46 for S7F5-45. The resulting lower limits to their stellar mass are M_{stars}=6x10^{11} M_{sun} and M_{stars}=4x10^{11} M_{sun}. The minimum age of the last burst of star formation in S7F5-254 is 3.5 Gyr while it is 0.5 Gyr in S7F5-45 implying a minimum formation redshift z_f>3.5 and z_f>2 for the two EROs respectively.

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135 - T. Wiklind 2007
We report results from a search for massive and evolved galaxies at z>5 in the GOODS southern field. Combining HST ACS, VLT ISAAC and Spitzer IRAC photometric data, we develop a color selection technique to identify candidates for being evolved galax ies at high redshifts. The color selection is primarily based on locating the Balmer-break using the K- and 3.6micron bands. Stellar population synthesis models are fitted to the SEDs of these galaxies to identify the final sample. We find 11 candidates with photometric redshifts in the range 4.9 < z < 6.5, dominated by an old stellar population, with ages 0.2-1.0 Gyr, and stellar masses in the range (0.5 - 5) 10^{11} Msun. The majority of the stars in these galaxies were formed at z > 9. One candidate has a spectroscopically confirmed redshift, in good agreement with our photometric redshift. The galaxies are very compact, with half-light radii in the observed K-band smaller than ~2 kpc. Seven of the 11 candidates are also detected at 24micron with the MIPS instrument on Spitzer. The 24micron emission could be interpreted as PAH emission from a dusty starburst at z~2-3, however, it is also consistent with the presence of an obscured AGN at z>5. We estimate the completeness of the Balmer break galaxy sample to be ~40%. The comoving number density of galaxies with a stellar mass >10^{11} Msun, at an average redshift z=5.2, is 3.9 10^{-5} Mpc^{-3} (no-MIPS sample: 1.4 10^{-5} Mpc^{-3}). The corresponding stellar mass density is 8 10^{6} Msun/Mpc^3 (no-MIPS sample: 6.2 10^6 Msun/Mpc^3).
We present a rest-frame UV-optical stacked spectrum representative of quiescent galaxies at $1.0 < z < 1.3$ with log$(M_*/rm{M_odot}) > 10.8$. The stack is constructed using VANDELS survey data, combined with new KMOS observations. We apply two indep endent full-spectral-fitting approaches, obtaining consistent stellar ages and metallicities. We measure a total metallicity, [Z/H] = $-0.13pm0.08$, and an iron abundance, [Fe/H] = $-0.18pm0.08$, representing falls of $sim0.3$ dex and $sim0.15$ dex respectively compared with the local Universe. We also measure the alpha enhancement via the magnesium abundance, obtaining [Mg/Fe] = 0.23$pm$0.12, consistent with similar-mass galaxies in the local Universe, indicating no evolution in the average alpha enhancement of log$(M_*/rm{M_odot}) sim 11$ quiescent galaxies over the last 8 Gyr. This suggests the very high alpha enhancements recently reported for several very bright $zsim1-2$ quiescent galaxies are due to their extreme masses, in accordance with the well-known downsizing trend, rather than being typical of the $zgtrsim1$ population. The metallicity evolution we observe with redshift (falling [Z/H], [Fe/H], but constant [Mg/Fe]) is consistent with recent studies. We recover a mean stellar age of $2.5^{+0.6}_{-0.4}$ Gyr, corresponding to a formation redshift, $z_rm{form} = 2.4^{+0.6}_{-0.3}$. Recent studies have obtained varying average formation redshifts for $zgtrsim1$ massive quiescent galaxies, and, as these studies report consistent metallicities, we identify different star-formation-history models as the most likely cause. Larger spectroscopic samples from upcoming ground-based instruments will provide precise constraints on ages and metallicities at $zgtrsim1$. Combining these with precise $z>2$ quiescent-galaxy stellar-mass functions from JWST will provide an independent test of formation redshifts from spectral fitting.
We present a Bayesian full-spectral-fitting analysis of 75 massive ($M_* > 10^{10.3} M_odot$) UVJ-selected galaxies at redshifts of $1.0 < z < 1.3$, combining extremely deep rest-frame ultraviolet spectroscopy from VANDELS with multi-wavelength photo metry. By the use of a sophisticated physical plus systematic uncertainties model, constructed within the Bagpipes code, we place strong constraints on the star-formation histories (SFHs) of individual objects. We firstly constrain the stellar mass vs stellar age relationship, finding a steep trend towards earlier average formation with increasing stellar mass of $1.48^{+0.34}_{-0.39}$ Gyr per decade in mass, although this shows signs of flattening at $M_* > 10^{11} M_odot$. We show that this is consistent with other spectroscopic studies from $0 < z < 2$. This relationship places strong constraints on the AGN-feedback models used in cosmological simulations. We demonstrate that, although the relationships predicted by Simba and IllustrisTNG agree well with observations at $z=0.1$, they are too shallow at $z=1$, predicting an evolution of $<0.5$ Gyr per decade in mass. Secondly, we consider the connections between green-valley, post-starburst and quiescent galaxies, using our inferred SFH shapes and the distributions of galaxy physical properties on the UVJ diagram. The majority of our lowest-mass galaxies ($M_* sim 10^{10.5} M_odot$) are consistent with formation in recent ($z<2$), intense starburst events, with timescales of $lesssim500$ Myr. A second class of objects experience extended star-formation epochs before rapidly quenching, passing through both green-valley and post-starburst phases. The most massive galaxies in our sample are extreme systems: already old by $z=1$, they formed at $zsim5$ and quenched by $z=3$. However, we find evidence for their continued evolution through both AGN and rejuvenated star-formation activity.
Using the CANDELS photometric catalogs for the HST/ACS and WFC3, we identified massive evolved galaxies at $3 < z < 4.5$, employing three different selection methods. We find the comoving number density of these objects to be $sim 2 times 10^{-5}$ an d $8 times 10^{-6}Mpc^{-3}$ after correction for completeness for two redshift bins centered at $z=3.4, 4.7$. We quantify a measure of how much confidence we should have for each candidate galaxy from different selections and what are the conservative error estimates propagated into our selection. Then we compare the evolution of the corresponding number densities and their stellar mass density with numerical simulations, semi-analytical models, and previous observational estimates, which shows slight tension at higher redshifts as the models tend to underestimate the number and mass densities. By estimating the average halo masses of the candidates ($M_h approx 4.2, 1.9, 1.3 times 10^{12} M_odot$ for redshift bins centered at $z=3.4, 4.1, 4.7$), we find them to be consistent with halos that were efficient in turning baryons to stars and were relatively immune to the feedback effects and on the verge of transition into hot-mode accretion. This can suggest the relative cosmological starvation of the cold gas followed by an overconsumption phase in which the galaxy consumes the available cold gas rapidly as one of the possible drivers for the quenching of the massive evolved population at high redshift.
We present low-resolution (64 < R < 124) mid-infrared (8--38 micron) Spitzer/IRS spectra of two z~1.3 ultraluminous infrared galaxies (LFIR~10^13) discovered in a Spitzer/MIPS survey of the Bootes field of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey (NDWFS). MIP S J142824.0+352619 is a bright 160 micron source with a large infrared-to-optical flux density ratio and a possible lensing amplification of <~10. The 6.2, 7.7, 11.3, and 12.8 micron PAH emission bands in its IRS spectrum indicate a redshift of z~1.3. The large equivalent width of the 6.2 micron PAH feature indicates that at least 50% of the mid-infrared energy is generated in a starburst, an interpretation that is supported by a large [NeII]/[NeIII] ratio and a low upper limit on the X-ray luminosity. SST24 J142827.19+354127.71 has the brightest 24 micron flux (10.55 mJy) among optically faint (R > 20) galaxies in the NDWFS. Its mid-infrared spectrum lacks emission features, but the broad 9.7 micron silicate absorption band places this source at z~1.3. Given this redshift, SST24 J142827.19+354127.71 has among the largest rest-frame 5 micron luminosities known. The similarity of its SED to those of known AGN-dominated ULIRGs and its lack of either PAH features or large amounts of cool dust indicate that the powerful mid-infrared emission is dominated by an active nucleus rather than a starburst. Our results illustrate the power of the IRS in identifying massive galaxies in the ``redshift desert and in discerning their power sources. Because they are bright, MIPS J142824.0+352619 (pending future observations to constrain its lensing amplification) and SST24 J142827.19+354127.71 are useful z>1 templates of a high luminosity starburst and AGN, respectively.
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