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Optimal multihump filter for photometric redshifts

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 نشر من قبل Tamas Budavari
 تاريخ النشر 2001
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Tamas Budavari

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We propose a novel type filter for multicolor imaging to improve on the photometric redshift estimation of galaxies. An extra filter - specific to a certain photometric system - may be utilized with high efficiency. We present a case study of the Hubble Space Telescopes Advanced Camera for Surveys and show that one extra exposure could cut down the mean square error on photometric redshifts by 34% over the z<1.3 redshift range.

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اقرأ أيضاً

In the next years, several cosmological surveys will rely on imaging data to estimate the redshift of galaxies, using traditional filter systems with 4-5 optical broad bands; narrower filters improve the spectral resolution, but strongly reduce the t otal system throughput. We explore how photometric redshift performance depends on the number of filters n_f, characterizing the survey depth through the fraction of galaxies with unambiguous redshift estimates. For a combination of total exposure time and telescope imaging area of 270 hrs m^2, 4-5 filter systems perform significantly worse, both in completeness depth and precision, than systems with n_f >= 8 filters. Our results suggest that for low n_f, the color-redshift degeneracies overwhelm the improvements in photometric depth, and that even at higher n_f, the effective photometric redshift depth decreases much more slowly with filter width than naively expected from the reduction in S/N. Adding near-IR observations improves the performance of low n_f systems, but still the system which maximizes the photometric redshift completeness is formed by 9 filters with logarithmically increasing bandwidth (constant resolution) and half-band overlap, reaching ~0.7 mag deeper, with 10% better redshift precision, than 4-5 filter systems. A system with 20 constant-width, non-overlapping filters reaches only ~0.1 mag shallower than 4-5 filter systems, but has a precision almost 3 times better, dz = 0.014(1+z) vs. dz = 0.042(1+z). We briefly discuss a practical implementation of such a photometric system: the ALHAMBRA survey.
In this paper we apply ideas from information theory to create a method for the design of optimal filters for photometric redshift estimation. We show the method applied to a series of simple example filters in order to motivate an intuition for how photometric redshift estimators respond to the properties of photometric passbands. We then design a realistic set of six filters covering optical wavelengths that optimize photometric redshifts for $z <= 2.3$ and $i < 25.3$. We create a simulated catalog for these optimal filters and use our filters with a photometric redshift estimation code to show that we can improve the standard deviation of the photometric redshift error by 7.1% overall and improve outliers 9.9% over the standard filters proposed for the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST). We compare features of our optimal filters to LSST and find that the LSST filters incorporate key features for optimal photometric redshift estimation. Finally, we describe how information theory can be applied to a range of optimization problems in astronomy.
Upcoming imaging surveys, such as LSST, will provide an unprecedented view of the Universe, but with limited resolution along the line-of-sight. Common ways to increase resolution in the third dimension, and reduce misclassifications, include observi ng a wider wavelength range and/or combining the broad-band imaging with higher spectral resolution data. The challenge with these approaches is matching the depth of these ancillary data with the original imaging survey. However, while a full 3D map is required for some science, there are many situations where only the statistical distribution of objects (dN/dz) in the line-of-sight direction is needed. In such situations, there is no need to measure the fluxes of individual objects in all of the surveys. Rather a stacking procedure can be used to perform an `ensemble photo-z. We show how a shallow, higher spectral resolution survey can be used to measure dN/dz for stacks of galaxies which coincide in a deeper, lower resolution survey. The galaxies in the deeper survey do not even need to appear individually in the shallow survey. We give a toy model example to illustrate tradeoffs and considerations for applying this method. This approach will allow deep imaging surveys to leverage the high resolution of spectroscopic and narrow/medium band surveys underway, even when the latter do not have the same reach to high redshift.
75 - Kristen Menou 2018
Machine learning (ML) is a standard approach for estimating the redshifts of galaxies when only photometric information is available. ML photo-z solutions have traditionally ignored the morphological information available in galaxy images or partly i ncluded it in the form of hand-crafted features, with mixed results. We train a morphology-aware photometric redshift machine using modern deep learning tools. It uses a custom architecture that jointly trains on galaxy fluxes, colors and images. Galaxy-integrated quantities are fed to a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) branch while images are fed to a convolutional (convnet) branch that can learn relevant morphological features. This split MLP-convnet architecture, which aims to disentangle strong photometric features from comparatively weak morphological ones, proves important for strong performance: a regular convnet-only architecture, while exposed to all available photometric information in images, delivers comparatively poor performance. We present a cross-validated MLP-convnet model trained on 130,000 SDSS-DR12 galaxies that outperforms a hyperoptimized Gradient Boosting solution (hyperopt+XGBoost), as well as the equivalent MLP-only architecture, on the redshift bias metric. The 4-fold cross-validated MLP-convnet model achieves a bias $delta z / (1+z) =-0.70 pm 1 times 10^{-3} $, approaching the performance of a reference ANNZ2 ensemble of 100 distinct models trained on a comparable dataset. The relative performance of the morphology-aware and morphology-blind models indicates that galaxy morphology does improve ML-based photometric redshift estimation.
87 - Tamas Budavari 2009
We present a rigorous mathematical solution to photometric redshift estimation and the more general inversion problem. The challenge we address is to meaningfully constrain unknown properties of astronomical sources based on given observables, usuall y multicolor photometry, with the help of a training set that provides an empirical relation between the measurements and the desired quantities. We establish a formalism that blurs the boundary between the traditional empirical and template-fitting algorithms, as both are just special cases that are discussed in detail to put them in context. The new approach enables the development of more sophisticated methods that go beyond the classic techniques to combine their advantages. We look at the directions for further improvement in the methodology, and examine the technical aspects of practical implementations. We show how training sets are to be constructed and used consistently for reliable estimation.
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