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Secure Transmission for Hierarchical Information Accessibility in Downlink MU-MIMO

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 نشر من قبل Jeonghun Park
 تاريخ النشر 2021
والبحث باللغة English

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Physical layer security is a useful tool to prevent confidential information from wiretapping. In this paper, we consider a generalized model of conventional physical layer security, referred to as hierarchical information accessibility (HIA). A main feature of the HIA model is that a network has a hierarchy in information accessibility, wherein decoding feasibility is determined by a priority of users. Under this HIA model, we formulate a sum secrecy rate maximization problem with regard to precoding vectors. This problem is challenging since multiple non-smooth functions are involved into the secrecy rate to fulfill the HIA conditions and also the problem is non-convex. To address the challenges, we approximate the minimum function by using the LogSumExp technique, thereafter obtain the first-order optimality condition. One key observation is that the derived condition is cast as a functional eigenvalue problem, where the eigenvalue is equivalent to the approximated objective function of the formulated problem. Accordingly, we show that finding a principal eigenvector is equivalent to finding a local optimal solution. To this end, we develop a novel method called generalized power iteration for HIA (GPI-HIA). Simulations demonstrate that the GPI-HIA significantly outperforms other baseline methods in terms of the secrecy rate.

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As a key technology for future wireless networks, massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) can significantly improve the energy efficiency (EE) and spectral efficiency (SE), and the performance is highly dependant on the degree of the available channel state information (CSI). While most existing works on massive MIMO focused on the case where the instantaneous CSI at the transmitter (CSIT) is available, it is usually not an easy task to obtain precise instantaneous CSIT. In this paper, we investigate EE-SE tradeoff in single-cell massive MIMO downlink transmission with statistical CSIT. To this end, we aim to optimize the system resource efficiency (RE), which is capable of striking an EE-SE balance. We first figure out a closed-form solution for the eigenvectors of the optimal transmit covariance matrices of different user terminals, which indicates that beam domain is in favor of performing RE optimal transmission in massive MIMO downlink. Based on this insight, the RE optimization precoding design is reduced to a real-valued power allocation problem. Exploiting the techniques of sequential optimization and random matrix theory, we further propose a low-complexity suboptimal two-layer water-filling-structured power allocation algorithm. Numerical results illustrate the effectiveness and near-optimal performance of the proposed statistical CSI aided RE optimization approach.
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In this paper, intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) is proposed to enhance the physical layer security in the Rician fading channel where the angular direction of the eavesdropper is aligned with a legitimate user. In this scenario, we consider a two -phase communication system under the active attacks and passive eavesdropping. Particularly, in the first phase, the base station avoids direct transmission to the attacked user. While, in the second phase, other users cooperate to forward signals to the attacked user with the help of IRS and energy harvesting technology. Under the active attacks, we investigate an outage constrained beamforming design problem under the statistical cascaded channel error model, which is solved by using the Bernstein-type inequality. As for the passive eavesdropping, an average secrecy rate maximization problem is formulated, which is addressed by a low complexity algorithm. Numerical results show that the negative effect of the eavesdroppers channel error is greater than that of the legitimate user.
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Secrecy transmission is investigated for a cooperative jamming scheme, where a multi-antenna jam-mer generates artificial noise (AN) to confuse eavesdroppers. Two kinds of eavesdroppers are considered: passive eavesdroppers who only overhear the legi timate information, and active eavesdroppers who not only overhear the legitimate information but also jam the legitimate signal. Existing works only treat the passive and active eavesdroppers separately. Different from the existing works, we investigate the achievable secrecy rate in presence of both active and passive eavesdroppers. For the considered system model, we assume that the instantaneous channel state information (CSI) of the active eavesdroppers is available at the jammer, while only partial CSI of the passive eavesdroppers is available at the jammer. A new zero-forcing beamforming scheme is proposed in the presence of both active and passive eavesdroppers. For both the perfect and imperfect CSI cases, the total transmission power allocation between the information and AN signals is optimized to maximize the achievable secrecy rate. Numerical results show that imperfect CSI between the jammer and the legitimate receiver will do more harm to the achievable secrecy rate than imperfect CSI between the jammer and the active eavesdropper.
Recently, multi-user multiple input multiple output (MU-MIMO) systems with low-resolution digital-to-analog converters (DACs) has received considerable attention, owing to the capability of dramatically reducing the hardware cost. Besides, it has bee n shown that the use of low-resolution DACs enable great reduction in power consumption while maintain the performance loss within acceptable margin, under the assumption of perfect knowledge of channel state information (CSI). In this paper, we investigate the precoding problem for the coarsely quantized MU-MIMO system without such an assumption. The channel uncertainties are modeled to be a random matrix with finite second-order statistics. By leveraging a favorable relation between the multi-bit DACs outputs and the single-bit ones, we first reformulate the original complex precoding problem into a nonconvex binary optimization problem. Then, using the S-procedure lemma, the nonconvex problem is recast into a tractable formulation with convex constraints and finally solved by the semidefinite relaxation (SDR) method. Compared with existing representative methods, the proposed precoder is robust to various channel uncertainties and is able to support a MUMIMO system with higher-order modulations, e.g., 16QAM.
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