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Confining and chiral properties of QCD in extremely strong magnetic fields

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 نشر من قبل Lorenzo Maio
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We investigate, by numerical lattice simulations, the static quark-antiquark potential, the flux tube properties and the chiral condensate for $N_f = 2+1$ QCD with physical quark masses in the presence of strong magnetic fields, going up to $eB = 9$ GeV$^2$, with continuum extrapolated results. The string tension for quark-antiquark separations longitudinal to the magnetic field is suppressed by one order of magnitude at the largest explored magnetic field with respect to its value at zero magnetic background, but is still non-vanishing; in the transverse direction, instead, the string tension is enhanced but seems to reach a saturation at around 50 % of its value at $B = 0$. The flux tube shows a consistent suppression/enhancement of the overall amplitude, with mild modifications of its profile. Finally, we observe magnetic catalysis in the whole range of explored fields with a behavior compatible with a lowest Landau level approximation, in particular with a linear dependence of the chiral condensate on $B$ which is in agreement, within errors, with that already observed for $eB sim 1$ GeV$^2$.

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اقرأ أيضاً

162 - H.-T. Ding , S.-T. Li , Q. Shi 2020
In this proceedings we discuss the natural connection between the reduction of neutral pion mass in the vacuum, and the magnetic catalysis as well as the reduction of transition temperature in the external magnetic field. We also present the first re sults on fluctuations of and correlations among conserved charges in strong magnetic fields from lattice QCD computations.
112 - Hideo Suganuma 2021
Using the lattice gauge field theory, we study the relation among the local chiral condensate, monopoles, and color magnetic fields in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). First, we investigate idealized Abelian gauge systems of 1) a static monopole-antimon opole pair and 2) a magnetic flux without monopoles, on a four-dimensional Euclidean lattice. In these systems, we calculate the local chiral condensate on quasi-massless fermions coupled to the Abelian gauge field, and find that the chiral condensate is localized in the vicinity of the magnetic field. Second, using SU(3) lattice QCD Monte Carlo calculations, we investigate Abelian projected QCD in the maximally Abelian gauge, and find clear correlation of distribution similarity among the local chiral condensate, monopoles, and color magnetic fields in the Abelianized gauge configuration. As a statistical indicator, we measure the correlation coefficient $r$, and find a strong positive correlation of $r simeq 0.8$ between the local chiral condensate and an Euclidean color-magnetic quantity ${cal F}$ in Abelian projected QCD. The correlation is also investigated for the deconfined phase in thermal QCD. As an interesting conjecture, like magnetic catalysis, the chiral condensate is locally enhanced by the strong color-magnetic field around the monopoles in QCD.
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We study light meson properties in a magnetic field, focusing on a charged pion and a charged and polarized rho meson, in quenched lattice QCD. The gauge-invariant density-density correlators are calculated to investigate the deformation caused by th e magnetic field. We find that these mesons acquire elongated shapes along the magnetic field. The magnitude of the deformation is about 10-20 % when the strength of the magnetic field is of the order of the squared unphysical pion mass.
We study the relation between quark confinement and chiral symmetry breaking in QCD. Using lattice QCD formalism, we analytically express the various confinement indicators, such as the Polyakov loop, its fluctuations, the Wilson loop, the inter-quar k potential and the string tension, in terms of the Dirac eigenmodes. In the Dirac spectral representation, there appears a power of the Dirac eigenvalue $lambda_n$ such as $lambda_n^{N_t-1}$, which behaves as a reduction factor for small $lambda_n$. Consequently, since this reduction factor cannot be cancelled, the low-lying Dirac eigenmodes give negligibly small contribution to the confinement quantities,while they are essential for chiral symmetry breaking. These relations indicate no direct, one-to-one correspondence between confinement and chiral symmetry breaking in QCD. In other words, there is some independence of quark confinement from chiral symmetry breaking, which can generally lead to different transition temperatures/densities for deconfinement and chiral restoration. We also investigate the Polyakov loop in terms of the eigenmodes of the Wilson, the clover and the domain-wall fermion kernels, respectively, and find the similar results. The independence of quark confinement from chiral symmetry breaking seems to be natural, because confinement is realized independently of quark masses and heavy quarks are also confined even without the chiral symmetry.
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