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Combining Attention with Flow for Person Image Synthesis

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 نشر من قبل Yurui Ren
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Pose-guided person image synthesis aims to synthesize person images by transforming reference images into target poses. In this paper, we observe that the commonly used spatial transformation blocks have complementary advantages. We propose a novel model by combining the attention operation with the flow-based operation. Our model not only takes the advantage of the attention operation to generate accurate target structures but also uses the flow-based operation to sample realistic source textures. Both objective and subjective experiments demonstrate the superiority of our model. Meanwhile, comprehensive ablation studies verify our hypotheses and show the efficacy of the proposed modules. Besides, additional experiments on the portrait image editing task demonstrate the versatility of the proposed combination.

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اقرأ أيضاً

127 - Xingran Zhou , Siyu Huang , Bin Li 2019
This paper presents a novel method to manipulate the visual appearance (pose and attribute) of a person image according to natural language descriptions. Our method can be boiled down to two stages: 1) text guided pose generation and 2) visual appear ance transferred image synthesis. In the first stage, our method infers a reasonable target human pose based on the text. In the second stage, our method synthesizes a realistic and appearance transferred person image according to the text in conjunction with the target pose. Our method extracts sufficient information from the text and establishes a mapping between the image space and the language space, making generating and editing images corresponding to the description possible. We conduct extensive experiments to reveal the effectiveness of our method, as well as using the VQA Perceptual Score as a metric for evaluating the method. It shows for the first time that we can automatically edit the person image from the natural language descriptions.
Person image synthesis, e.g., pose transfer, is a challenging problem due to large variation and occlusion. Existing methods have difficulties predicting reasonable invisible regions and fail to decouple the shape and style of clothing, which limits their applications on person image editing. In this paper, we propose PISE, a novel two-stage generative model for Person Image Synthesis and Editing, which is able to generate realistic person images with desired poses, textures, or semantic layouts. For human pose transfer, we first synthesize a human parsing map aligned with the target pose to represent the shape of clothing by a parsing generator, and then generate the final image by an image generator. To decouple the shape and style of clothing, we propose joint global and local per-region encoding and normalization to predict the reasonable style of clothing for invisible regions. We also propose spatial-aware normalization to retain the spatial context relationship in the source image. The results of qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate the superiority of our model on human pose transfer. Besides, the results of texture transfer and region editing show that our model can be applied to person image editing.
277 - Wen Liu , Zhixin Piao , Zhi Tu 2020
We tackle human image synthesis, including human motion imitation, appearance transfer, and novel view synthesis, within a unified framework. It means that the model, once being trained, can be used to handle all these tasks. The existing task-specif ic methods mainly use 2D keypoints to estimate the human body structure. However, they only express the position information with no abilities to characterize the personalized shape of the person and model the limb rotations. In this paper, we propose to use a 3D body mesh recovery module to disentangle the pose and shape. It can not only model the joint location and rotation but also characterize the personalized body shape. To preserve the source information, such as texture, style, color, and face identity, we propose an Attentional Liquid Warping GAN with Attentional Liquid Warping Block (AttLWB) that propagates the source information in both image and feature spaces to the synthesized reference. Specifically, the source features are extracted by a denoising convolutional auto-encoder for characterizing the source identity well. Furthermore, our proposed method can support a more flexible warping from multiple sources. To further improve the generalization ability of the unseen source images, a one/few-shot adversarial learning is applied. In detail, it firstly trains a model in an extensive training set. Then, it finetunes the model by one/few-shot unseen image(s) in a self-supervised way to generate high-resolution (512 x 512 and 1024 x 1024) results. Also, we build a new dataset, namely iPER dataset, for the evaluation of human motion imitation, appearance transfer, and novel view synthesis. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods in terms of preserving face identity, shape consistency, and clothes details. All codes and dataset are available on https://impersonator.org/work/impersonator-plus-plus.html.
Generating photorealistic images of human subjects in any unseen pose have crucial applications in generating a complete appearance model of the subject. However, from a computer vision perspective, this task becomes significantly challenging due to the inability of modelling the data distribution conditioned on pose. Existing works use a complicated pose transformation model with various additional features such as foreground segmentation, human body parsing etc. to achieve robustness that leads to computational overhead. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective pose transformation GAN by utilizing the Residual Learning method without any additional feature learning to generate a given human image in any arbitrary pose. Using effective data augmentation techniques and cleverly tuning the model, we achieve robustness in terms of illumination, occlusion, distortion and scale. We present a detailed study, both qualitative and quantitative, to demonstrate the superiority of our model over the existing methods on two large datasets.
Person Re-Identification (ReID) is a challenging problem in many video analytics and surveillance applications, where a persons identity must be associated across a distributed non-overlapping network of cameras. Video-based person ReID has recently gained much interest because it allows capturing discriminant spatio-temporal information from video clips that is unavailable for image-based ReID. Despite recent advances, deep learning (DL) models for video ReID often fail to leverage this information to improve the robustness of feature representations. In this paper, the motion pattern of a person is explored as an additional cue for ReID. In particular, a flow-guided Mutual Attention network is proposed for fusion of image and optical flow sequences using any 2D-CNN backbone, allowing to encode temporal information along with spatial appearance information. Our Mutual Attention network relies on the joint spatial attention between image and optical flow features maps to activate a common set of salient features across them. In addition to flow-guided attention, we introduce a method to aggregate features from longer input streams for better video sequence-level representation. Our extensive experiments on three challenging video ReID datasets indicate that using the proposed Mutual Attention network allows to improve recognition accuracy considerably with respect to conventional gated-attention networks, and state-of-the-art methods for video-based person ReID.
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