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Entanglement negativity at the critical point of measurement-driven transition

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 نشر من قبل Bowen Shi
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study the entanglement behavior of a random unitary circuit punctuated by projective measurements at the measurement-driven phase transition in one spatial dimension. We numerically study the logarithmic entanglement negativity of two disjoint intervals and find that it scales as a power of the cross-ratio. We investigate two systems: (1) Clifford circuits with projective measurements, and (2) Haar random local unitary circuit with projective measurements. Remarkably, we identify a power-law behavior of entanglement negativity at the critical point. Previous results of entanglement entropy and mutual information point to an emergent conformal invariance of the measurement-driven transition. Our result suggests that the critical behavior of the measurement-driven transition is distinct from the ground state behavior of any emph{unitary} conformal field theory.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We propose entanglement negativity as a fine-grained probe of measurement-induced criticality. We motivate this proposal in stabilizer states, where for two disjoint subregions, comparing their mutual negativity and their mutual information leads to a precise distinction between bipartite and multipartite entanglement. In a measurement-only stabilizer circuit that maps exactly to two-dimensional critical percolation, we show that the mutual information and the mutual negativity are governed by boundary conformal fields of different scaling dimensions at long distances. We then consider a class of hybrid circuit models obtained by perturbing the measurement-only circuit with unitary gates of progressive levels of complexity. While other critical exponents vary appreciably for different choices of unitary gate ensembles at their respective critical points, the mutual negativity has scaling dimension 3 across remarkably many of the hybrid circuits, which is notably different from that in percolation. We contrast our results with limiting cases where a geometrical minimal-cut picture is available.
When an extended system is coupled at its opposite boundaries to two reservoirs at different temperatures or chemical potentials, it cannot achieve a global thermal equilibrium and is instead driven to a set of current-carrying nonequilibrium states. Despite the broad relevance of such a scenario to metallic systems, there have been limited investigations of the entanglement structure of the resulting long-time states, in part, due to the fundamental difficulty in solving realistic models for disordered, interacting electrons. We investigate this problem by carefully analyzing two toy models for coherent quantum transport of diffusive fermions: the celebrated three-dimensional, noninteracting Anderson model and a class of random quantum circuits acting on a chain of qubits, which exactly maps to a diffusive, interacting fermion problem. Crucially, the random circuit model can also be tuned to have no interactions between the fermions, similar to the Anderson model. We show that the long-time states of driven noninteracting fermions exhibit volume-law mutual information and entanglement, both for our random circuit model and for the nonequilibrium steady-state of the Anderson model. With interactions, the random circuit model is quantum chaotic and approaches local equilibrium, with only short-range entanglement. These results provide a generic picture for the emergence of local equilibrium in current-driven quantum-chaotic systems, and also provide examples of stable, highly-entangled many-body states out of equilibrium. We discuss experimental techniques to probe these effects in low-temperature mesoscopic wires or ultracold atomic gases.
We show that weak measurements can induce a quantum phase transition of interacting many-body systems from an ergodic thermal phase with a large entropy to a nonergodic localized phase with a small entropy, but only if the measurement strength exceed s a critical value. We demonstrate this effect for a one-dimensional quantum circuit evolving under random unitary transformations and generic positive operator-valued measurements of variable strength. As opposed to projective measurements describing a restricted class of open systems, the measuring device is modeled as a continuous Gaussian probe, capturing a large class of environments. By employing data collapse and studying the enhanced fluctuations at the transition, we obtain a consistent phase boundary in the space of the measurement strength and the measurement probability, clearly demonstrating a critical value of the measurement strength below which the system is always ergodic, irrespective of the measurement probability. These findings provide guidance for quantum engineering of many-body systems by controlling their environment.
Disordered non-interacting systems in sufficiently high dimensions have been predicted to display a non-Anderson disorder-driven transition that manifests itself in the critical behaviour of the density of states and other physical observables. Recen tly the critical properties of this transition have been extensively studied for the specific case of Weyl semimetals by means of numerical and renormalisation-group approaches. Despite this, the values of the critical exponents at such a transition in a Weyl semimetal are currently under debate. We present an independent calculation of the critical exponents using a two-loop renormalisation-group approach for Weyl fermions in $2-varepsilon$ dimensions and resolve controversies currently existing in the literature.
We study the level-spacing statistics in the entanglement spectrum of output states of random universal quantum circuits where qubits are subject to a finite probability of projection to the computational basis at each time step. We encounter two pha se transitions with increasing projection rate: The first is the volume-to-area law transition observed in quantum circuits with projective measurements; The second separates the pure Poisson level statistics phase at large projective measurement rates from a regime of residual level repulsion in the entanglement spectrum within the area-law phase, characterized by non-universal level spacing statistics that interpolates between the Wigner-Dyson and Poisson distributions. By applying a tensor network contraction algorithm introduced in Ref. [1] to the circuit spacetime, we identify this second projective-measurement-driven transition as a percolation transition of entangled bonds. The same behavior is observed in both circuits of random two-qubit unitaries and circuits of universal gate sets, including the set implemented by Google in its Sycamore circuits.
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