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Semiclassical Evolution With Low Regularity

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 نشر من قبل Thierry Paul
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Franc{c}ois Golse

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We prove semiclassical estimates for the Schrodinger-von Neumann evolution with $C^{1,1}$ potentials and density matrices whose square root have either Wigner functions with low regularity independent of the dimension, or matrix elements between Hermite functions having long range decay. The estimates are settled in different weak topologies and apply to initial density operators whose square root have Wigner functions $7$ times differentiable, independently of the dimension. They also apply to the $N$ body quantum dynamics uniformly in $N$. In a appendix, we finally estimate the dependence in the dimension of the constant appearing on the Calderon-Vaillancourt Theorem.

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اقرأ أيضاً

290 - Andras Vasy , Jared Wunsch 2011
We develop a second-microlocal calculus of pseudodifferential operators in the semiclassical setting. These operators test for Lagrangian regularity of semiclassical families of distributions on a manifold $X$ with respect to a Lagrangian submanifold of $T^*X.$ The construction of the calculus, closely analogous to one performed by Bony in the setting of homogeneous Lagrangians, proceeds via the consideration of a model case, that of the zero section of $T^*mathbb{R}^n,$ and conjugation by appropriate Fourier integral operators. We prove a propagation theorem for the associated wavefront set analogous to Hormanders theorem for operators of real principal type. As an application, we consider the propagation of Lagrangian regularity on invariant tori for quasimodes (e.g. eigenfunctions) of an operator with completely integrable classical hamiltonian. We prove a secondary propagation result for second wavefront set which implies that even in the (extreme) case of Lagrangian tori with all frequencies rational, provided a nondegeneracy assumption holds, Lagrangian regularity either spreads to fill out a whole torus or holds nowhere locally on it.
We study the asymptotic behavior of solutions to wave equations with a structural damping term [ u_{tt}-Delta u+Delta^2 u_t=0, qquad u(0,x)=u_0(x), ,,, u_t(0,x)=u_1(x), ] in the whole space. New thresholds are reported in this paper that indicate whi ch of the diffusion wave property and the non-diffusive structure dominates in low regularity cases. We develop to that end the previous authors research in 2019 where they have proposed a threshold that expresses whether the parabolic-like property or the wave-like property strongly appears in the solution to some regularity-loss type dissipative wave equation.
134 - Mengyun Liu , Chengbo Wang 2017
In this paper, we prove the global existence for some 4-D quasilinear wave equations with small, radial data in $H^{3}times H^{2}$. The main idea is to exploit local energy estimates with variable coefficients, together with the trace estimates.
This article represents the first installment of a series of papers concerned with low regularity solutions for the water wave equations in two space dimensions. Our focus here is on sharp cubic energy estimates. Precisely, we introduce and develop t he techniques to prove a new class of energy estimates, which we call emph{balanced cubic estimates}. This yields a key improvement over the earlier cubic estimates of Hunter-Ifrim-Tataru [12], while preserving their scale invariant character and their position-velocity potential holomorphic coordinate formulation. Even without using any Strichartz estimates, these results allow us to significantly lower the Sobolev regularity threshold for local well-posedness, drastically improving earlier results obtained by Alazard-Burq-Zuily [3, 4], Hunter-Ifrim-Tataru [12] and Ai [2].
This article represents the second installment of a series of papers concerned with low regularity solutions for the water wave equations in two space dimensions. Our focus here is on global solutions for small and localized data. Such solutions have been proved to exist earlier in [15, 7, 10, 12] in much higher regularity. Our goal in this paper is to improve these results and prove global well-posedness under minimal regularity and decay assumptions for the initial data. One key ingredient here is represented by the balanced cubic estimates in our first paper. Another is the nonlinear vector field Sobolev inequalities, an idea first introduced by the last two authors in the context of the Benjamin-Ono equations [14].
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