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Incompatibility in general probabilistic theories, generalized spectrahedra, and tensor norms

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 نشر من قبل Ion Nechita
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In this work, we investigate measurement incompatibility in general probabilistic theories (GPTs). We show several equivalent characterizations of compatible measurements. The first is in terms of the positivity of associated maps. The second relates compatibility to the inclusion of certain generalized spectrahedra. For this, we extend the theory of free spectrahedra to ordered vector spaces. The third characterization connects the compatibility of dichotomic measurements to the ratio of tensor crossnorms of Banach spaces. We use these characterizations to study the amount of incompatibility present in different GPTs, i.e. their compatibility regions. For centrally symmetric GPTs, we show that the compatibility degree is given as the ratio of the injective and the projective norm of the tensor product of associated Banach spaces. This allows us to completely characterize the compatibility regions of several GPTs, and to obtain optimal universal bounds on the compatibility degree in terms of the 1-summing constants of the associated Banach spaces. Moreover, we find new bounds on the maximal incompatibility present in more than three qubit measurements.

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Resource theories provide a general framework for the characterization of properties of physical systems in quantum mechanics and beyond. Here, we introduce methods for the quantification of resources in general probabilistic theories (GPTs), focusin g in particular on the technical issues associated with infinite-dimensional state spaces. We define a universal resource quantifier based on the robustness measure, and show it to admit a direct operational meaning: in any GPT, it quantifies the advantage that a given resource state enables in channel discrimination tasks over all resourceless states. We show that the robustness acts as a faithful and strongly monotonic measure in any resource theory described by a convex and closed set of free states, and can be computed through a convex conic optimization problem. Specializing to continuous-variable quantum mechanics, we obtain additional bounds and relations, allowing an efficient computation of the measure and comparison with other monotones. We demonstrate applications of the robustness to several resources of physical relevance: optical nonclassicality, entanglement, genuine non-Gaussianity, and coherence. In particular, we establish exact expressions for various classes of states, including Fock states and squeezed states in the resource theory of nonclassicality and general pure states in the resource theory of entanglement, as well as tight bounds applicable in general cases.
In this paper, we investigate a characterization of Quantum Mechanics by two physical principles based on general probabilistic theories. We first give the operationally motivated definition of the physical equivalence of states and consider the prin ciple of the physical equivalence of pure states, which turns out to be equivalent to the symmetric structure of the state space. We further consider another principle of the decomposability with distinguishable pure states. We give classification theorems of the state spaces for each principle, and derive the Bloch ball in 2 and 3 dimensional systems by these principles.
294 - Matthias Kleinmann 2014
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