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Revisiting the complex nuclear region of NGC 6240 with Chandra

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 نشر من قبل Giuseppina Fabbiano
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a reanalysis of the cumulative ACIS S Chandra data set pointed at the double AGNs of the NGC 6240 merging galaxy, focusing on the hard energy bands containing the hard spectral continuum (5.5-5.9 keV), the redshifted Fe I K alpha line (6.0-6.4 keV), and the redshifted Fe XXV line (6.4-6.7 keV). We have used to the full the Chandra telescope angular resolution, and we have modeled the Chandra PSF by comparing pre-flight calibration model to the data for the two bright AGNs. With two complementary approaches: (1) studying the residuals after PSF subtraction, and (2) producing reconstructed Expectation through Markov Chain Monte Carlo (EMC2) images, we are able to resolve structures extending from 1 kpc to <200 pc in the S AGN. The latter are within the sphere of influence of this BH. We find significant extended emission in both continuum and Fe lines in the 2 (1 kpc) region surrounding the nuclei, in the region between the N and S AGN, and in a sector of PA 120-210 deg. extending to the SE from the centroid of the S AGN surface brightness. The extended Fe I K alpha emission is likely to originate from fluorescence of X-ray photons interacting with dense molecular clouds, providing a complementary view to recent high-resolution ALMA studies. The non-thermal emission is more prevalent in the region in between the two active X-ray nuclei, and in the N AGN. We do not find strong evidence of X-ray emission associated with the 3rd nucleus recently proposed for NGC 6240.

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اقرأ أيضاً

154 - Junfeng Wang 2009
We present the first Chandra/ACIS imaging study of the circumnuclear region of the nearby Seyfert galaxy NGC 1365. The X-ray emission is resolved into point-like sources and complex, extended emission. The X-ray morphology of the extended emission sh ows a biconical soft X-ray emission region extending ~5 kpc in projection from the nucleus, coincident with the high excitation outflow cones seen in optical emission lines particularly to the northwest. Harder X-ray emission is detected from a kpc-diameter circumnuclear ring, coincident with the star-forming ring prominent in the Spitzer mid-infrared images; this X-ray emission is partially obscured by the central dust lane of NGC 1365. Spectral fitting of spatially separated components indicates a thermal plasma origin for the soft extended X-ray emission (kT=0.57 keV). Only a small amount of this emission can be due to photoionization by the nuclear source. Detailed comparison with [OIII]5007 observations shows the hot interstellar medium (ISM) is spatially anticorrelated with the [OIII] emitting clouds and has thermal pressures comparable to those of the [OIII] medium, suggesting that the hot ISM acts as a confining medium for the cooler photoionized clouds. The abundance ratios of the hot ISM are fully consistent with the theoretical values for enrichment from Type II supernovae, suggesting that the hot ISM is a wind from the starburst circumnuclear ring. X-ray emission from a ~450 pc long nuclear radio jet is also detected to the southeast.
98 - Bram Boroson , Dong-Woo Kim , 2010
We have selected a sample of 30 normal (non-cD) early type galaxies, for all of which optical spectroscopy is available, and which have been observed with Chandra to a depth such to insure the detection of bright low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) with Lx>1e38 erg/s. This sample includes a larger fraction of gas-poor galaxies than previously studied samples, and covers a wide range of stellar luminosity, velocity dispersion, GC specific frequency, and stellar age. We derive X-ray luminosities (or upper limits) from the different significant X-ray components of these galaxies: nuclei, detected and undetected LMXBs, coronally active binaries (ABs), cataclysmic variables (CVs), and hot gas. The ABs and CVs contribution is estimated from the Lx-LK scaling relation of M31 and M32. The contribution of undetected LMXBs is estimated both by fitting the spectra of the unresolved X-ray emission and by extrapolating the LMXB X-ray luminosity function. The results for the nuclei are consistent with those discussed by Pellegrini (2010). We derive a revised scaling relation between the integrated X-ray luminosity of LMXBs in a galaxy and the LK luminosity of the host galaxy: Lx(LMXB)/LK ~ 1e29 erg s-1 LK-1 with 50% 1sigma rms; moreover, we also obtain a tighter LX(LMXB)/LK - SN relation than previously published. We revisit the relations between hot gas content and other galaxy parameters. finding a steeper LX(gas)-LK relation with larger scatter than reported in the literature. We find a positive correlation between the luminosity and temperature of the hot ISM, significantly tighter than reported by earlier studies.[abridged]
High resolution X-ray spectroscopy of the warm absorber in the nearby X-ray bright Seyfert 1 galaxy, Mrk 1040 is presented. The observations were carried out in the 2013-2014 timeframe using the Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating with a total e xposure of 200 ks. A multitude of absorption lines from Ne, Mg and Si are detected from a wide variety of ionization states. In particular, the detection of inner K-shell absorption lines from Ne, Mg and Si, from charge states ranging from F-like to Li-like ions, suggests the presence of a substantial amount of low ionization absorbing gas, illuminated by a steep soft X-ray continuum. The observations reveal at least 3 warm absorbing components ranging in ionization parameter from $logxi = 0-2$ and with column densities of $N_{rm H} =1.5-4.0 times 10^{21}$cm$^{-2}$. The velocity profiles imply that the outflow velocities of the absorbing gas are low and within $pm100$ km s$^{-1}$ of the systemic velocity of Mrk 1040, which suggests any outflowing gas may have stalled in this AGN on large enough scales. The warm absorber is likely located far from the black hole, within 300 pc of the nucleus and is spatially coincident with emission from an extended Narrow Line Region as seen in the HST images. The iron K band spectrum reveals only narrow emission lines, with Fe K$alpha$ at 6.4 keV consistent with originating from reflection off Compton thick pc-scale reprocessing gas.
We report a clumpy elongated feature found with deep Chandra ACIS high-resolution imaging of the Fe K{alpha} line emission in the nuclear region of the Compton Thick Active Galactic Nucleus (CT AGN) galaxy NGC 5643. This feature extends for ~65 pc N- S. No corresponding feature is seen in the 3.0-6.0 keV continuum. The Fe K{alpha} feature is spatially consistent with the N-S elongation found in the CO(2-1) high resolution imaging with ALMA (Alonso-Herrero et al 2018), but slightly more extended than the rotating molecular disk of r=26 pc indicated by the kinematics of the CO(2-1) line. The Chandra detection of a corresponding N-S structure in the neutral Fe K{alpha} line, would argue for both CO and Fe K{alpha} emission originating from the obscuring torus.
We report on the imaging analysis of 200 ks sub-arcsecond resolution Chandra ACIS-S observations of the nearby Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4151. Bright, structured soft X-ray emission is observed to extend from 30 pc to 1.3 kpc in the south-west from the nu cleus, much farther than seen in earlier X-ray studies. The terminus of the north-eastern X-ray emission is spatially coincident with a CO gas lane, where the outflow likely encounters dense gas in the host galactic disk. X-ray emission is also detected outside the boundaries of the ionization cone, which indicates that the gas there is not completely shielded from the nuclear continuum, as would be the case for a molecular torus collimating the bicone. In the central r<200 pc region, the subpixel processing of the ACIS data recovers the morphological details on scales of <30~pc (<0.5) first discovered in Chandra HRC images. The X-ray emission is more absorbed towards the boundaries of the ionization cone, as well as perpendicular to the bicone along the direction of a putative torus in NGC 4151. The innermost region where X-ray emission shows the highest hardness ratio, is spatially coincident with the near-infrared resolved H_2 emission and dusty spirals we find in an HST V-H color image. The agreement between the observed H_2 line flux and the value predicted from X-ray-irradiated molecular cloud models supports photo-excitation by X-rays from the active nucleus as the origin of the H_2 line, although contribution from UV fluorescence or collisional excitation cannot be fully ruled out with current data. The discrepancy between the mass of cold molecular gas inferred from recent CO and near-infrared H_2 observations may be explained by the anomalous CO abundance in this X-ray dominated region. The total H_2 mass derived from the X-ray observation agrees with measurement in Storchi-Bergmann et al.
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