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On the quantum origin of inflation in the geometric inflation model

63   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل Israel Quiros
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In this paper we investigate the cosmological dynamics of geometric inflation by means of the tools of the dynamical systems theory. We focus in the study of two explicit models where it is possible to sum the infinite series of higher curvature corrections that arises in the formalism. These would be very interesting possibilities since, if regard gravity as a quantum effective theory, a key feature is that higher powers of the curvature invariants are involved at higher loops. Hence, naively, consideration of the whole infinite tower of curvature invariants amounts to consideration of all of the higher order loops. The global dynamics of these toy models in the phase space is discussed and the quantum origin of primordial inflation is exposed.

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اقرأ أيضاً

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135 - Shaoyu Yin , Bin Wang , Ru-Keng Su 2009
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77 - Qing Gao 2018
We discuss the constant-roll inflation with constant $epsilon_2$ and constant $bareta$. By using the method of Bessel function approximation, the analytical expressions for the scalar and tensor power spectra, the scalar and tensor spectral tilts, an d the tensor to scalar ratio are derived up to the first order of $epsilon_1$. The model with constant $epsilon_2$ is ruled out by the observations at the $3sigma$ confidence level, and the model with constant $bareta$ is consistent with the observations at the $1sigma$ confidence level. The potential for the model with constant $bareta$ is also obtained from the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. Although the observations constrain the constant-roll inflation to be slow-roll inflation, the $n_s-r$ results from the constant-roll inflation are not the same as those from the slow-roll inflation even when $baretasim 0.01$.
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We study inflationary solution in an extension of mimetic gravity with the higher derivative interactions coupled to gravity. Because of the higher derivative interactions, the setup is free from the ghost and gradient instabilities while it hosts a number of novel properties. The dispersion relation of scalar perturbations develops quartic momentum correction similar to the setup of ghost inflation. Furthermore, the tilt of tensor perturbations can take either signs with a modified consistency relation between the tilt and the amplitude of tensor perturbations. Despite the presence of higher derivative interactions coupled to gravity, the tensor perturbations propagate with a speed equal to the speed of light as required by the LIGO observations. Furthermore, the higher derivative interactions induce non-trivial interactions in cubic Hamiltonian, generating non-Gaussianities in various shapes such as the equilateral, orthogonal, and squeezed configurations with observable amplitudes.
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