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Creating QED Photon Jets with Present-Day Lasers

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 نشر من قبل Scott Luedtke
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Large-scale, relativistic particle-in-cell simulations with quantum electrodynamics (QED) models show that high energy (1$<E_gammalesssim$ 75 MeV) QED photon jets with a flux of $10^{12}$ sr$^{-1}$ can be created with present-day lasers and planar, unstructured targets. This process involves a self-forming channel in the target in response to a laser pulse focused tightly ($f$ number unity) onto the target surface. We show the self-formation of a channel to be robust to experimentally motivated variations in preplasma, angle of incidence, and laser stability, and present in simulations using historical shot data from the Texas Petawatt. We estimate that a detectable photon flux in the 10s of MeV range will require about 60 J in a 150 fs pulse.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We consider the possibility of experimental verification of vacuum e^+e^- pair creation at the focus of two counter-propagating optical laser beams with intensities 10^{20}-10^{22} W/cm^2, achievable with present-day petawatt lasers, and approaching the Schwinger limit: 10^{29} W/cm^2 to be reached at ELI. Our approach is based on the collisionless kinetic equation for the evolution of the e^+ and e^- distribution functions governed by a non-Markovian source term for pair production. As possible experimental signals of vacuum pair production we consider e^+e^- annihilation into gamma-pairs and the refraction of a high-frequency probe laser beam by the produced e^+e^- plasma. We discuss the dependence of the dynamical pair production process on laser wavelength, with special emphasis on applications in the X-ray domain (X-FEL), as well as the prospects for mu^+mu^- and pi^+pi^- pair creation at high-intensity lasers. We investigate perspectives for using high-intensity lasers as ``boosters of ion beams in the few-GeV per nucleon range, which is relevant, e.g., to the exploration of the QCD phase transition in laboratory experiments.
We study how to search for photon-photon scattering in vacuum at present petawatt laser facilities such as HERCULES, and test Quantum Electrodynamics and non-standard models like Born-Infeld theory or scenarios involving minicharged particles or axio n-like bosons. First, we compute the phase shift that is produced when an ultra-intense laser beam crosses a low power beam, in the case of arbitrary polarisations. This result is then used in order to design a complete test of all the parameters appearing in the low energy effective photonic Lagrangian. In fact, we propose a set of experiments that can be performed at HERCULES, eventually allowing either to detect photon-photon scattering as due to new physics, or to set new limits on the relevant parameters, improving by several orders of magnitude the current constraints obtained recently by PVLAS collaboration. We also describe a multi-cross optical mechanism that can further enhance the sensitivity, enabling HERCULES to detect photon-photon scattering even at a rate as small as that predicted by QED. Finally, we discuss how these results can be improved at future exawatt facilities such as ELI, thus providing a new class of precision tests of the Standard Model and beyond.
154 - Thomas Heinzl 2011
This contribution presents an overview of fundamental QED processes in the presence of an external field produced by an ultra-intense laser. The discussion focusses on the basic intensity effects on vacuum polarisation and the prospects for their obs ervation. Some historical remarks are added where appropriate.
The QED cascade induced by the two counter-propagating lasers is studied. It is demonstrated that the probability of a seed-photon to create a pair is much larger than that of a seed-electron. By analyzing the dynamic characteristics of the electron and positron created by the seed-photon, it is found that the created particles are more probable to emit photons than the seed-electron. With these result, further more, we also demonstrate that the QED cascade can be easier to be triggered by the seed-photon than by the seed-electron with the same incident energy and the same laser.
It is conjectured that all perturbative approaches to quantum electrodynamics (QED) break down in the collision of a high-energy electron beam with an intense laser, when the laser fields are boosted to `supercritical strengths far greater than the c ritical field of QED. As field strengths increase toward this regime, cascades of photon emission and electron-positron pair creation are expected, as well as the onset of substantial radiative corrections. Here we identify the important role played by the collision angle in mitigating energy losses to photon emission that would otherwise prevent the electrons reaching the supercritical regime. We show that a collision between an electron beam with energy in the tens of GeV and a laser pulse of intensity $10^{24}~text{W}text{cm}^{-2}$ at oblique, or even normal, incidence is a viable platform for studying the breakdown of perturbative strong-field QED. Our results have implications for the design of near-term experiments as they predict that certain quantum effects are enhanced at oblique incidence.
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