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A Quantum Ring in a Nanosphere

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 نشر من قبل Claudio Benedito Silva Furtado
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In this paper we study the quantum dynamics of an electron/hole in a two-dimensional quantum ring within a spherical space. For this geometry, we consider a harmonic confining potential. Suggesting that the quantum ring is affected by the presence of an Aharonov-Bohm flux and an uniform magnetic field, we solve the Schrodinger equation for this problem and obtain exactly the eigenvalues of energy and corresponding eigenfunctions for this nanometric quantum system. Afterwards, we calculate the magnetization and persistent current are calculated, and discuss influence of curvature of space on these values.

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اقرأ أيضاً

94 - I. Filikhin , S.G. Matinyan , 2011
We investigate the electron localization in double concentric quantum rings (DCQRs) when a perpendicular magnetic field is applied. In weakly coupled DCQRs, the situation can occur when the single electron energy levels associated with different ring s may be crossed. To avoid degeneracy, the anti-crossing of these levels has a place. We show that in this DCQR the electron spatial transition between the rings occurs due to the electron level anti-crossing. The anti-crossing of the levels with different radial quantum numbers provides the conditions for electron tunneling between rings. To study electronic structure of the semiconductor DCQR, the single sub-band effective mass approach with energy dependence was used. Results of numerical simulation for the electron transition are presented for DCQRs of geometry related to one fabricated in experiment.
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111 - A. Hopper , P. F. Barker 2020
Near-field, radially symmetric optical potentials centred around a levitated nanosphere can be used for sympathetic cooling and for creating a bound nanosphere-atom system analogous to a large molecule. We demonstrate that the long range, Coulomb-lik e potential produced by a single blue detuned field increases the collisional cross-section by eight orders of magnitude, allowing fast sympathetic cooling of a trapped nanosphere to microKelvin temperatures using cold atoms. By using two optical fields to create a combination of repulsive and attractive potentials, we demonstrate that a cold atom can be bound to a nanosphere creating a new levitated hybrid quantum system suitable for exploring quantum mechanics with massive particles.
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We consider the self-adjoint two-dimensional Schrodinger operator $H_mu$ associated with the differential expression $-Delta -mu$ describing a particle exposed to an attractive interaction given by a measure $mu$ supported in a closed curvilinear str ip and having fixed transversal one-dimensional profile measure $mu_bot$. This operator has nonempty negative discrete spectrum and we obtain two optimization results for its lowest eigenvalue. For the first one, we fix $mu_bot$ and maximize the lowest eigenvalue with respect to shape of the curvilinear strip the optimizer in the first problem turns out to be the annulus. We also generalize this result to the situation which involves an additional perturbation of $H_mu$ in the form of a positive multiple of the characteristic function of the domain surrounded by the curvilinear strip. Secondly, we fix the shape of the curvilinear strip and minimize the lowest eigenvalue with respect to variation of $mu_bot$, under the constraint that the total profile measure $alpha >0$ is fixed. The optimizer in this problem is $mu_bot$ given by the product of $alpha$ and the Dirac $delta$-function supported at an optimal position.
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