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Large Fermi Surface Expansion through Anisotropic c-f Mixing in the Semimetallic Kondo Lattice System CeBi

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 نشر من قبل Yang Liu
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and resonant ARPES, we report evidence of strong anisotropic conduction-f electron mixing (c-f mixing) in CeBi by observing a largely expanded Ce-5d pocket at low temperature, with no change in the Bi-6p bands. The Fermi surface (FS) expansion is accompanied by a pronounced spectral weight transfer from the local 4f 0 peak of Ce (corresponding to Ce3+) to the itinerant conduction bands near the Fermi level. Careful analysis suggests that the observed large FS change (with a volume expansion of the electron pocket up to 40%) can most naturally be explained by a small valence change (~ 1%) of Ce, which coexists with a very weak Kondo screening. Our work therefore provides evidence for a FS change driven by real charge fluctuations deep in the Kondo limit, which is made possible by the low carrier density.

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اقرأ أيضاً

118 - Eoin Quinn , Onur Erten 2019
The Kondo lattice model is a paradigmatic model for the description of local moment systems, a class of materials exhibiting a range of strongly correlated phenomena including heavy fermion formation, magnetism, quantum criticality and unconventional superconductivity. Conventional theoretical approaches invoke fractionalization of the local moment spin through large-N and slave particle methods. In this work we develop a new formalism, based instead on non-canonical degrees of freedom. We demonstrate that the graded Lie algebra su(2|2) provides a powerful means of organizing correlations on the Kondo lattice through a splitting of the electronic degree of freedom, in a manner which entwines the conduction electrons with the local moment spins. This offers a novel perspective on heavy fermion formation. Unlike slave-particle methods, non-canonical degrees of freedom generically allow for a violation of the Luttinger sum rule, and we interpret recent angle resolved photoemission experiments on Ce-115 systems in view of this.
56 - Taro Kimura , Sho Ozaki 2016
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167 - Nicola Lanata` , Paolo Barone , 2008
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In this paper we introduce an exactly solvable Kondo lattice model without any fine-tuning local gauge symmetry. This model describes itinerant electrons interplaying with a localized magnetic moment via only longitudinal Kondo exchange. Its solvabil ity results from conservation of the localized moment at each site, and is valid for arbitrary lattice geometry and electron filling. A case study on square lattice shows that the ground state is a N{e}el antiferromagnetic insulator at half-filling. At finite temperature, paramagnetic phases including a Mott insulator and correlated metal are found. The former is a melting antiferromagnetic insulator with a strong short-range magnetic fluctuation, while the latter corresponds to a Fermi liquid-like metal. Monte Carlo simulation and theoretical analysis demonstrate that the transition from paramagnetic phases into the antiferromagnetic insulator is a continuous $2D$ Ising transition. Away from half-filling, patterns of spin stripes (inhomogeneous magnetic order) at weak coupling, and phase separation at strong coupling are predicted. With established Ising antiferromagnetism and spin stripe orders, our model may be relevant to a heavy fermion compound CeCo(In$_{1-x}$Hg$_{x}$)$_{5}$ and novel quantum liquid-crystal order in a hidden order compound URu$_{2}$Si$_{2}$.
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