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Via nonlocality distillation, a number of copies of a given nonlocal correlation can be turned into a new correlation displaying a higher degree of nonlocality. Apart from its clear relevance in situations where nonlocality is a resource, distillation protocols also play an important role in the understanding of information-theoretical principles for quantum theory. Here, we derive a necessary condition for nonlocality distillation from two copies and apply it, among other results, to show that $1$D and $2$D quantum voids --faces of the nonlocal simplex set with no quantum realization-- can be distilled up to PR-boxes. With that, we generalize previous results in the literature. For instance, showing a broad class of post-quantum correlations that make communication complexity trivial and violate the information causality principle.
Recently the authors in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 090401 (2020)] considered the following scenario: Alice and Bob each have half of a pair of entangled qubit state. Bob measures his half and then passes his part to a second Bob who measures again and so
We show that for all $nge3$, an example of an $n$-partite quantum correlation that is not genuinely multipartite nonlocal but rather exhibiting anonymous nonlocality, that is, nonlocal but biseparable with respect to all bipartitions, can be obtained
The results of local measurements on some composite quantum systems cannot be reproduced classically. This impossibility, known as quantum nonlocality, represents a milestone in the foundations of quantum theory. Quantum nonlocality is also a valuabl
What violations of Bell inequalities teach us is that the world is quantum mechanical, i.e., nonclassical. Assertions that they imply the world is nonlocal arise from ignoring differences between quantum and classical physics.
The network structure offers in principle the possibility for novel forms of quantum nonlocal correlations, that are proper to networks and cannot be traced back to standard quantum Bell nonlocality. Here we define a notion of genuine network quantum