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Cavities, shocks and a cold front around 3C 320

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 نشر من قبل Sachindra Naik
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present results obtained from the analysis of a total of 110 ks Chandra observations of 3C 320 FR II radio galaxy, located at the centre of a cluster of galaxies at a redshift $z=0.342$. A pair of X-ray cavities have been detected at an average distance of $sim$38 kpc along the East and West directions with the cavity energy, age and total power equal to $sim$7.7$times$10$^{59}$ erg, $sim$7$times$10$^7$ yr and $sim$3.5$times$10$^{44}$ erg s$^{-1}$, respectively. The cooling luminosity within the cooling radius of $sim$100 kpc was found to be $L_{cool} sim8.5times10^{43}$ erg s$^{-1}$. Comparison of these two estimates implies that the cavity power is sufficiently high to balance the radiative loss. A pair of weak shocks have also been evidenced at distances of $sim$47 kpc and $sim$76 kpc surrounding the radio bubbles. Using the observed density jumps of $sim$1.8 and $sim$2.1 at shock locations along the East and West directions, we estimate the Mach numbers ($mathcal{M}$) to be $sim$1.6 and $sim$1.8, respectively. A sharp surface brightness edge was also detected at relatively larger radius ($sim$80 kpc) along the South direction. Density jump at this surface brightness edge was estimated to be $sim$1.6 and is probably due to the presence of a cold front in this cluster. The far-infrared luminosity yielded the star formation rate of 51 M$_{odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ and is 1/4$^{th}$ of the cooling rate ($dot{M}$ $sim$ 192 M$_{odot}$ yr$^{-1}$).

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اقرأ أيضاً

We present deep Chandra, XMM-Newton, Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope and Halpha observations of the group-group merger NGC 6338. X-ray imaging and spectral mapping show that as well as trailing tails of cool, enriched gas, the two cool cores are embe dded in an extensive region of shock heated gas with temperatures rising to ~5 keV. The velocity distribution of the member galaxies show that the merger is occurring primarily along the line of sight, and we estimate that the collision has produced shocks of Mach number M=2.3 or greater, making this one of the most violent mergers yet observed between galaxy groups. Both cool cores host potential AGN cavities and Halpha nebulae, indicating rapid radiative cooling. In the southern cool core around NGC 6338, we find that the X-ray filaments associated with the Halpha nebula have low entropies (<10 kev cm^2) and short cooling times (~200-300 Myr). In the northern core we identify an Halpha cloud associated with a bar of dense, cool X-ray gas offset from the dominant galaxy. We find no evidence of current jet activity in either core. We estimate the total mass of the system and find that the product of this group-group merger will likely be a galaxy cluster.
233 - E. Roediger 2011
We present a simplified and fast method for simulating minor mergers between galaxy clusters. Instead of following the evolution of the dark matter halos directly by the N-body method, we employ a rigid potential approximation for both clusters. The simulations are run in the rest frame of the more massive cluster and account for the resulting inertial accelerations in an optimised way. We test the reliability of this method for studies of minor merger induced gas sloshing by performing a one-to-one comparison between our simulations and hydro+N-body ones. We find that the rigid potential approximation reproduces the sloshing-related features well except for two artefacts: the temperature just outside the cold fronts is slightly over-predicted, and the outward motion of the cold fronts is delayed by typically 200 Myr. We discuss reasons for both artefacts.
69 - Chong Ge , Ruo-Yu Liu , Ming Sun 2020
We present the results of deep Chandra and XMM-Newton observations of a complex merging galaxy cluster Abell 2256 (A2256) that hosts a spectacular radio relic (RR). The temperature and metallicity maps show clear evidence of a merger between the west ern subcluster (SC) and the primary cluster (PC). We detect five X-ray surface brightness edges. Three of them near the cluster center are cold fronts (CFs): CF1 is associated with the infalling SC; CF2 is located in the east of the PC; and CF3 is to the west of the PC core. The other two edges at cluster outskirts are shock fronts (SFs): SF1 near the RR in the NW has Mach numbers derived from the temperature and the density jumps, respectively, of $M_T=1.62pm0.12$ and $M_rho=1.23pm0.06$; SF2 in the SE has $M_T=1.54pm0.05$ and $M_rho=1.16pm0.13$. In the region of the RR, there is no evidence for the correlation between X-ray and radio substructures, from which we estimate an upper limit for the inverse-Compton emission, and therefore set a lower limit on the magnetic field ($sim$ 450 kpc from PC center) of $B>1.0 mu$G for a single power-law electron spectrum or $B>0.4 mu$G for a broken power-law electron spectrum. We propose a merger scenario including a PC, an SC, and a group. Our merger scenario accounts for the X-ray edges, diffuse radio features, and galaxy kinematics, as well as projection effects.
We present the analysis of X-ray and optical observations of gas filaments observed in the radio source 3CR 318.1, associated with NGC 5920, the Brightest Cluster Galaxy (BCG) of MKW 3s, a nearby cool core galaxy cluster. This work is one of the firs t X-ray and optical analyses of filaments in cool core clusters carried out using MUSE observations. We aim at identifying the main excitation processes responsible for the emission arising from these filaments. We complemented the optical VLT/MUSE observations, tracing the colder gas phase, with X-ray $textit{Chandra}$ observations of the hotter highly ionized gas phase. Using the MUSE observations, we studied the emission line intensity ratios along the filaments to constrain the physical processes driving the excitation, and, using the $textit{Chandra}$ observations, we carried out a spectral analysis of the gas along these filaments. We found a spatial association between the X-ray and optical morphology of these filaments, which are colder and have lower metal abundance than the surrounding intra-cluster medium (ICM), as already seen in other BCGs. Comparing with previous results from the literature for other BCGs, we propose that the excitation process that is most likely responsible for these filaments emission is a combination of star formation and shocks, with a likely contribution from self-ionizing, cooling ICM. Additionally, we conclude that the filaments most likely originated from AGN-driven outflows in the direction of the radio jet.
Far-infrared spectroscopy reveals gas cooling and its underlying heating due to physical processes taking place in the surroundings of protostars. These processes are reflected in both the chemistry and excitation of abundant molecular species. Here, we present the Herschel-PACS far-IR spectroscopy of 90 embedded low-mass protostars from the WISH (van Dishoeck et al. 2011), DIGIT (Green et al. 2013), and WILL surveys (Mottram et al. 2017). The $5times5$ spectra covering the $sim50times50$ field-of-view include rotational transitions of CO, H$_2$O, and OH lines, as well as fine-structure [O I] and [C II] in the $sim$50-200 $mu$m range. The CO rotational temperatures (for $J_mathrm{u}geq14)$ are typically $sim$300 K, with some sources showing additional components with temperatures as high as $sim$1000 K. The H$_2$O / CO and H$_2$O / OH flux ratios are low compared to stationary shock models, suggesting that UV photons may dissociate some H$_2$O and decrease its abundance. Comparison to C shock models illuminated by UV photons shows good agreement between the line emission and the models for pre-shock densities of $10^5$ cm$^{-3}$ and UV fields 0.1-10 times the interstellar value. The far-infrared molecular and atomic lines are the unique diagnostic of shocks and UV fields in deeply-embedded sources.
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