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The Carnegie RR Lyrae Program: Mid-infrared Period-Luminosity relations of RR Lyrae stars in Reticulum

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 نشر من قبل Tatiana Muraveva
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We analysed 30 RR Lyrae stars (RRLs) located in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) globular cluster Reticulum that were observed in the 3.6 and 4.5 $mu$m passbands with the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on board of the Spitzer Space Telescope. We derived new mid-infrared (MIR) period-luminosity PL relations. The zero points of the PL relations were estimated using the trigonometric parallaxes of five bright Milky Way (MW) RRLs measured with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and, as an alternative, we used the trigonometric parallaxes published in the first Gaia data release (DR1) which were obtained as part of the Tycho-Gaia Astrometric Solution (TGAS) and the parallaxes of the same stars released with the second Gaia data release (DR2). We determined the distance to Reticulum using our new MIR PL relations and found that distances calibrated on the TGAS and DR2 parallaxes are in a good agreement and, generally, smaller than distances based on the HST parallaxes, although they are still consistent within the respective errors. We conclude that Reticulum is located ~3 kpc closer to us than the barycentre of the LMC.

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We present newly-calibrated period-$phi_{31}$-[Fe/H] relations for fundamental mode RR Lyrae stars in the optical and, for the first time, mid-infrared. This works calibration dataset provides the largest and most comprehensive span of parameter spac e to date with homogeneous metallicities from $-3<textrm{[Fe/H]}<0.4$ and accurate Fourier parameters derived from 1980 ASAS-SN ($V$-band) and 1083 WISE (NEOWISE extension, $W1$ and $W2$ bands) RR Lyrae stars with well-sampled light curves. We compare our optical period-$phi_{31}$-[Fe/H] with those available in the literature and demonstrate that our relation minimizes systematic trends in the lower and higher metallicity range. Moreover, a direct comparison shows that our optical photometric metallicities are consistent with both those from high-resolution spectroscopy and globular clusters, supporting the good performance of our relation. We found an intrinsic scatter in the photometric metallicities (0.41 dex in the $V$-band and 0.50 dex in the infrared) by utilizing large calibration datasets covering a broad metallicity range. This scatter becomes smaller when optical and infrared bands are used together (0.37 dex). Overall, the relations derived in this work have many potential applications, including large-area photometric surveys with JWST in the infrared and LSST in the optical.
We present new near-infrared ($JHK_s$) time-series observations of RR Lyrae variables in the Messier 3 (NGC 5272) globular cluster using the WIRCam instrument at the 3.6-m Canada France Hawaii Telescope. Our observations cover a sky area of $sim 21ti mes 21$ around the cluster center and provide an average of twenty epochs of homogeneous $JHK_s$-band photometry. New homogeneous photometry is used to estimate robust mean magnitudes for 175 fundamental-mode (RRab), 47 overtone-mode (RRc), and 11 mixed-mode (RRd) variables. Our sample of 233 RR Lyrae variables is the largest thus far obtained in a single cluster with time-resolved, multi-band near-infrared photometry. Near-infrared to optical amplitude ratios for RR Lyrae in Messier 3 exhibit a systematic increase moving from RRc to short-period ($P < 0.6$~days) and long-period ($P gtrsim 0.6$~days) RRab variables. We derive $JHK_s$-band Period--Luminosity relations for RRab, RRc, and the combined sample of variables. Absolute calibrations based on the theoretically predicted Period--Luminosity--Metallicity relations for RR Lyrae stars yield a distance modulus, $mu = 15.041 pm 0.017~(textrm{statistical}) pm 0.036~(textrm{systematic})$~mag, to Messier 3. When anchored to trigonometric parallaxes for nearby RR Lyrae stars from the {it Hubble Space Telescope} and the {it Gaia} mission, our distance estimates are consistent with those resulting from the theoretical calibrations, albeit with relatively larger systematic uncertainties.
We present results of the analysis of 70 RR Lyrae stars located in the bar of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Combining spectroscopically determined metallicity of these stars from the literature with precise periods from the OGLE III catalogue and multi-epoch $K_{rm s}$ photometry from the VISTA survey of the Magellanic Clouds system (VMC), we derive a new near-infrared period-luminosity-metallicity (${rm PL_{K_{rm s}}Z}$) relation for RR Lyrae variables. In order to fit the relation we use a fitting method developed specifically for this study. The zero-point of the relation is estimated in two different ways: by assuming the value of the distance to the LMC and by using Hubble Space Telescope (HST) parallaxes of five RR Lyrae stars in the Milky Way (MW). The difference in distance moduli derived by applying these two approaches is $sim0.2$ mag. To investigate this point further we derive the ${rm PL_{K_{rm s}}Z}$ relation based on 23 MW RR Lyrae stars which had been analysed in Baade-Wesselink studies. We compared the derived ${rm PL_{K_{rm s}}Z}$ relations for RR Lyrae stars in the MW and LMC. Slopes and zero-points are different, but still consistent within the errors. The shallow slope of the metallicity term is confirmed by both LMC and MW variables. The astrometric space mission Gaia is expected to provide a huge contribution to the determination of the RR Lyrae ${rm PL_{K_{rm s}}Z}$ relation, however, calculating an absolute magnitude from the trigonometric parallax of each star and fitting a ${rm PL_{K_{rm s}}Z}$ relation directly to period and absolute magnitude leads to biased results. We present a tool to achieve an unbiased solution by modelling the data and inferring the slope and zero-point of the relation via statistical methods.
201 - R. Szabo , Z. Kollath , L. Molnar 2011
The origin of the conspicuous amplitude and phase modulation of the RR Lyrae pulsation - known as the Blazhko effect - is still a mystery after more than 100 years of its discovery. With the help of the Kepler space telescope we have revealed a new a nd unexpected phenomenon: period doubling in RR Lyr - the eponym and prototype of its class - as well as in other Kepler Blazhko RR Lyrae stars. We have found that period doubling is directly connected to the Blazhko modulation. Furthermore, with hydrodynamic model calculations we have succeeded in reproducing the period doubling and proved that the root cause of this effect is a high order resonance (9:2) between the fundamental mode and the 9th radial overtone, which is a strange mode. We discuss the implications of these recent findings on our understanding of the century-old Blazhko problem.
100 - V. F. Braga (1 , 2 , 3 2018
We present a new complete Near-Infrared (NIR, $JHK_s$) census of RR Lyrae stars (RRLs) in the globular $omega$ Cen (NGC 5139). We collected 15,472 $JHK_s$ images with 4-8m class telescopes over 15 years (2000-2015) covering a sky area around the clus ter center of 60x34 arcmin$^2$. These images provided calibrated photometry for 182 out of the 198 cluster RRL candidates with ten to sixty measurements per band. We also provide new homogeneous estimates of the photometric amplitude for 180 ($J$), 176 ($H$) and 174 ($K_s$) RRLs. These data were supplemented with single-epoch $JK_s$ magnitudes from VHS and with single-epoch $H$ magnitudes from 2MASS. Using proprietary optical and NIR data together with new optical light curves (ASAS-SN) we also updated pulsation periods for 59 candidate RRLs. As a whole, we provide $JHK_s$ magnitudes for 90 RRab (fundamentals), 103 RRc (first overtones) and one RRd (mixed--mode pulsator). We found that NIR/optical photometric amplitude ratios increase when moving from first overtone to fundamental and to long-period (P>0.7 days) fundamental RRLs. Using predicted Period-Luminosity-Metallicity relations, we derive a true distance modulus of 13.674$pm$0.008$pm$0.038 mag (statistical error and standard deviation of the median)---based on spectroscopic iron abundances---and of 13.698$pm$0.004$pm$0.048 mag---based on photometric iron abundances. We also found evidence of possible systematics at the 5-10% level in the zero-point of the PLs based on the five calibrating RRLs whose parallaxes had been determined with HST
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