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Estimating decay rate of $X^{pm}(5568)to B_spi^{pm}$ while assuming them to be molecular states

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 نشر من قبل HongWei Ke
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث
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Discovery of $X(5568)$ brings up a tremendous interest because it is very special, i.e. made of four different flavors. The D0 collaboration claimed that they observed this resonance through portal $X(5568)to B_spi$, but unfortunately, later the LHCb, CMS, CDF and ATLAS collaborations reports indicate that no such state was found. Almost on the Eve of 2017, the D0 collaboration reconfirmed existence of $X(5568)$ via the semileptonic decay of $B_s$. To further reveal the discrepancy, supposing $X(5568)$ as a molecular state, we calculate the decay rate of $X(5568)rightarrow B_spi^+$ in an extended light front model. Numerically, the theoretically predicted decay width of $Gamma(X(5568)rightarrow B_spi^+)$ is $20.28$ MeV which is consistent with the result of the D0 collaboration ($Gamma=18.6^{+7.9}_{-6.1}(stat)^{+3.5}_{-3.8}(syst)$ MeV). Since the resonance is narrow, signals might be drowned in a messy background. In analog, two open-charm molecular states $DK$ and $BD$ named as $X_a$ and $X_b$, could be in the same situation. The rates of $X_ato D_spi^0$ and $X_bto B_cpi^0$ are estimated as about 30 MeV and 20 MeV respectively. We suggest the experimental collaborations round the world to search for these two modes and accurate measurements may provide us with valuable information.

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443 - Hong-Wei Ke , Xue-Qian Li 2018
Multi-quark states were predicted by Gell-Mann when the quark model was first formulated. Recently, numerous exotic states that are considered to be multi-quark states have been experimentally confirmed (four-quark mesons and five-quark baryons). The oretical research indicates that the four-quark state might comprise molecular and/or tetraquark structures. We consider that the meson containing four different flavors $subar bbar d$ should exist and decay via the $X(5568)to B_spi$ channel. However, except for the D0 collaboration, all other experimental collaborations have reported negative observations for $X(5568)$ in this golden portal. This contradiction has stimulated the interest of both theorists and experimentalists. To address this discrepancy, we propose that the assumed $X(5568)$ is a mixture of a molecular state and tetraquark, which contributes destructively to $X(5568)to B_spi$. The cancellation may be accidental and it should be incomplete. In this scenario, there should be two physical states with the same flavor ingredients, with spectra of $5344pm307$ and $6318pm315$. $X(5568)$ lies in the error range of the first state. We predict the width of the second state (designated as $S_2$) as $Gamma(X_{S_2}to B_spi)=224pm97$ MeV. We strongly suggest searching for it in future experiments.
116 - Ahmed Ali 2013
We present a precise calculation of the dilepton invariant-mass spectrum and the decay rate for $B^pm to pi^pm ell^+ ell^-$ ($ell^pm = e^pm, mu^pm $) in the Standard Model (SM) based on the effective Hamiltonian approach for the $b to d ell^+ ell^-$ transitions. With the Wilson coefficients already known in the next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic (NNLL) accuracy, the remaining theoretical uncertainty in the short-distance contribution resides in the form factors $f_+ (q^2)$, $f_0 (q^2)$ and $f_T (q^2)$. Of these, $f_+ (q^2)$ is well measured in the charged-current semileptonic decays $B to pi ell u_ell$ and we use the $B$-factory data to parametrize it. The corresponding form factors for the $B to K$ transitions have been calculated in the Lattice-QCD approach for large-$q^2$ and extrapolated to the entire $q^2$-region using the so-called $z$-expansion. Using an $SU(3)_F$-breaking Ansatz, we calculate the $B to pi$ tensor form factor, which is consistent with the recently reported lattice $B to pi$ analysis obtained at large~$q^2$. The prediction for the total branching fraction ${cal B} (B^pm to pi^pm mu^+ mu^-) = (1.88 ^{+0.32}_{-0.21}) times 10^{-8}$ is in good agreement with the experimental value obtained by the LHCb Collaboration. In the low $q^2$-region, heavy-quark symmetry (HQS) relates the three form factors with each other. Accounting for the leading-order symmetry-breaking effects, and using data from the charged-current process $B to pi ell u_ell$ to determine $f_+ (q^2)$, we calculate the dilepton invariant-mass distribution in the low $q^2$-region in the $B^pm to pi^pm ell^+ ell^-$ decay. This provides a model-independent and precise calculation of the partial branching ratio for this decay.
113 - R.E. Blanco , C. Gobel , 2000
A new and simple procedure to measure the angle $gamma$ from $B^{pm} to pi^{pm}pi^+pi^-$ and $B^{pm} to K^{pm}pi^+pi^-$ decays using SU(3) symmetry is presented. It is based on a full Dalitz plot analysis of these decays. All diagrams, including stro ng and electroweak penguins, are considered in the procedure. The method is also free from final state interaction problems. The theoretical error in the extraction of $gamma$ within the method should be of the order of $10^{rm o}$ or even less. Taking into account the B-meson production in the first generation of B factories and recent measurements from CLEO, this method could bring the best measurement of $gamma$ in the next years.
208 - E. Richter-Was , Z. Was 2019
In phenomenological preparation for new measurements one searches for the carriers of quality signatures. Often, the first approach quantities may be difficult to measure or to provide sufficiently precise predictions for comparisons. Complexity of necessary details grow with precision. To achieve the goal one can not break the theory principles, and take into account effects which could be ignored earlier. Mixed approach where dominant effects are taken into account with intuitive even simplistic approach was developed. Non dominant corrections were controlled with the help of Monte Carlo simulations. Concept of Optimal Variables was successfully applied for many measurements. New techniques, like Machine Learning, offer solutions to exploit multidimensional signatures. Complementarity of these new and old approaches is studied for the example of Higgs Boson CP-parity measurements in H to tau^+tau^-, tau^pm to nu (3pi)^pm cascade decays.
We investigate $B_spi^+$ scattering in s-wave using lattice QCD in order to search for an exotic resonance X(5568) with flavor $bar b s bar d u$; such a state was recently reported by D0 but was not seen by LHCb. If X(5568) with $J^P=0^+$ exists, it can strongly decay only to $B_spi^+$ and lies significantly below all other thresholds, which makes a lattice search for X(5568) cleaner and simpler than for other exotic candidates. Both an elastic resonance in $B_spi^+$ as well as a deeply bound $B^+bar K^0$ would lead to distinct signatures in the energies of lattice eigenstates, which are not seen in our simulation. We therefore do not find a candidate for X(5568) with $J^P=0^+$ in agreement with the recent LHCb result. The extracted $B_spi^+$ scattering length is compatible with zero within the error.
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