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Manipulation and steering of hyperbolic surface polaritons in hexagonal boron nitride

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 نشر من قبل Siyuan Dai
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) is a natural hyperbolic material that supports both volume-confined hyperbolic polaritons (HPs) and sidewall-confined hyperbolic surface polaritons (HSPs). In this work, we demonstrate effective excitation, control and steering of HSPs in hBN through engineering the geometry and orientation of hBN sidewalls. By combining infrared (IR) nano-imaging and numerical simulations, we investigate the reflection, transmission and scattering of HSPs at the hBN corners with various apex angles. We show that the sidewall-confined nature of HSPs enables a high degree of control over their propagation by designing the geometry of hBN nanostructures.

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Imaging materials and inner structures with resolution below the diffraction limit has become of fundamental importance in recent years for a wide variety of applications. In this work, we report sub-diffractive internal structure diagnosis of hexago nal boron nitride by exciting and imaging hyperbolic phonon polaritons. Based on their unique propagation properties, we are able to accurately locate defects in the crystal interior with nanometer resolution. The precise location, size and geometry of the concealed defects is reconstructed by analyzing the polariton wavelength, reflection coefficient and their dispersion. We have also studied the evolution of polariton reflection, transmission and scattering as a function of defect size and photon frequency. The nondestructive high-precision polaritonic structure diagnosis technique introduced here can be also applied to other hyperbolic or waveguide systems, and may be deployed in the next-generation bio-medical imaging, sensing and fine structure analysis.
192 - S. Dai , Q. Ma , M. K. Liu 2015
Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) is a natural hyperbolic material, for which the dielectric constants are the same in the basal plane (epsilon^t = epsilon^x = epsilon^y) but have opposite signs (epsilon^t*epsilon^z < 0) from that in the normal plane (e psilon^z). Due to this property, finite-thickness slabs of h-BN act as multimode waveguides for propagation of hyperbolic phonon polaritons - collective modes that originate from the coupling between photons and electric dipoles in phonons. However, control of these hyperbolic phonon polaritons modes has remained challenging, mostly because their electrodynamic properties are dictated by the crystal lattice of h-BN. Here we show by direct nano-infrared imaging that these hyperbolic polaritons can be effectively modulated in a van der Waals heterostructure composed of monolayer graphene on h-BN. Tunability originates from the hybridization of surface plasmon polaritons in graphene with hyperbolic phonon polaritons in h-BN, so that the eigenmodes of the graphene/h-BN heterostructure are hyperbolic plasmon-phonon polaritons. Remarkably, the hyperbolic plasmon-phonon polaritons in graphene/h-BN suffer little from ohmic losses, making their propagation length 1.5-2.0 times greater than that of hyperbolic phonon polaritons in h-BN. The hyperbolic plasmon-phonon polaritons possess the combined virtues of surface plasmon polaritons in graphene and hyperbolic phonon polaritons in h-BN. Therefore, graphene/h-BN structures can be classified as electromagnetic metamaterials since the resulting properties of these devices are not present in its constituent elements alone.
The inherent crystal anisotropy of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) sustains naturally hyperbolic phonon polaritons, i.e. polaritons that can propagate with very large wavevectors within the material volume, thereby enabling optical confinement to excee dingly small dimensions. Indeed, previous research has shown that nanometer-scale truncated nanocone hBN cavities, with deep subwavelength dimensions, support three-dimensionally confined optical modes in the mid-infrared. Due to optical selection rules, only a few of many such modes predicted theoretically have been observed experimentally via far-field reflection and scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy. The Photothermal induced resonance (PTIR) technique probes optical and vibrational resonances overcoming weak far-field emission by leveraging an atomic force microscope (AFM) probe to transduce local sample expansion due to light absorption. Here we show that PTIR enables the direct observation of previously unobserved, dark hyperbolic modes of hBN nanostructures. Leveraging these optical modes could yield a new degree of control over the electromagnetic near-field concentration, polarization and angular momentum in nanophotonic applications.
Defects play a key role in determining the properties of most materials and, because they tend to be highly localized, characterizing them at the single-defect level is particularly important. Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) has a history of imag ing the electronic structure of individual point defects in conductors, semiconductors, and ultrathin films, but single-defect electronic characterization at the nanometer-scale remains an elusive goal for intrinsic bulk insulators. Here we report the characterization and manipulation of individual native defects in an intrinsic bulk hexagonal boron nitride (BN) insulator via STM. Normally, this would be impossible due to the lack of a conducting drain path for electrical current. We overcome this problem by employing a graphene/BN heterostructure, which exploits graphenes atomically thin nature to allow visualization of defect phenomena in the underlying bulk BN. We observe three different defect structures that we attribute to defects within the bulk insulating boron nitride. Using scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS), we obtain charge and energy-level information for these BN defect structures. In addition to characterizing such defects, we find that it is also possible to manipulate them through voltage pulses applied to our STM tip.
Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), one of the hallmark van der Waals (vdW) layered crystals with an ensemble of attractive physical properties, is playing increasingly important roles in exploring two-dimensional (2D) electronics, photonics, mechanics, and emerging quantum engineering. Here, we report on the demonstration of h-BN phononic crystal waveguides with designed pass and stop bands in the radio frequency (RF) range and controllable wave propagation and transmission, by harnessing arrays of coupled h-BN nanomechanical resonators with engineerable coupling strength. Experimental measurements validate that these phononic crystal waveguides confine and support 15 to 24 megahertz (MHz) wave propagation over 1.2 millimeters. Analogous to solid-state atomic crystal lattices, phononic bandgaps and dispersive behaviors have been observed and systematically investigated in the h-BN phononic waveguides. Guiding and manipulating acoustic waves on such additively integratable h-BN platform may facilitate multiphysical coupling and information transduction, and open up new opportunities for coherent on-chip signal processing and communication via emerging h-BN photonic and phononic devices.
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