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The complexity of Orion: an ALMA view. II. gGg-Ethylene Glycol and Acetic Acid

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 نشر من قبل Cecile Favre
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We report the first detection and high angular resolution (1.8 $times$ 1.1) imaging of acetic acid (CH$_3$COOH) and gGg$^{prime}$--ethylene glycol (gGg$^{prime}$(CH$_2$OH)$_2$) towards the Orion Kleinmann--Low nebula. The observations were carried out at $sim$1.3mm with ALMA during the Cycle~2. A notable result is that the spatial distribution of the acetic acid and ethylene glycol emission differs from that of the other O-bearing molecules within Orion-KL. Indeed, while the typical emission of O-bearing species harbors a morphology associated with a V-shape linking the Hot Core region to the Compact Ridge (with an extension towards the BN object), that of acetic acid and ethylene glycol mainly peaks at about 2 southwest from the hot core region (near sources I and n). We find that the measured CH$_3$COOH:aGg$^{prime}$(CH$_2$OH)$_2$ and CH$_3$COOH:gGg$^{prime}$(CH$_2$OH)$_2$ ratios differ from the ones measured towards the low-mass protostar IRAS 16293--2422 by more than one order of magnitude. Our best hypothesis to explain these findings is that CH$_3$COOH, aGg$^{prime}$(CH$_2$OH)$_2$ and gGg$^{prime}$(CH$_2$OH)$_2$ are formed on the icy-surface of grains and then released into the gas-phase, via co-desorption with water, due to a bullet of matter ejected during the explosive event that occurred in the heart of the Nebula about 500-700 years ago.

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The chemistry of complex organic molecules in interstellar dark clouds is still highly uncertain in part because of the lack of constraining observations. Orion is the closest massive star-forming region, and observations making use of ALMA allow us to separate the emission regions of various complex organic molecules (COMs) in both velocity and space. Orion also benefits from an exceptional situation, in that it is the site of a powerful explosive event that occurred 550 years ago. We show that the closely surrounding Kleinmann-Low region has clearly been influenced by this explosion; some molecular species have been pushed away from the densest parts while others have remained in close proximity. This dynamical segregation reveals the time dependence of the chemistry and, therefore allows us to better constrain the formation sequence of COMs and other species, including deuterated molecules.
Comparison of their chemical compositions shows, to first order, a good agreement between the cometary and interstellar abundances. However, a complex O-bearing organic molecule, ethylene glycol (CH$_{2}$OH)$_{2}$, seems to depart from this correlati on because it was not easily detected in the interstellar medium although it proved to be rather abundant with respect to other O-bearing species in comet Hale-Bopp. Ethylene glycol thus appears, together with the related molecules glycolaldehyde CH$_{2}$OHCHO and ethanol CH$_{3}$CH$_{2}$OH, as a key species in the comparison of interstellar and cometary ices as well as in any discussion on the formation of cometary matter. We focus here on the analysis of ethylene glycol in the nearest and best studied hot core-like region, Orion-KL. We use ALMA interferometric data because high spatial resolution observations allow us to reduce the line confusion problem with respect to single-dish observations since different molecules are expected to exhibit different spatial distributions. Furthermore, a large spectral bandwidth is needed because many individual transitions are required to securely detect large organic molecules. Confusion and continuum subtraction are major issues and have been handled with care. We have detected the aGg conformer of ethylene glycol in Orion-KL. The emission is compact and peaks towards the Hot Core close to the main continuum peak, about 2 to the south-west; this distribution is notably different from other O-bearing species. Assuming optically thin lines and local thermodynamic equilibrium, we derive a rotational temperature of 145 K and a column density of 4.6 10$^{15}$ cm$^{-2}$. The limit on the column density of the gGg conformer is five times lower.
The rotational spectrum of the most stable conformer of ethylene glycol (HO(CH$_2$)$_2$OH) has been recorded between 360-890 GHz using a frequency-modulation sub-millimeter spectrometer. The refinement and extension of the spectroscopic parameters ov er previous efforts provides predicted catalog frequencies for ethylene glycol with sufficient accuracy for comparison to high-frequency astronomical data. The improvement in the cataloged line positions, and the need for improved accuracy enabled by high-frequency laboratory work, is demonstrated by an analysis of ethylene glycol emission at 890 GHz in the high-mass star-forming region NGC 6334I in ALMA Band 10 observations. The need for accurate rotational spectra at sub-millimeter wavelengths/THz frequencies is discussed.
Most massive stars form in dense clusters where gravitational interactions with other stars may be common. The two nearest forming massive stars, the BN object and Source I, located behind the Orion Nebula, were ejected with velocities of $sim$29 and $sim$13 km s$^{-1}$ about 500 years ago by such interactions. This event generated an explosion in the gas. New ALMA observations show in unprecedented detail, a roughly spherically symmetric distribution of over a hundred $^{12}$CO J=2$-$1 streamers with velocities extending from V$_{LSR}$ =$-$150 to +145 km s$^{-1}$. The streamer radial velocities increase (or decrease) linearly with projected distance from the explosion center, forming a `Hubble Flow confined to within 50 arcseconds of the explosion center. They point toward the high proper-motion, shock-excited H$_2$ and [Fe ii ] `fingertips and lower-velocity CO in the H$_2$ wakes comprising Orions `fingers. In some directions, the H$_2$ `fingers extend more than a factor of two farther from the ejection center than the CO streamers. Such deviations from spherical symmetry may be caused by ejecta running into dense gas or the dynamics of the N-body interaction that ejected the stars and produced the explosion. This $sim$10$^{48}$ erg event may have been powered by the release of gravitational potential energy associated with the formation of a compact binary or a protostellar merger. Orion may be the prototype for a new class of stellar explosion responsible for luminous infrared transients in nearby galaxies.
We present an interferometric and single dish study of small organic species toward Comets C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) and C/2002 T7 (LINEAR) using the BIMA interferometer at 3 mm and the ARO 12m telescope at 2 mm. For Comet Hale-Bopp, both the single-dish and interferometer observations of CH3OH indicate an excitation temperature of 105+/-5 K and an average production rate ratio Q(CH3OH)/Q(H2O)~1.3% at ~1 AU. Additionally, the aperture synthesis observations of CH3OH suggest a distribution well described by a spherical outflow and no evidence of significant extended emission. Single-dish observations of CH3CN in Comet Hale-Bopp indicate an excitation temperature of 200+/-10 K and a production rate ratio of Q(CH3CN)/Q(H2O)~0.017% at ~1 AU. The non-detection of a previously claimed transition of cometary (CH2OH)2 toward Comet Hale-Bopp with the 12m telescope indicates a compact distribution of emission, D<9 (<8500 km). For the single-dish observations of Comet T7 LINEAR, we find an excitation temperature of CH3OH of 35+/-5 K and a CH3OH production rate ratio of Q(CH3OH)/Q(H2O)~1.5% at ~0.3 AU. Our data support current chemical models that CH3OH, CH3CN and (CH2OH)2 are parent nuclear species distributed into the coma via direct sublimation off cometary ices from the nucleus with no evidence of significant production in the outer coma.
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