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The Impact of Gaia DR1 on Asteroseismic Inferences from Kepler

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 نشر من قبل Travis S. Metcalfe
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Travis Metcalfe

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The Kepler mission has been fantastic for asteroseismology of solar-type stars, but the targets are typically quite distant. As a consequence, the reliability of asteroseismic modeling has been limited by the precision of additional constraints from high-resolution spectroscopy and parallax measurements. A precise luminosity is particularly useful to minimize potential biases due to the intrinsic correlation between stellar mass and initial helium abundance. We have applied the latest version of the Asteroseismic Modeling Portal (AMP) to the complete Kepler data sets for 30 stars with known rotation rates and chromospheric activity levels. We compare the stellar properties derived with and without the measured parallaxes from the first data release of Gaia. We find that in most cases the masses and ages inferred from asteroseismology shift within their uncertainties. For a few targets that show larger shifts, the updated stellar properties only strengthen previous conclusions about anomalous rotation in middle-aged stars.

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The NASA Kepler mission has observed more than 190,000 stars in the constellations of Cygnus and Lyra. Around 4 years of almost continuous ultra high-precision photometry have been obtained reaching a duty cycle higher than 90% for many of these star s. However, almost regular gaps due to nominal operations are present in the light curves at different time scales. In this paper we want to highlight the impact of those regular gaps in asteroseismic analyses and we try to find a method that minimizes their effect in the frequency domain. To do so, we isolate the two main time scales of quasi regular gaps in the data. We then interpolate the gaps and we compare the power density spectra of four different stars: two red giants at different stages of their evolution, a young F-type star, and a classical pulsator in the instability strip. The spectra obtained after filling the gaps in the selected solar-like stars show a net reduction in the overall background level, as well as a change in the background parameters. The inferred convective properties could change as much as 200% in the selected example, introducing a bias in the p-mode frequency of maximum power. When global asteroseismic scaling relations are used, this bias can lead up to a variation in the surface gravity of 0.05 dex. Finally, the oscillation spectrum in the classical pulsator is cleaner compared to the original one.
The Kepler space telescope yielded unprecedented data for the study of solar-like oscillations in other stars. The large samples of multi-year observations posed an enormous data analysis challenge that has only recently been surmounted. Asteroseismi c modeling has become more sophisticated over time, with better methods gradually developing alongside the extended observations and improved data analysis techniques. We apply the latest version of the Asteroseismic Modeling Portal (AMP) to the full-length Kepler data sets for 57 stars and the Sun, comprising planetary hosts, binaries, solar-analogs, and active stars. From an analysis of the derived stellar properties for the full sample, we identify a variation of the mixing-length parameter with atmospheric properties. We also derive a linear relation between the stellar age and a characteristic frequency separation ratio. In addition, we find that the empirical correction for surface effects suggested by Kjeldsen and coworkers is adequate for solar-type stars that are not much hotter (Teff < 6200 K) or significantly more evolved (logg > 4.2, <Delta_nu> > 80 muHz) than the Sun. Precise parallaxes from the Gaia mission and future observations from TESS and PLATO promise to improve the reliability of stellar properties derived from asteroseismology.
169 - S. Hekker , S. Basu , D. Stello 2011
Context: Four open clusters are present in the Kepler field of view and timeseries of nearly a year in length are now available. These timeseries allow us to derive asteroseismic global oscillation parameters of red-giant stars in the three open clus ters NGC 6791, NGC 6819 and NGC 6811. From these parameters and effective temperatures, we derive mass, radii and luminosities for the clusters as well as field red giants. Aims: We study the influence of evolution and metallicity on the observed red-giant populations. Methods: The global oscillation parameters are derived using different published methods and the effective temperatures are derived from 2MASS colours. The observational results are compared with BaSTI evolution models. Results: We find that the mass has significant influence on the asteroseismic quantities delta_nu vs. nu_max relation, while the influence of metallicity is negligible, under the assumption that the metallicity does not affect the excitation / damping of the oscillations. The positions of the stars in the H-R diagram depend on both mass and metallicity. Furthermore, the stellar masses derived for the field stars are bracketed by those of the cluster stars. Conclusions: Both the mass and metallicity contribute to the observed difference in locations in the H-R diagram of the old metal-rich cluster NGC 6791 and the middle-aged solar-metallicity cluster NGC 6819. For the young cluster NGC 6811, the explanation of the position of the stars in the H-R diagram challenges the assumption of solar metallicity, and this open cluster might have significantly lower metallicity [Fe/H] in the range -0.3 to -0.7 dex. Also, nearly all the observed field stars seem to be older than NGC 6811 and younger than NGC 6791.
Studies using asteroseismic ages and rotation rates from star-spot rotation have indicated that standard age-rotation relations may break down roughly half-way through the main sequence lifetime, a phenomenon referred to as weakened magnetic braking. While rotation rates from spots can be difficult to determine for older, less active stars, rotational splitting of asteroseismic oscillation frequencies can provide rotation rates for both active and quiescent stars, and so can confirm whether this effect really takes place on the main sequence. We obtained asteroseismic rotation rates of 91 main sequence stars showing high signal-to-noise modes of oscillation. Using these new rotation rates, along with effective temperatures, metallicities and seismic masses and ages, we built a hierarchical Bayesian mixture model to determine whether the ensemble more closely agreed with a standard rotational evolution scenario, or one where weakened magnetic braking takes place. The weakened magnetic braking scenario was found to be 98.4% more likely for our stellar ensemble, adding to the growing body of evidence for this stage of stellar rotational evolution. This work represents the largest catalogue of seismic rotation on the main sequence to date, opening up possibilities for more detailed ensemble analysis of rotational evolution with Kepler.
Distances from the Gaia mission will no doubt improve our understanding of stellar physics by providing an excellent constraint on the luminosity of the star. However, it is also clear that high precision stellar properties from, for example, asteros eismology, will also provide a needed input constraint in order to calibrate the methods that Gaia will use, e.g. stellar models or GSP_phot. For solar-like stars (F, G, K IV/V), asteroseismic data delivers at the least two very important quantities: (1) the average large frequency separation <Delta_nu> and (2) the frequency corresponding to the maximum of the modulated-amplitude spectrum nu_max. Both of these quantities are related directly to stellar parameters (radius and mass) and in particular their combination (gravity and density). We show how the precision in <Delta_nu>, nu_max, and atmospheric parameters T_eff and [Fe/H] affect the determination of gravity (log g) for a sample of well-known stars. We find that log g can be determined within less than 0.02 dex accuracy for our sample while considering precisions in the data expected for V<12 stars from Kepler data. We also derive masses and radii which are accurate to within 1sigma of the accepted values. This study validates the subsequent use of all of the available asteroseismic data on main sequence solar-like stars from the Kepler field (>500 IV/V stars) in order to provide a very important constraint for Gaia calibration of GSP_phot through the use of log g. We note that while we concentrate on IV/V stars, both the CoRoT and Kepler fields contain asteroseismic data on thousands of giant stars which will also provide useful calibration measures.
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