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High-resolution spectroscopy of the extremely iron-poor post-AGB star CC Lyr

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 نشر من قبل Wako Aoki
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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High-resolution optical spectroscopy was conducted for the metal-poor post-AGB star CC Lyr to determine its chemical abundances and spectral line profiles. Our standard abundance analysis confirms its extremely low metallicity ([Fe/H]<-3.5) and a clear correlation between abundance ratios and the condensation temperature for 11 elements, indicating that dust depletion is the cause of the abundance anomaly of this object. The very low abundances of Sr and Ba, which are detected for the first time for this object, suggest that heavy neutron-capture elements are not significantly enhanced in this object by the s-process during its evolution through AGB phase. Radial velocity of this object and profiles of some atomic absorption lines show variations depending on pulsation phases, which could be formed by dynamics of the atmosphere rather than by binarity or contributions of circumstellar absorption. On the other hand, the H-alpha emission with double peaks shows no evident velocity shift, suggesting that the emission is originating from the circumstellar matter, presumably the rotating disk around the object.

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Some evidences of wind variability and velocity stratification in the extended atmosphere has been found in the spectra of the supergiant V340 Ser (=IRAS 17279$-$1119) taken at the 6-m BTA telescope with a spectral resolution R$ge$60000. The H$alpha$ line has a P Cyg profile whose absorption component (V=+34 km/s) is formed in the upper layers of the expanding atmosphere close to the circumstellar environment. For four dates the mean velocity has been derived from the positions of 300-550 symmetric metal absorptions with an accuracy better than $pm0.1$ km/s: Vr=59.30, 60.09, 58.46, and 55.78 km/s. A lot of low-excitation metal lines have an inverse P Cyg profile. The mean positions of their emission components, Vr=46.3$pm$0.4 km/s, differ systematically from the velocity inferred from symmetric absorptions, suggesting the presence of a velocity gradient in the supergiant extended atmosphere. The multicomponent profile of the NaI D-lines contains the interstellar, Vr=-11.2 km/s, and circumstellar, Vr=+10 km/s, components and the component forming in the upper atmospheric layers, Vr=+34.0 km/s. The mean velocity from 20-30 diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) identified in the spectra, Vr(DIBs)=-11.6$pm0.2$ km/s, agrees with the velocity from interstellar NaI and KI components. The equivalent width of the oxygen triplet W(7774)=1.25 A corresponds to an absolute magnitude of the star Mv$approx-4.6^m$, which, taking into account the total (interstellar+circumstellar) extinction, leads to a distance to the star d$approx$2.3 kpc.
The SkyMapper Southern Sky Survey is carrying out a search for the most metal-poor stars in the Galaxy. It identifies candidates by way of its unique filter set that allows for estimation of stellar atmospheric parameters. The set includes a narrow f ilter centered on the Ca II K 3933A line, enabling a robust estimate of stellar metallicity. Promising candidates are then confirmed with spectroscopy. We present the analysis of Magellan-MIKE high-resolution spectroscopy of 122 metal-poor stars found by SkyMapper in the first two years of commissioning observations. 41 stars have [Fe/H] <= -3.0. Nine have [Fe/H] <= -3.5, with three at [Fe/H] ~ -4. A 1D LTE abundance analysis of the elements Li, C, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Zn, Sr, Ba and Eu shows these stars have [X/Fe] ratios typical of other halo stars. One star with low [X/Fe] values appears to be Fe-enhanced, while another star has an extremely large [Sr/Ba] ratio: >2. Only one other star is known to have a comparable value. Seven stars are CEMP-no stars ([C/Fe] > 0.7, [Ba/Fe] < 0). 21 stars exhibit mild r-process element enhancements (0.3 <=[Eu/Fe] < 1.0), while four stars have [Eu/Fe] >= 1.0. These results demonstrate the ability to identify extremely metal-poor stars from SkyMapper photometry, pointing to increased sample sizes and a better characterization of the metal-poor tail of the halo metallicity distribution function in the future.
291 - Wako Aoki 2014
The fraction of binary systems in various stellar populations of the Galaxy and the distribution of their orbital parameters are important but not well-determined factors in studies of star formation, stellar evolution, and Galactic chemical evolutio n. While observational studies have been carried out for a large sample of nearby stars, including some metal-poor, Population II stars, almost no constraints on the binary nature for extremely metal-poor (EMP; [Fe/H] < -3.0) stars have yet been obtained. Here we investigate the fraction of double-lined spectroscopic binaries and carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars, many of which could have formed as pairs of low-mass and intermediate-mass stars, to estimate the lower limit of the fraction of binary systems having short periods. The estimate is based on a sample of very metal-poor stars selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, and observed at high spectral resolution in a previous study by Aoki et al. That survey reported three double-lined spectroscopic binaries and 11 CEMP stars, which we consider along with a sample of EMP stars from the literature compiled in the SAGA database. We have conducted measurements of the velocity components for stacked absorption features of different spectral lines for each double-lined spectroscopic binary. Our estimate indicates that the fraction of binary stars having orbital periods shorter than 1000 days is at least 10 %, and possibly as high as 20 %, if the majority of CEMP stars are formed in such short-period binaries. This result suggests that the period distribution of EMP binary systems is biased toward short periods, unless the binary fraction of low-mass EMP stars is significantly higher than that of other nearby stars.
We focus here on one particular and poorly studied object, IRAS11472-0800. It is a highly evolved post-Asymptotic Giant Branch (post-AGB) star of spectral type F, with a large infrared excess produced by thermal emission of circumstellar dust. We dep loy a multi-wavelength study which includes the analyses of optical and IR spectra as well as a variability study based on photometric and spectroscopic time-series. The spectral energy distribution (SED) properties as well as the highly processed silicate N-band emission show that the dust in IRAS11472-0800 is likely trapped in a stable disc. The energetics of the SED and the colour variability show that our viewing angle is close to edge-on and that the optical flux is dominated by scattered light. With photospheric abundances of [Fe/H] = -2.7 and [Sc/H]=-4.2, we discovered that IRAS11472-0800 is one of the most chemically-depleted objects known to date. Moreover, IRAS11472-0800 is a pulsating star with a period of 31.16 days and a peak-to-peak amplitude of 0.6 mag in V. The radial velocity variability is strongly influenced by the pulsations, but the significant cycle-to-cycle variability is systematic on a longer time scale, which we interpret as evidence for binary motion. We conclude that IRAS11472-0800 is a pulsating binary star surrounded by a circumbinary disc. The line-of-sight towards the object lies close the the orbital plane making that the optical light is dominated by scattered light. IRAS11472-0800 is one of the most chemically-depleted objects known so far and links the dusty RV,Tauri stars to the non-pulsating class of strongly depleted objects.
Post-asymptotic giant branch (post-AGB) stars are known to be chemically diverse. In this paper we present the first observational evidence of a star that has failed the third dredge-up (TDU). J005252.87-722842.9 is a A-type ($T_{rm eff}$ = 8250 $pm$ 250K) luminous (8200 $pm$ 700 $rm L_{odot}$), metal-poor ($textrm{[Fe/H]}$ = $- 1.18 pm$ 0.10), low-mass (M$_{rm initial}$ $approx$ 1.5 $-$ 2.0 $rm M_{odot}$) post-AGB star in the Small Magellanic Cloud. Through a systematic abundance study, using high-resolution optical spectra from UVES, we found that this likely post-AGB object shows an intriguing photospheric composition with no confirmed carbon-enhancement (upper limit of [C/Fe] $<$ 0.50) nor enrichment of $s$-process elements. We derived an oxygen abundance of [O/Fe] = 0.29 $pm$ 0.1. For Fe and O, we took into account the effects of non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE). We could not derive an upper limit for the nitrogen abundance as there are no useful nitrogen lines within our spectral coverage. The chemical pattern displayed by this object has not been observed in single or binary post-AGBs. Based on its derived stellar parameters and inferred evolutionary state, single star nucleosynthesis models predict that this star should have undergone TDU episodes while on the AGB and be carbon-enriched. However, our observations are in contrast with these predictions. We identify two possible Galactic analogues which are likely to be post-AGB stars, but the lack of accurate distances (hence luminosities) to these objects does not allow us to confirm their post-AGB status. If they have low luminosities then they are likely to be dusty post-RGB stars. The discovery of J005252.87-722842.9 reveals a new stellar evolutionary channel whereby a star evolves without any third dredge-up episodes.
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