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Irreducible local systems on nilpotent orbits

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 نشر من قبل Eric Sommers
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Eric Sommers

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Let G be a simple, simply-connected algebraic group over the complex numbers with Lie algebra $mathfrak g$. The main result of this article is a proof that each irreducible representation of the fundamental group of the orbit O through a nilpotent element $e in mathfrak g$ lifts to a representation of a Jacobson-Morozov parabolic subgroup of G associated to e. This result was shown in some cases by Barbasch and Vogan in their study of unipotent representations for complex groups and, in general, in an unpublished part of the authors doctoral thesis. In the last section of the article, we state two applications of this result, whose details will appear elsewhere: to answering a question of Lusztig regarding special pieces in the exceptional groups (joint work with Fu, Juteau, and Levy); and to computing the G-module structure of the sections of an irreducible local system on O. A key aspect of the latter application is some new cohomological statements that generalize those in earlier work of the author.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Suppose that $G$ is a finite group and $H$ is a nilpotent subgroup of $G$. If a character of $H$ induces an irreducible character of $G$, then the generalized Fitting subgroup of $G$ is nilpotent.
232 - Anne Moreau 2014
We study in this paper the jet schemes of the closure of nilpotent orbits in a finite-dimensional complex reductive Lie algebra. For the nilpotent cone, which is the closure of the regular nilpotent orbit, all the jet schemes are irreducible. This wa s first observed by Eisenbud and Frenkel, and follows from a strong result of Mustau{t}c{a} (2001). Using induction and restriction of little nilpotent orbits in reductive Lie algebras, we show that for a large number of nilpotent orbits, the jet schemes of their closure are reducible. As a consequence, we obtain certain geometrical properties of these nilpotent orbit closures.
198 - Ting Xue 2007
We give the number of nilpotent orbits in the Lie algebras of orthogonal groups under the adjoint action of the groups over $tF_{2^n}$. Let $G$ be an adjoint algebraic group of type $B,C$ or $D$ defined over an algebraically closed field of character istic 2. We construct the Springer correspondence for the nilpotent variety in the Lie algebra of $G$.
319 - Baohua Fu 2020
In a recent preprint, Y. Namikawa proposed a conjecture on Q-factorial terminalizations and their birational geometry of nilpotent orbits. He proved his conjecture for classical simple Lie algebras. In this note, we prove his conjecture for exception al simple Lie algebras. For the birational geometry, contrary to the classical case, two new types of Mukai flops appear.
423 - Ting Xue 2018
Let $G$ be an adjoint algebraic group of type $B$, $C$, or $D$ over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 2. We construct a Springer correspondence for the Lie algebra of $G$. In particular, for orthogonal Lie algebras in characteristic 2, the structure of component groups of nilpotent centralizers is determined and the number of nilpotent orbits over finite fields is obtained.
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