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A multilayer perspective for the analysis of urban transportation systems

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 نشر من قبل Yamir Moreno Vega
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Public urban mobility systems are composed by several transportation modes connected together. Most studies in urban mobility and planning often ignore the multi-layer nature of transportation systems considering only aggregate

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Transportation networks serve as windows into the complex world of urban systems. By properly characterizing a road network, we can therefore better understand its encompassing urban system. This study offers a geometrical approach towards capturing inherent properties of urban road networks. It offers a robust and efficient methodology towards defining and extracting three relevant indicators of road networks: area, line, and point thresholds, through measures of their grid equivalents. By applying the methodology to 50 U.S. urban systems, we successfully observe differences between eastern versus western, coastal versus inland, and old versus young, cities. Moreover, we show that many socio-economic characteristics as well as travel patterns within urban systems are directly correlated with their corresponding area, line, and point thresholds.
The goals of this paper are to present criteria, that allow to a priori quantify the attack stability of real world correlated networks of finite size and to check how these criteria correspond to analytic results available for infinite uncorrelated networks. As a case study, we consider public transportation networks (PTN) of several major cities of the world. To analyze their resilience against attacks either the network nodes or edges are removed in specific sequences (attack scenarios). During each scenario the size S(c) of the largest remaining network component is observed as function of the removed share c of nodes or edges. To quantify the PTN stability with respect to different attack scenarios we use the area below the curve described by S(c) for c in [0,1] recently introduced (Schneider, C. M, et al., PNAS 108 (2011) 3838) as a numerical measure of network robustness. This measure captures the network reaction over the whole attack sequence. We present results of the analysis of PTN stability against node and link-targeted attacks.
The controllability of a network is a theoretical problem of relevance in a variety of contexts ranging from financial markets to the brain. Until now, network controllability has been characterized only on isolated networks, while the vast majority of complex systems are formed by multilayer networks. Here we build a theoretical framework for the linear controllability of multilayer networks by mapping the problem into a combinatorial matching problem. We found that correlating the external signals in the different layers can significantly reduce the multiplex network robustness to node removal, as it can be seen in conjunction with a hybrid phase transition occurring in interacting Poisson networks. Moreover we observe that multilayer networks can stabilize the fully controllable multiplex network configuration that can be stable also when the full controllability of the single network is not stable.
In this paper, urban traffic is modeled using dual graph representation of urban transportation network where roads are mapped to nodes and intersections are mapped to links. The proposed model considers both the navigation of vehicles on the network and the motion of vehicles along roads. The roads capacity and the vehicle-turning ability at intersections are naturally incorporated in the model. The overall capacity of the system can be quantified by a phase transition from free flow to congestion. Simulation results show that the systems capacity depends greatly on the topology of transportation networks. In general, a well-planned grid can hold more vehicles and its overall capacity is much larger than that of a growing scale-free network.
597 - Hyejin Youn , 2008
Uncoordinated individuals in human society pursuing their personally optimal strategies do not always achieve the social optimum, the most beneficial state to the society as a whole. Instead, strategies form Nash equilibria which are often socially s uboptimal. Society, therefore, has to pay a price of anarchy for the lack of coordination among its members. Here we assess this price of anarchy by analyzing the travel times in road networks of several major cities. Our simulation shows that uncoordinated drivers possibly waste a considerable amount of their travel time. Counterintuitively,simply blocking certain streets can partially improve the traffic conditions. We analyze various complex networks and discuss the possibility of similar paradoxes in physics.
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