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Experimental evidence of optical analogue of electromagnetically induced transparency in graphene

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 نشر من قبل Lei Gao
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We demonstrate the first experimental observation of coherent population oscillation, an optical analogue of electromagnetically induced transparency, in graphene based on phase sensitive pump-probe system. Degenerate four-wave-mixing between pump and probe modifies the dispersion and absorption of the population oscillation process in graphene, and leads to enhance and depression of modulation instability with asymmetry in frequency. The analytically predicted asymmetrical burning hole fully consists with the experiments.

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اقرأ أيضاً

73 - Tingting Liu 2017
A novel mechanism to realize dynamically tunable electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) analogue in the terahertz (THz) regime is proposed. By putting the electrically controllable monolayer graphene under the dark resonator, the amplitude of the EIT resonance in the metal-based metamaterial can be modulated substantially via altering the Fermi level of graphene. The amplitude modulation can be attributed to the change in the damping rate of the dark mode caused by the recombination effect of the conductive graphene. This work provides an alternative way to achieve tunable slow light effect and has potential applications in THz wireless communications.
The gain-assisted plasmonic analogue of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in a metallic metamaterial is investigated for the purpose to enhance the sensing performance of the EIT-like plasmonic structure. The structure is composed of thr ee bars in one unit, two of which are parallel to each other (dark quadrupolar element) but perpendicular to the third bar (bright dipolar element), The results show that, in addition to the high sensitivity to the refractive-index fluctuation of the surrounding medium, the figure of merit for such active EIT-like metamaterials can be greatly enhanced, which is attributed to the amplified narrow transparency peak.
Recently, phase-change materials (PCMs) have drawn more attention due to the dynamically tunable optical properties. Here, we investigate the active control of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) analogue based on terahertz (THz) metamater ials integrated with vanadium oxide (VO2). Utilizing the insulator-to-metal transition of VO2, the amplitude of EIT peak can be actively modulated with a significant modulation depth. Meanwhile the group delay within the transparent window can also be dynamically tuned, achieving the active control of slow light effect. Furthermore, we also introduce independently tunable transparent peaks as well as group delay based on a double-peak EIT with good tuning performance. Finally, based on broadband EIT, the active tuning of quality factor of the EIT peak is also realized. This work introduces active EIT control with more degree of freedom by employing VO2, and can find potential applications in future wireless and ultrafast THz communication systems as multi-channel filters, switches, spacers, logic gates and modulators.
157 - Chao Hang , Guoxiang Huang 2007
We propose a scheme to generate temporal vector optical solitons in a lifetime broadened five-state atomic medium via electromagnetically induced transparency. We show that this scheme, which is fundamentally different from the passive one by using o ptical fibers, is capable of achieving distortion-free vector optical solitons with ultraslow propagating velocity under very weak drive conditions. We demonstrate both analytically and numerically that it is easy to realize Manakov temporal vector solitons by actively manipulating the dispersion and self- and cross-phase modulation effects of the system.
Metamaterials are engineered materials composed of small electrical circuits producing novel interactions with electromagnetic waves. Recently, a new class of metamaterials has been created to mimic the behavior of media displaying electromagneticall y induced transparency (EIT). Here we introduce a planar EIT metamaterial that creates a very large loss contrast between the dark and radiative resonators by employing a superconducting Nb film in the dark element and a normal-metal Au film in the radiative element. Below the critical temperature of Nb, the resistance contrast opens up a transparency window along with a large enhancement in group delay, enabling a significant slowdown of waves. We further demonstrate precise control of the EIT response through changes in the superfluid density. Such tunable metamaterials may be useful for telecommunication because of their large delay-bandwidth products.
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