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On the perfomance of a photosystem II reaction centre-based photocell

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 نشر من قبل Richard Stones
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The photosystem II reaction centre is the photosynthetic complex responsible for oxygen production on Earth. Its water splitting function is particularly favoured by the formation of a stable charge separated state via a pathway that starts at an accessory chlorophyll. Here we envision a photovoltaic device that places one of these complexes between electrodes and investigate how the mean current and its fluctuations depend on the microscopic interactions underlying charge separation in the pathway considered. Our results indicate that coupling to well resolved vibrational modes does not necessarily offer an advantage in terms of power output but can lead to photo-currents with suppressed noise levels characterizing a multi-step ordered transport process. Besides giving insight into the suitability of these complexes for molecular-scale photovoltaics, our work suggests a new possible biological function for the vibrational environment of photosynthetic reaction centres, namely, to reduce the intrinsic current noise for regulatory processes.

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Photosynthetic water oxidation is a fundamental process that sustains the biosphere. A Mn$_{4}$Ca cluster embedded in the photosystem II protein environment is responsible for the production of atmospheric oxygen. Here, time-resolved x-ray emission s pectroscopy (XES) was used to observe the process of oxygen formation in real time. These experiments reveal that the oxygen evolution step, initiated by three sequential laser flashes, is accompanied by rapid (within 50 $mu$s) changes to the Mn K$beta$ XES spectrum. However, no oxidation of the Mn$_{4}$Ca core above the all Mn$^{text{IV}}$ state was detected to precede O-O bond formation. A new mechanism featuring Mn$^{text{IV}}$=O formation in the S$_{3}$ state is proposed to explain the spectroscopic results. This chemical formulation is consistent with the unique reactivity of the S$_{3}$ state and explains facilitation of the following S$_{3}$ to S$_{0}$ transition, resolving in part the kinetic limitations associated with O-O bond formation. In the proposed mechanism, O-O bond formation precedes transfer of the final (4$^{text{th}}$) electron from the Mn$_{4}$Ca cluster, in agreement with experiment.
The interaction of heavy charged particles with DNA is of interest for several areas, from hadrontherapy to aero-space industry. In this paper, a TD-DFT study on the interaction of a 4 keV proton with an isolated DNA base pair was carried out. Ehrenf est dynamics was used to study the evolution of the system during and after the proton impact up to about 193 fs. This time was long enough to observe the dissociation of the target, which occurs between 80-100 fs. The effect of base pair linking to the DNA double helix was emulated by fixing the four O3 atoms responsible for the attachment. The base pair tends to dissociate into its main components, namely the phosphate groups, sugars and nitrogenous bases. A central impact with energy transfer of 17.9 eV only produces base damage while keeping the backbone intact. An impact on a phosphate group with energy transfer of about 60 eV leads to backbone break at that site together with base damage, while the opposite backbone site integrity is kept is this situation. As the whole system is perturbed during such a collision, no atom remains passive. These results suggest that base damage accompanies all backbone breaks since hydrogen bonds that keep bases together are much weaker that those between the other components of the DNA.
The energy conversion of oxygenic photosynthesis is triggered by primary charge separation in proteins at the photosystem II reaction center. Here, we investigate the impacts of the protein environment and intramolecular vibrations on primary charge separation at the photosystem II reaction center. This is accomplished by combining the quantum dynamic theories of condensed phase electron transfer with quantum chemical calculations to evaluate the vibrational Huang-Rhys factors of chlorophyll and pheophytin molecules. We report that individual vibrational modes play a minor role in promoting the charge separation, contrary to the discussion in recent publications. Nevertheless, these small contributions accumulate to considerably influence the charge separation rate, resulting in sub-picosecond charge separation almost independent of the driving force and temperature. We suggest that the intramolecular vibrations complement the robustness of the charge separation in the photosystem II reaction center against the inherently large static disorder of the involved electronic energies.
Artificially reproducing the biological light reactions responsible for the remarkably efficient photon-to-charge conversion in photosynthetic complexes represents a new direction for the future development of photovoltaic devices. Here, we develop s uch a paradigm and present a model photocell based on the nanoscale architecture of photosynthetic reaction centres that explicitly harnesses the quantum mechanical effects recently discovered in photosynthetic complexes. Quantum interference of photon absorption/emission induced by the dipole-dipole interaction between molecular excited states guarantees an enhanced light-to-current conversion and power generation for a wide range of realistic parameters, opening a promising new route for designing artificial light-harvesting devices inspired by biological photosynthesis and quantum technologies.
139 - Lev Mourokh , Franco Nori 2014
Using methods of condensed matter and statistical physics, we examine the transport of excitons through the Fenna-Matthews-Olson (FMO) complex from a receiving antenna to a reaction center. Writing the equations of motion for the exciton creation/ann ihilation operators, we are able to describe the exciton dynamics, even in the regime when the reorganization energy is of the order of the intra-system couplings. In particular, we obtain the well-known quantum oscillations of the site populations. We determine the exciton transfer efficiency in the presence of a quenching field and protein environment. While the majority of the protein vibronic modes are treated as a heat bath, we address the situation when specific modes are strongly coupled to excitons and examine the effects of these modes on the quantum oscillations and the energy transfer efficiency. We find that, for the vibronic frequencies below 16 meV, the exciton transfer is drastically suppressed. We attribute this effect to the formation of polaronic states where the exciton is transferred back and forth between the two pigments with the absorption/emission of the vibronic quanta, instead of proceeding to the reaction center. The same effect suppresses the quantum beating at the vibronic frequency of 25 meV. We also show that the efficiency of the energy transfer can be enhanced when the vibronic mode strongly couples to the third pigment only, instead of coupling to the entire system.
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