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Competitive Energy Trading Framework for Demand-side Management in Neighborhood Area Networks

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 نشر من قبل Chathurika Mediwaththe
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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This paper, by comparing three potential energy trading systems, studies the feasibility of integrating a community energy storage (CES) device with consumer-owned photovoltaic (PV) systems for demand-side management of a residential neighborhood area network. We consider a fully-competitive CES operator in a non-cooperative Stackelberg game, a benevolent CES operator that has socially favorable regulations with competitive users, and a centralized cooperative CES operator that minimizes the total community energy cost. The former two game-theoretic systems consider that the CES operator first maximizes their revenue by setting a price signal and trading energy with the grid. Then the users with PV panels play a non-cooperative repeated game following the actions of the CES operator to trade energy with the CES device and the grid to minimize energy costs. The centralized CES operator cooperates with the users to minimize the total community energy cost without appropriate incentives. The non-cooperative Stackelberg game with the fully-competitive CES operator has a unique Stackelberg equilibrium at which the CES operator maximizes revenue and users obtain unique Pareto-optimal Nash equilibrium CES energy trading strategies. Extensive simulations show that the fully-competitive CES model gives the best trade-off of operating environment between the CES operator and the users.

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We consider a demand management problem of an energy community, in which several users obtain energy from an external organization such as an energy company, and pay for the energy according to pre-specified prices that consist of a time-dependent pr ice per unit of energy, as well as a separate price for peak demand. Since users utilities are their private information, which they may not be willing to share, a mediator, known as the planner, is introduced to help optimize the overall satisfaction of the community (total utility minus total payments) by mechanism design. A mechanism consists of a message space, a tax/subsidy and an allocation function for each user. Each user reports a message chosen from her own message space, and then receives some amount of energy determined by the allocation function and pays the tax specified by the tax function. A desirable mechanism induces a game, the Nash equilibria (NE) of which result in an allocation that coincides with the optimal allocation for the community. As a starting point, we design a mechanism for the energy community with desirable properties such as full implementation, strong budget balance and individual rationality for both users and the planner. We then modify this baseline mechanism for communities where message exchanges are allowed only within neighborhoods, and consequently, the tax/subsidy and allocation functions of each user are only determined by the messages from her neighbors. All the desirable properties of the baseline mechanism are preserved in the distributed mechanism. Finally, we present a learning algorithm for the baseline mechanism, based on projected gradient descent, that is guaranteed to converge to the NE of the induced game.
We consider a smart grid with an independent system operator (ISO), and distributed aggregators who have energy storage and purchase energy from the ISO to serve its customers. All the entities in the system are foresighted: each aggregator seeks to minimize its own long-term payments for energy purchase and operational costs of energy storage by deciding how much energy to buy from the ISO, and the ISO seeks to minimize the long-term total cost of the system (e.g. energy generation costs and the aggregators costs) by dispatching the energy production among the generators. The decision making of the entities is complicated for two reasons. First, the information is decentralized: the ISO does not know the aggregators states (i.e. their energy consumption requests from customers and the amount of energy in their storage), and each aggregator does not know the other aggregators states or the ISOs state (i.e. the energy generation costs and the status of the transmission lines). Second, the coupling among the aggregators is unknown to them. Specifically, each aggregators energy purchase affects the price, and hence the payments of the other aggregators. However, none of them knows how its decision influences the price because the price is determined by the ISO based on its state. We propose a design framework in which the ISO provides each aggregator with a conjectured future price, and each aggregator distributively minimizes its own long-term cost based on its conjectured price as well as its local information. The proposed framework can achieve the social optimum despite being decentralized and involving complex coupling among the various entities.
214 - Linqi Song , Yuanzhang Xiao , 2013
Demand side management (DSM) is a key solution for reducing the peak-time power consumption in smart grids. To provide incentives for consumers to shift their consumption to off-peak times, the utility company charges consumers differential pricing f or using power at different times of the day. Consumers take into account these differential prices when deciding when and how much power to consume daily. Importantly, while consumers enjoy lower billing costs when shifting their power usage to off-peak times, they also incur discomfort costs due to the altering of their power consumption patterns. Existing works propose stationary strategies for the myopic consumers to minimize their short-term billing and discomfort costs. In contrast, we model the interaction emerging among self-interested, foresighted consumers as a repeated energy scheduling game and prove that the stationary strategies are suboptimal in terms of long-term total billing and discomfort costs. Subsequently, we propose a novel framework for determining optimal nonstationary DSM strategies, in which consumers can choose different daily power consumption patterns depending on their preferences, routines, and needs. As a direct consequence of the nonstationary DSM policy, different subsets of consumers are allowed to use power in peak times at a low price. The subset of consumers that are selected daily to have their joint discomfort and billing costs minimized is determined based on the consumers power consumption preferences as well as on the past history of which consumers have shifted their usage previously. Importantly, we show that the proposed strategies are incentive-compatible. Simulations confirm that, given the same peak-to-average ratio, the proposed strategy can reduce the total cost (billing and discomfort costs) by up to 50% compared to existing DSM strategies.
Dynamic pricing is used to maximize the revenue of a firm over a finite-period planning horizon, given that the firm may not know the underlying demand curve a priori. In emerging markets, in particular, firms constantly adjust pricing strategies to collect adequate demand information, which is a process known as price experimentation. To date, few papers have investigated the pricing decision process in a competitive environment with unknown demand curves, conditions that make analysis more complex. Asynchronous price updating can render the demand information gathered by price experimentation less informative or inaccurate, as it is nearly impossible for firms to remain informed about the latest prices set by competitors. Hence, firms may set prices using available, yet out-of-date, price information of competitors. In this paper, we design an algorithm to facilitate synchronized dynamic pricing, in which competitive firms estimate their demand functions based on observations and adjust their pricing strategies in a prescribed manner. The process is called learning and earning elsewhere in the literature. The goal is for the pricing decisions, determined by estimated demand functions, to converge to underlying equilibrium decisions. The main question that we answer is whether such a mechanism of periodically synchronized price updates is optimal for all firms. Furthermore, we ask whether prices converge to a stable state and how much regret firms incur by employing such a data-driven pricing algorithm.
We propose a contextual-bandit approach for demand side management by offering price incentives. More precisely, a target mean consumption is set at each round and the mean consumption is modeled as a complex function of the distribution of prices se nt and of some contextual variables such as the temperature, weather, and so on. The performance of our strategies is measured in quadratic losses through a regret criterion. We offer $T^{2/3}$ upper bounds on this regret (up to poly-logarithmic terms)---and even faster rates under stronger assumptions---for strategies inspired by standard strategies for contextual bandits (like LinUCB, see Li et al., 2010). Simulations on a real data set gathered by UK Power Networks, in which price incentives were offered, show that our strategies are effective and may indeed manage demand response by suitably picking the price levels.
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