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Feedback from massive stars and gas expulsion from proto-Globular Clusters

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 نشر من قبل Francesco Calura
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف F. Calura

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Globular clusters are considerably more complex structures than previously thought, harbouring at least two stellar generations which present clearly distinct chemical abundances. Scenarios explaining the abundance patterns in globular clusters mostly assume that originally the clusters had to be much more massive than today, and that the second generation of stars originates from the gas shed by stars of the first generation (FG). The lack of metallicity spread in most globular clusters further requires that the supernova-enriched gas ejected by the FG is completely lost within ~30 Myr, a hypothesis never tested by means of three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations. In this paper, we use 3D hydrodynamic simulations including stellar feedback from winds and supernovae, radiative cooling and self-gravity to study whether a realistic distribution of OB associations in a massive proto-GC of initial mass M_tot ~ 10^7 M_sun is sufficient to expel its entire gas content. Our numerical experiment shows that the coherence of different associations plays a fundamental role: as the bubbles interact, distort and merge, they carve narrow tunnels which reach deeper and deeper towards the innermost cluster regions, and through which the gas is able to escape. Our results indicate that after 3 Myr, the feedback from stellar winds is responsible for the removal of ~40% of the pristine gas, and that after 14 Myr, ~ 99% of the initial gas mass has been removed.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We extend our previous SPH parameter study of the effects of photoionization from O-stars on star-forming clouds to include initially unbound clouds. We generate a set of model clouds in the mass range $10^{4}-10^{6}$M$_{odot}$ with initial virial ra tios $E_{rm kin}/E_{rm pot}$=2.3, allow them to form stars, and study the impact of the photoionizing radiation produced by the massive stars. We find that, on the 3Myr timescale before supernovae are expected to begin detonating, the fractions of mass expelled by ionizing feedback is a very strong function of the cloud escape velocities. High-mass clouds are largely unaffected dynamically, while lower-mass clouds have large fractions of their gas reserves expelled on this timescale. However, the fractions of stellar mass unbound are modest and significant portions of the unbound stars are so only because the clouds themselves are initially partially unbound. We find that ionization is much more able to create well-cleared bubbles in the unbound clouds, owing to their intrinsic expansion, but that the presence of such bubbles does not necessarily indicate that a given cloud has been strongly influenced by feedback. We also find, in common with the bound clouds from our earlier work, that many of the systems simulated here are highly porous to photons and supernova ejecta, and that most of them will likely survive their first supernova explosions.
Massive stars are powerful sources of radiation, stellar winds, and supernova explosions. The radiative and mechanical energies injected by massive stars into the interstellar medium (ISM) profoundly alter the structure and evolution of the ISM, whic h subsequently influences the star formation and chemical evolution of the host galaxy. In this review, we will use the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) as a laboratory to showcase effects of energy feedback from massive young stellar objects (YSOs) and mature stars. We will also use the Carina Nebula in the Galaxy to illustrate a multi-wavelength study of feedback from massive star.
We simulate the effects of massive star feedback, via winds and SNe, on inhomogeneous molecular material left over from the formation of a massive stellar cluster. We use 3D hydrodynamic models with a temperature dependent average particle mass to mo del the separate molecular, atomic, and ionized phases. We find that the winds blow out of the molecular clump along low-density channels, and gradually ablate denser material into these. However, the dense molecular gas is surprisingly long-lived and is not immediately affected by the first star in the cluster exploding.
199 - R. Voss 2011
The mixing of ejecta from young stars into the interstellar medium is an important process in the interplay between star formation and galaxy evolution. A unique window into these processes is provided by the radioactive isotopes $^{26}$Al, traced by its $gamma$-ray decay lines at 1.8 MeV. With a mean lifetime of $sim$1 Myr it is a long-term tracer of nucleosynthesis for massive stars. Our population synthesis code models the ejection of $^{26}$Al, together with the $^{60}$Fe, the kinetic energy and UV radiation for a population of massive stars. We have applied the code to study the nearby Orion region and the more massive Carina region and found good agreement with observational constraints.
151 - Xufen Wu , Pavel Kroupa 2017
We study the evolution of star clusters located in the outer regions of a galaxy undergoing a sudden mass loss through gas expulsion in the framework of Milgromian dynamics (MOND) by means of N-body simulations. We find that, to leave a bound star cl uster, the star formation efficiency (SFE) of an embedded cluster dominated by deep MOND gravity can be reduced down to $2.5%$. For a given SFE, the star clusters that survive in MOND can bind a larger fraction of mass compared to the Newtonian dynamics. Moreover, the more diffuse the embedded cluster is, the less substantial the size expansion of the final star cluster is. The density profiles of a surviving star cluster are more cuspy in the centre for more massive embedded clusters, and the central density profiles are flatter for less massive embedded clusters or for lower SFE. This work may help to understand the low concentration and extension of the distant low-density globular clusters (GCs) and ultra-faint and diffuse satellite galaxies around the Milky Way.
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