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Anomalous polarization conversion in arrays of ultrathin ferromagnetic nanowires

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 نشر من قبل Alexander N. Poddubny
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study optical properties of arrays of ultrathin nanowires by means of the Brillouin scattering of light on magnons. We employ the Stokes/anti-Stokes scattering asymmetry to probe the circular polarization of a local electric field induced inside nanowires by linearly polarized light waves. We observe the anomalous polarization conversion of the opposite sign than that in a bulk medium or thick nanowires with a great enhancement of the degree of circular polarization attributed to an unconventional refraction in the nanowire medium.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Ferromagnetic behaviour has been observed experimentally for the first time in nanostructured Manganese. Ultrathin ($sim$ 0.6 nm) Manganese nanosheets have been synthesized inside the two dimensional channels of sol-gel derived Na-4 mica. The magneti c properties of the confined system are measured within 2K-300K temperature range. The confined structure is found to show a ferromagnetic behaviour with a nonzero coercivity value. The coercivity value remains positive throughout the entire temperature range of measurement. The experimental variation of susceptibility as a function of temperature has been satisfactorily explained on the basis of a two dimensional system with a Heisenberg Hamiltonian involving direct exchange interaction.
Ultrathin ferromagnets with frustrated exchange and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction can support topological solitons such as skyrmions and antiskyrmions, which are metastable and can be considered particle-antiparticle counterparts. When spin-o rbit torques are applied, the motion of an isolated antiskyrmion driven beyond its Walker limit can generate skyrmion-antiskyrmion pairs. Here, we use atomistic spin dynamics simulations to shed light on the scattering processes involved in this pair generation. Under certain conditions a proliferation of these particles and antiparticles can appear with a growth rate and production asymmetry that depend on the strength of the chiral interactions and the dissipative component of the spin-orbit torques. These features are largely determined by scattering processes between antiskyrmions, which can be elastic or result in bound states or annihilation.
We report transport measurements and tunneling spectroscopy in hybrid nanowires with epitaxial layers of superconducting Al and the ferromagnetic insulator EuS, grown on semiconducting InAs nanowires. In devices where the Al and EuS covered facets ov erlap, we infer a remanent effective Zeeman field of order 1 T, and observe stable zero-bias conductance peaks in tunneling spectroscopy into the end of the nanowire, consistent with topological superconductivity at zero applied field. Hysteretic features in critical current and tunneling spectra as a function of applied magnetic field support this picture. Nanowires with non-overlapping Al and EuS covered facets do not show comparable features. Topological superconductivity in zero applied field allows new device geometries and types of control.
We show here theoretically and experimentally that a Rashba-split electron state inside a ferromagnet can efficiently convert a dynamical spin accumulation into an electrical voltage. The effect is understood to stem from the Rashba splitting but wit h a symmetry linked to the magnetization direction. It is experimentally measured by spin pumping in a CoFeB/MgO structure where it is found to be as efficient as the inverse spin Hall effect at play when Pt replaces MgO, with the extra advantage of not affecting the damping in the ferromagnet.
We analyze the electric current and magnetic field driven domain wall motion in perpendicularly magnetized ultrathin ferromagnetic films in the presence of interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and both out-of-plane and in-plane uniaxial anis otropies. We obtain exact analytical Walker-type solutions in the form of one-dimensional domain walls moving with constant velocity due to both spin-transfer torques and out-of-plane magnetic field. These solutions are embedded into a larger family of propagating solutions found numerically. Within the considered model, we find the dependencies of the domain wall velocity on the material parameters and demonstrate that adding in-plane anisotropy may produce domain walls moving with velocities in excess of 500 m/s in realistic materials under moderate fields and currents.
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