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Optical investigation of monolayer and bulk tungsten diselenide (WSe$_{2}$) in high magnetic fields

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 نشر من قبل Paulina Plochocka Dr
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Optical spectroscopy in high magnetic fields $Bleq65$ T is used to reveal the very different nature of carriers in monolayer and bulk transition metal dichalcogenides. In monolayer WSe$_{2}$, the exciton emission shifts linearly with the magnetic field and exhibits a splitting which originates from the magnetic field induced valley splitting. The monolayer data can be described using a single particle picture with a Dirac-like Hamiltonian for massive Dirac fermions, with an additional term to phenomenologically include the valley splitting. In contrast, in bulk WSe$_{2}$ where the inversion symmetry is restored, transmission measurements show a distinctly excitonic behavior with absorption to the 1s and 2s states. Magnetic field induces a spin splitting together with a small diamagnetic shift and cyclotron like behavior at high fields, which is best described within the hydrogen model.

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Inversion symmetry breaking and three-fold rotation symmetry grant the valley degree of freedom to the robust exciton in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), which can be exploited for valleytronics applications. However, the short lif etime of the exciton significantly constrains the possible applications. In contrast, dark exciton could be long-lived but does not necessarily possess the valley degree of freedom. In this work, we report the identification of the momentum-dark, intervalley exciton in monolayer WSe2 through low-temperature magneto-photoluminescence (PL) spectra. Interestingly, the intervalley exciton is brightened through the emission of a chiral phonon at the corners of the Brillouin zone (K point), and the pseudoangular momentum (PAM) of the phonon is transferred to the emitted photon to preserve the valley information. The chiral phonon energy is determined to be ~ 23 meV, based on the experimentally extracted exchange interaction (~ 7 meV), in excellent agreement with the theoretical expectation of 24.6 meV. The long-lived intervalley exciton with valley degree of freedom adds an exciting quasiparticle for valleytronics, and the coupling between the chiral phonon and intervalley exciton furnishes a venue for valley spin manipulation.
67 - Ke Xiao , Tengfei Yan , Qiye Liu 2020
Excitons in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) provide a paradigm of composite Boson in 2D system. This letter reports a photoluminescence and reflectance study of excitons in monolayer molybdenum diselenide (MoSe2) with electrostatic ga ting. We observe the repulsive and attractive Fermi polaron modes of the band edge exciton, its excited state and the spin-off excitons. Our data validate the polaronic behavior of excitonic states in the system quantitatively where the simple three-particle trion model is insufficient to explain.
Multi-exciton states such as biexcitons, albeit theoretically predicted, have remained challenging to identify in atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides so far. Here, we use excitation-power, electric-field and magnetic-field dependence of photoluminescence to report direct experimental evidence of two biexciton complexes in monolayer tungsten diselenide: the neutral and the negatively charged biexciton. We demonstrate bias-controlled switching between these two states, we determine their internal structure and we resolve a fine-structure splitting of 2.5 meV for the neutral biexciton. Our results unveil multi-particle exciton complexes in transition metal dichalcogenides and offer direct routes to their deterministic control in many-body quantum phenomena.
Monolayers of transition-metal dichalcogenides such as WSe2 have become increasingly attractive due to their potential in electrical and optical applications. Because the properties of these 2D systems are known to be affected by their surroundings, we report how the choice of the substrate material affects the optical properties of monolayer WSe2. To accomplish this study, pump-density-dependent micro-photoluminescence measurements are performed with time-integrating and time-resolving acquisition techniques. Spectral information and power-dependent mode intensities are compared at 290K and 10K for exfoliated WSe2 on SiO2/Si, sapphire (Al2O3), hBN/Si3N4/Si, and MgF2, indicating substrate-dependent appearance and strength of exciton, trion, and biexciton modes. Additionally, one CVD-grown WSe2 monolayer on sapphire is included in this study for direct comparison with its exfoliated counterpart. Time-resolved micro-photoluminescence shows how radiative decay times strongly differ for different substrate materials. Our data indicates exciton-exciton annihilation as a shortening mechanism at room temperature, and subtle trends in the decay rates in correlation to the dielectric environment at cryogenic temperatures. On the measureable time scales, trends are also related to the extent of the respective 2D-excitonic modes appearance. This result highlights the importance of further detailed characterization of exciton features in 2D materials, particularly with respect to the choice of substrate.
The reduced dielectric screening in atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides allows to study the hydrogen-like series of higher exciton states in optical spectra even at room temperature. The width of excitonic peaks provides information abou t the radiative decay and phonon-assisted scattering channels limiting the lifetime of these quasi-particles. While linewidth studies so far have been limited to the exciton ground state, encapsulation with hBN has recently enabled quantitative measurements of the broadening of excited exciton resonances. Here, we present a joint experiment-theory study combining microscopic calculations with spectroscopic measurements on the intrinsic linewidth and lifetime of higher exciton states in hBN-encapsulated WSe$_2$ monolayers. Surprisingly, despite the increased number of scattering channels, we find both in theory and experiment that the linewidth of higher excitonic states is similar or even smaller compared to the ground state. Our microscopic calculations ascribe this behavior to a reduced exciton-phonon scattering efficiency for higher excitons due to spatially extended orbital functions.
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