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Extremely Soft X-ray Flash as the indicator of off-axis orphan GRB afterglow

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 نشر من قبل Yuji Urata
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Yuji Urata

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We verified the off-axis jet model of X-ray flashes (XRFs) and examined a discovery of off-axis orphan gamma-ray burst (GRBs) afterglows. The XRF sample was selected on the basis of the following three factors: (1) a constraint on the lower peak energy of the prompt spectrum $E^{src}_{obs}$, (2) redshift measurements, and (3) multi-color observations of an earlier (or brightening) phase. XRF020903 was the only sample selected basis of these criteria. A complete optical multi-color afterglow light curve of XRF020903 obtained from archived data and photometric results in literature showed an achromatic brightening around 0.7 days. An off-axis jet model with a large observing angle (0.21 rad, which is twice the jet opening half-angle, $theta_{jet}$) can naturally describe the achromatic brightening and the prompt X-ray spectral properties. This result indicates the existence of off-axis orphan GRB afterglow light curves. Events with a larger viewing angle ($>sim2theta_{jet}$) could be discovered using an 8-m class telescope with wide field imagers such as Subaru Hyper-Suprime-Cam and the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope.

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X-ray flashes (XRFs) are a class of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) with the peak energy of the time-integrated spectrum, Ep, below 30 keV, whereas classical GRBs have Ep of a few hundreds keV. Apart from Ep and the lower luminosity, the properties of XRFs a re typical of the classical GRBs. Yet, the nature of XRFs and the differences from that of GRBs are not understood. In addition, there is no consensus on the interpretation of the shallow decay phase observed in most X-ray afterglows of both XRFs and GRBs. We examine in detail the case of XRF 080330 discovered by Swift at the redshift of 1.51. This burst is representative of the XRF class and exhibits an X-ray shallow decay. The rich and broadband (from NIR to UV) photometric data set we collected across this phase makes it an ideal candidate to test the off-axis jet interpretation proposed to explain both the softness of XRFs and the shallow decay phase. We present prompt gamma-ray, early and late IR/visible/UV and X-ray observations of the XRF 080330. We derive a SED from NIR to X-ray bands across the plateau phase with a power-law index of 0.79 +- 0.01 and negligible rest-frame dust extinction. The multi-wavelength evolution of the afterglow is achromatic from ~10^2 s out to ~8x10^4 s. We describe the temporal evolution of the multi-wavelength afterglow within the context of the standard afterglow model and show that a single-component jet viewed off-axis explains the observations (abriged).
The jet structure of short gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) has been controversial after the detection of GRB 170817A as the electromagnetic counterparts to the gravitational wave event GW170817. Different authors use different jet structures for calculating the afterglow light curves. We formulated a method to inversely reconstruct a jet structure from a given off-axis GRB afterglow, without assuming any functional form of the structure. By systematically applying our inversion method, we find that more diverse jet structures are consistent with the observed afterglow of GRB 170817A within errors: such as hollow-cone, spindle, Gaussian, and power-law jet structures. In addition, the total energy of the reconstructed jet is arbitrary, proportional to the ambient density $n_0$, with keeping the same jet shape if the parameters satisfy the degeneracy combination $n_0 varepsilon_mathrm{B}^{(p+1)/(p+5)} varepsilon_mathrm{e}^{4(p-1)/(p+5)} = mathrm{const.}$. Observational accuracy less than $sim 6$ per cent is necessary to distinguish the different shapes, while the degeneracy of the energy scaling would be broken by observing the spectral breaks and viewing angle. Future events in denser environment with brighter afterglows and observable spectral breaks are ideal for our inversion method to pin down the jet structure, providing the key to the jet formation and propagation.
We present the result of a search for orphan Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) afterglows in the Pan-STARRS1 (PS1) COSMOS survey. There is extensive theoretical and observational evidence suggesting that GRBs are collimated jets; the direct observation of orphan GRB afterglows would further support this model. An optimal survey strategy is designed by coupling the PS1 survey with the Subaru/Hyper-Suprime-Cam (HSC) survey. The PS1 COSMOS survey, one of the survey fields in the PS1 Medium Deep Survey (PS1/MDS), searches a field of 7 deg$^2$ from December 2011 to January 2014, reaching a limiting magnitude R $sim$ 23. The dense cadence of PS1/MDS is crucial for identifying transients, and the deep magnitude reached by the HSC survey (R $sim$ 26) is important for evaluating potential GRB hosts. A transient classification method is employed to select potential orphan GRB afterglow candidates. After a thorough analysis of the transient and host galaxy properties, we conclude that there are no candidates in this survey field. The null result implies that the consideration of jet structures is essential for further orphan GRB afterglow surveys.
The optical light that is generated simultaneously with the x-rays and gamma-rays during a gamma-ray burst (GRB) provides clues about the nature of the explosions that occur as massive stars collapse to form black holes. We report on the bright optic al flash and fading afterglow from the powerful burst GRB 130427A and present a comparison with the properties of the gamma-ray emission that show correlation of the optical and >100 MeV photon flux light curves during the first 7,000 seconds. We attribute this correlation to co-generation in an external shock. The simultaneous, multi-color, optical observations are best explained at early times by reverse shock emission generated in the relativistic burst ejecta as it collides with surrounding material and at late times by a forward shock traversing the circumburst environment. The link between optical afterglow and >100 MeV emission suggests that nearby early peaked afterglows will be the best candidates for studying GRB emission at GeV/TeV energies.
129 - Long Li , Zi-Gao Dai 2021
A relativistic electron-positron ($e^{+}e^{-}$) pair wind from a rapidly rotating, strongly magnetized neutron star (NS) would interact with a gamma-ray burst (GRB) external shock and reshapes afterglow emission signatures. Assuming that the merger r emnant of GW170817 is a long-lived NS, we show that a relativistic $e^{+}e^{-}$ pair wind model with a simple top-hat jet viewed off-axis can reproduce multi-wavelength afterglow lightcurves and superluminal motion of GRB 170817A. The Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method is adopted to obtain the best-fitting parameters, which give the jet half-opening angle $theta_{j}approx0.11$ rad, and the viewing angle $theta_{v}approx0.23$ rad. The best-fitting value of $theta_{v}$ is close to the lower limit of the prior which is chosen based on the gravitational-wave and electromagnetic observations. In addition, we also derive the initial Lorentz factor $Gamma_{0}approx47$ and the isotropic kinetic energy $E_{rm K,iso}approx2times10^{52}rm erg$. A consistence between the corrected on-axis values for GRB 170817A and typical values observed for short GRBs indicates that our model can also reproduce the prompt emission of GRB 170817A. An NS with a magnetic field strength $B_{p}approx1.6times10^{13}rm G$ is obtained in our fitting, indicating that a relatively low thermalization efficiency $etalesssim10^{-3}$ is needed to satisfy observational constraints on the kilonova. Furthermore, our model is able to reproduce a late-time shallow decay in the X-ray lightcurve and predicts that the X-ray and radio flux will continue to decline in the coming years.
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